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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. the fees to turn ETH into WETH were obscene. Can't imagine the fee to convert $20K worth.
  2. yeah, 2nd round of 'waves' starts at 8pm I think
  3. people are pissed off on the discord channel. i have not gotten an email yet
  4. i am positive that people already spend that kind of money with micro-transactions with a LOT of aps/games you can play on your phone. i think the money is there for something like this. I have seen people spend $50K in a year on a stupid build-up-your-city battle game.
  5. may have to be a treefiddy member. not sure on that I posted in the discord, but i'm getting in on this. played the D&B game all the time and some other racing sim aps. got my old coinbase pro login i had not touched since 2018 and had some ETH in there. went through all the crap to convert it to WETH in the zed site, so hopefully can snag a horse or two.
  6. Can't Rich Purnell do some steely-eyed missile man stuff and figure this out on where it's going to land? If there is any justice in the world it will land on an elaborate gender reveal party.
  7. Kids' school is setting up on site vax to be done next Friday (pending approval) via a drive through after school lets out. So kudos to them for making it easy as hell to get it done.
  8. unsure, it did not qualify how they measured it. probably goes by record now.
  9. vs. Teams Over .500 25 -14 vs. Teams Below .500 13 -14 doomed!
  10. no whammies...no whammies...no whammies...STOP! Shirley, you can place a bet on where it lands, right?
  11. just so we are clear, no one is going to defend Tucker on this, right? Or is anyone here truly saying to themselves, "you know, he has point. I bet tomorrow another 30 people will keel over dead post injection from the vax"? The point was quickly blimped by the ol' "hospitals cashed in on declaring every GSW victim actually died of Covid" conspiracy theory and the ensuing back and forth from that. As the thread title declares there are 'lots of politics' in here. i would fall under the libtard category, but like perusing all threads to see what's shaking. There is not much of a counterview in the ol' cloakroom these days. Some things we seem to agree on; some we don't, but I figured there would be a stronger reaction from both sides from this despicable attempt to sabotage people getting vaxxed.
  12. That's not even the main takeaway, imo. It's that this talking colostomy bag is presenting VAERS submissions as if this is vetted legitimate information concerning death related to the vaccine for the sole purpose establishing a fake death rate for the vaccine, then going on to say this established death rate is vastly undercounted and that the vaccine is far more dangerous than we think. Fuck, his boss Murdoch got the vax in secret as soon as he possibly could. The taint (giggle) that Carson is putting on the vaccine is criminal.
  13. Tucker doing God's work, taking info from the VAERS site, which seems like an un-moderated message board where anyone can post adverse vax episodes, and pondering just how many Americans the vaccine has killed. At LEAST 30 day are just keeling over dead from the vaccine. you can see his investigative journalism on display at the link: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-makes-bs-claim-30-people-every-day-are-dying-from-vaccines-heres-the-truth This is why we can't have nice things. Fuck this guy. He is an evil piece of shit. Using that VAERS site as if the information is peer-reviewed verified that a vaccine dose has killed someone is just...
  14. long term effects are not known for either catching the 'vid and recovering or with the vax. we are going vax our 13yo when available. as everyone else likes to point out, driving or juggling chainsaws while walking a tightrope over the grand canyon have a higher chance of death for teens. I just look at as I have a chance to eliminate that super tiny chance of death so why not.
  15. saw this on twitter or hell maybe even the surly baseball forum. but you can't spell 'asshat' without that exact standings in the AL West.
