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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. all it take is 1/5 willful ignorance. 3/5 actual ignorance, 2/5 being a colossal piece of shit and a complete lack of understanding fractions.
  2. i saw the same thing on twitter, but digging through web shows some pictures of Nestor in cap/gown with 2020 as the grad year. Maybe he pulled an O'bannon and had 2 Sr years, but who knows.
  3. 'member the cereal that did not even have a box? just the sad plastic bag and product placement on the bottom shelf.
  4. State prisons too. thought i heard on the radio that prisons were getting a lot of doses now.
  5. Pigman : "A Bridge Too Far." Caine and Hackman in the same movie. This is my thesis man! This is my closing argument! I CAN STOP WATCHING TV!
  6. your ears are full of shit if that is what you are hearing from my post. there is no CR in my post at all, why invoke political BS here? abbott was too much of a pussy to handle the negative feels he got from the mah freedom crowd so he dumped that shit onto the shoulders of the Texas businesses. What a fucking hero he is. smh. but at least we are not talking about how he and his appointees fucked up the power grid much anymore or the push to take away employees rights to sue over C19 protocols their employer takes (or doesn't take). All i said was that in Dallas, not much seems to have changed despite the order. In other parts of Texas I am sure it's different. I am curious if any large retailers are saying no mask needed, come on in. There are a few places in Dallas like Eatily (sp?) that don't require masks. Some hate it, some like it. it's a restaurant so in-room dining has little to do with wearing a mask anyway. eat inside or don't, who GAF?
  7. What major businesses have waived mask mandates? my grocery store, the pool store, the liquor store, home depot etc.. are still requiring masks as i hit up all of those this weekend in Dallas. Yes, we are 'open' but anecdotally, not much has changed for me. kids are still required to wear one at school and they have not bitched about it one time this year despite doing this since Sept. the whole 'did masks do anything?' debate is just going to get further muddied in the public mind. Oh well, worry about that later. shit is looking up and and it's awesome to see the vax rolling in. not going to debbie downer this shit.
  8. what benefits are worth $125K? (First person to type 'French' gets stabbed) $5000 per month health insurance + $5000 per month pension/401K match? parking, free sunscreen, increased share of metal detector finds?
  9. yeah, i saw that too. about Luka being sick "are you hurt or are you injured?"
  10. they got the 80 - 84 and then forgot to score for about 7 minutes in the fourth. The refs were all kinds of pissy with them to start the 4th. Surprised Rick did not take an early exit. Bright side, no techs for Luka
  11. i don't have the finer details worked out yet, but give me 20 cubic meters of tannerite and we can make something happen maybe get the thing from Oceans 13(?) that dug the chunnel? definitely use this guy as captain next time
  12. damn, between this instacart hero and the victim in the other supermarket mass killing, these guy/gals should be getting combat pay.
  13. just got my pipes fixed. no real damage to the pumps, but the booster pump that runs the vac is squealing like something from Deliverance. Used to be mildly annoying, but now is pretty bad.
  14. is that a tattoo or neckical herp-aids?
  15. more of a '1 in the hand coil' kind of snake.
  16. we should probably see if the bears are reacting differently to vax'd women to be sure
  17. it's mindbottling that you don't know a purty french word when you see one. moran.
  18. nevermind...typing out a response to this thread made me stupider. the only way to win is not to play.
  19. that sucks to go through all that. i hope it works out. I'll say it again, anyone and everyone can get a CVS shot in Lubbock. They STILL continue to always show availability on the CVS website despite every other city in Texas showing fully booked. I realize no one wants to go to Lubbock, but it's an option. We happened to be driving back through there seeing the in-laws and decided to just get a shot there. you can book your 2nd shot back in your 'hood and don't need to go back. - But keep checking CVS on Wednesdays and Thursdays each week as that's when they normally open up new appts
  20. yeah, that's the work-around at this point, i don't blame operations from trying to get some money flowing back in. We got back from skiing in CO last week. The ski resort was actively policing people not wearing masks and trying to abide by the state regulations set up. for the most part people were complying and the lifts and the village area were all masked up. - The restaurants were at 25% capacity. The lodging was at either 25% or 50% capacity. Those actually looked like they were adhering to the mandates. - The actual number of people they were supposed to let in on the mountain at one time was 25%, but again it's pretty easy to massively inflate the max capacity of a freaking mountain. There was very little difference in the number of people on the mountain vs previous years, so they did not have to really limit anything and were not turning away people buying lift tickets.
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