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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. ZED fucking up maybe was a blessing in disguise. Scored this Z3 filly last night for for ~$7000 under drop cost. https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xa5f1ea7df861952863df2e8d1312f7305dabf215/24282 it pretty much drained my account, such that if had bought even one horse in the drop, the sale would not have gone through. I had put hundreds of super low bids out there to inactive accounts and this one finally paid off. It looks like he is cashing out and selling cheap if you want to check it out. https://opensea.io/chain/matic/0x0982f8e5be6c541845e19fa90588a67734a9753b
  2. LAN party at Monkey's crib for the next drop!
  3. if you have discord, go to the ZED server and there is an echo drop FAQ room
  4. if you bought a horse, you will get the horse. @MonkeyDoughnut
  5. look I can only neglect the mountain of actual work and my kids for so long, ZED
  6. i am logged in but it goes straight to the sold out page
  7. guess it's over now? WTF never saw a picture of a real horse
  8. nothing has loaded even without filters. nothing else to try.
  9. i cannot even see a horse. it's all loading no matter what filters or no filters. phone and computer. geez
  10. so how does a team doctor have this kind of pull? was it just that Bo knew he was a pedo and looked the other way time after time so that Bo was now handcuffed to the pedo doc if he went down? I just can't understand the loyalty to team doc who is a known pedo
  11. i did not get my stable registered in time for the last drop. I listened to a Q&A last night on twitter and is basically boiled down to - have a plan. if you are going for Z6-Z10, don't worry about color or much else. these are going to go fast. with the more expensive horses, you can probably take a little more time to filter around. - they supposedly improved the platform so you won't be wasting time trying to buy an already bought horse. it should refresh when something is bought. - rest of the advice was all over the map. some said their phones worked faster, some said use a comp. It's just 10 minutes from the clock starting to buy 1 horse, then the last 5 mins are YOLO. It's not a 10 minute cool down from your first purchase. each link is supposed to be stable specific, so sharing links probably won't work.
  12. did you get wave 3? I got wave 2 and it said 8:15 EST I think wave 1 was the people who got a faulty link from the TERA drop.
  13. agree. but the thing is, there are very few Z1-Z4s left to sell. Like 35 or so (out of the original 1000) from each category. The latest avg sell price for a Z1 was 13.8ETH ($34.2K) which is pretty close to the drop price of ($36.9K). The floor asking prices are trending up to 15-16ETH which is right at drop. The one that is going to have the most pressure is the Z3 Szabo. Drop price of $13.6K, current floor of $11K.
  14. yeah, i don't know if it's been proven or not if the horse market is pegged to USD or ETH. I am sure it's mix of both for the stuff on openseas. in my head i see all it as ETH and tend to think along those lines, but it's big difference between back when ETH was $4K and now. it's pretty much been at ~$2500 (+/-) since May 21st when it dropped over the course of a few day from it's high.
  15. So, it looks like the drop will be on Thursday, 6/10. not sure on the times yet.
  16. Thanks for posting. In my mind after getting vaxd I like to think i am 100% immune to the c19, but even with the super high eff. rate of the vaxs, it's still possible to get. Glad you had no complications
  17. for Clear, check your most frequented airports to see if they have service. Clear is pretty good at Love but I think it's only at the Delta terminal in DFW. It has been super handy for the wife (no pics) as all the airports she flies for work are covered. I flew mostly to Ohare from DFW (via AA) and last time i checked it was not worth the yearly fee as i would not get much benefit.
  18. my 13yo got his 2nd dose on Friday. had a mild fever and the sweats early Sat morning and a little bit sluggish through Sunday afternoon but nothing really to write home about. This was similar to some of his buddies who got their 2nd around the same time. Glad it's done and now waiting to see results from the next age group down so the 11yo can possibly get it
  19. ZED is saying that breeding will start again back half of June (after the tentatively scheduled drop hopefully next week). To breed a male horse, it costs nothing to put them up in the stud farm. If your or another owner want to breed, a fee is paid by the female horse and the male's owner gets to keep a portion of that. The game gets a cut of every breeding fee. If you breed your own horse, there is 35% discount on the fee paid. I have not found anything that explicitly lays out how the process works. - the male owner commits to put their horse in the stud farm for 1, 3 or 7 days (the longer the stay, the higher your cut). horses cannot race during this time. What i don't know is if the fee can be changed while in the stud farm or if you have to wait out the entire period at the set price. here is a little google sheet that i cobbled together. you can play around with the bloodline, breed, # days etc.. to get an idea of what fees might there for putting a horse out to stud. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AWbCuyVrsEwO1XGdN1ObYEZeLAwARxdw/view?usp=sharing - fields in blue are the inputs. I think it has the latest formulas as everything changed from when they briefly opened up breeding back in early April. The market for Legendary and Exclusive Nakamotos has gone through the roof right now. Everyone is anticipating a scarcity of Nak blood in the breeding pool.
  20. soooo prince for the 1st three picks? i'll allow it.
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