  16. already in the portal. owner was feeding him Alpo and put him 2nd on the depth chart behind a fucking labradoodle
  17. OK, thanks for your take. I don't see it that way. Maybe they are being too cautious, but doing it just to feel like big men/women and lusting after their newfound power? not buying that. The kids and masking guidance. I agree they are too cautious. The data is there that say kids are not going to suffer serious hospitalization/death; no guessing here. I am guessing that kid to kid transmission is at a lower rate vs adults due to kids having a higher asymptomatic rate (when they are infected) and thus lower transmission rate? Is there a large school district that did not do any masking or SD that would show this as fact? or did those that did in person schooling have lower transmission and case rate because they wore masks and the school did all they could to SD? That, in my opinion is where the CDC is coming from right or wrong. I am biased. My kids have been in school all year and had to wear a mask. Honest to God, they have not complained once about it and loved being able just to go to school. Would i prefer they could go w/o mask? Sure there is a lot lost from facial expressions and the youngest does some speech therapy at school. I don't see it as cruel or child abuse though for them to wear a mask, but again, I am using a sample size of 2.
  18. great numbers! so if you assume only symptomatic cases are likely to transmit, then .007% of vaxed population show symptoms and might actually spread the disease. These numbers are probably more reflective of dwindling US C19 case rate. If you transplanted those 95 million into India right now, the number of breakthrough cases would likely to climb to the 10% efficacy seen in the trials (which is still awesome). I think numbers like this should really push the CDC to relax even further their guidelines for vaxed people in US.
  19. OK, i so see this posted a lot on the texags political board. What, specifically, are they trying to maintain control of? Is the narrative here that all Federal gov just gets off on telling people what to do for 'reasons'? I am guess this applies to both parties, right? I mean, the gov is already so intertwined in the lives of everyday people, I just can't fathom how this mask thing is finally the straw that broke the camel's back. you pay fed taxes, fed sets levels for the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, the medicine you take, the drugs you can use. Fed has restrictions on who you can sell to, who you can buy from, what types of goods you can sell/buy. when, where and how you can make use of federal land. Then there is all the money the Fed gov doles out to states, most of it with conditions for use ... but CDC 'recommendation' for masks was over the line and is about 'maintaining control'? that said, I had also hoped for more relaxed guidance from CDC on masking wrt vaxed people. Camps should be able to do what they want and if their customers complain enough, they might change their stance. I am sure there is a calculation concerning a civil suit from the small chance of death of a camper or staff vs loss of business due to mask requirements. It's prudent from a liability standpoint to follow CDC guidelines and that's the rub to folks wanting to eliminate the restrictions.
  20. lol, i saw a 'professional' mixed doubles pickleball match?/game? on TV (was not even the ocho) last week. took me a while to figure out some of the rules like they had to be behind some line to hit the ball back over.
  21. 'bout to do a 5 or 10 gal Maibock i think. been a year since i have brewed. see if i can remember how.
  22. look, surly would consider me a libtard, but i was more poking fun at the moving of goal post with yearly lockdowns for flu vs just saying get vaxxed. As time goes by and the vax is available to just about everyone, i start to lean to the yolo side of covid control. should people who can get the vax and don't be mocked and made to feel bad? Sure. Should the gov require/request mask mandates continue until we reach some magical % of Americans vaxed? No. I don't have a strong opinion on vax passport either. I have the vax. CVS knows i have the vax and that I like to also purchase chocolate everytime i am in the store. I am cool with that. the gov has my name, rank and serial number. how much i (legally) make. They could get a warrant for my phone and track me all over the country. Companies can run a credit check on me and decide whether to or how they do bidness with me. Why can't businesses ask if i have been vaxed? People were cool with answering questions like "have you been in contact with a C19 case in the last x days", "have you had a fever lately", "have you tested positive for covid" to do all sorts of stuff like enter buildings, fly, travel, even get a vaccine. Why were people not refusing to answer those invasive medical questions. well now there can be one simple question that takes care of all that crap. Have you been vaxed? Yes, OK please move to the free and clear VIP line. No, Well then please prepare anus for swabbing and move to the left with all the other degenerates. Is the end game Gattaca for the vax passport? is that the fear? I can squint and see that in the future. Too much money to be made denying insurance to 'genetically predisposed'. Would the vax passport usher that in...probably not. I don't get the GOP rush to pass laws banning vax passports.
  23. well, saying yearly flu vaccinations to reduce risk is kinda already a thing, so not the impact statement he was going for.
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