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That Guy

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Everything posted by That Guy

  1. If we split the games with city we win the league. We didn’t. That’s the beginning and end of it for me. I’m not giving up yet. We’ve got three goals in us tomorrow. I’ll keep hope until the final whistle Sunday, and then, well then I think I’ll have a drink.
  2. Drank too much at Pinthouse. Wearing a pool shirt and the bartender chimed in with a hearty “fuck yeah!” We chatted about the game. Almost shed another tear of gratitude for salah’s goal. So happy about yesterday. Can’t wait for Porto!
  3. Sale! Only $1 off? That’s a hard pass.
  4. I had fun watching the game. I’m happy they won. I hope the kids enjoyed it.
  5. Smax is forever on my “fuck you, smax” since posting the on sale birthday bourbon he bought a couple of years ago. In short, fuck you smax.
  6. Corners have looked dangerous all game. Def like TAA taking them.
  7. Coke and whores. That’s like the least complicated thing in the world.
  8. Isn’t it just basic math that if we finished with a higher composite with fewer players that we would have a higher avg? I mean, I’m not much for the maths, but maths.
  9. I’m sitting on a couch at living spaces right now. They have a large child center where you can leave your kids whilst you shop. No idea on quality or price, but I’m assuming it’s equivalent to the ikea. Pro tip I offer to you is arrive a little drunk and or high.
  10. Ghost dog rabies is the worst kind of rabies.
  11. You get your ass out there and you find that fucking dog.
  12. You’re damn right. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/fPvjfwR
  13. Can’t stop drinking the Tupps ddipa. Damn tasty.
  14. How unselfish of mo to allow Bobby a chance at 3. You could see the recognition and appreciation of it from Bobby during the celebration. This fucking team is special. Also, I’m a little drunk, and that’s ok.
  15. I rock santonis all day everyday. Work very well for the shape of my foot. Large Variety of styles.
  16. I’d be so upset if someone beat me with a chair.
  17. I really liked it when we scored that one goal, and then they didn’t score any. It was really awesome.
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