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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. should have told her that it's every 5 kids that people get a free drink. sooo close.
  2. is this not the exact same thing as taking a knee? Abbott is bailing on chance to sing the nat anthem and throw out the first pitch because of a difference of opinion.
  3. what's the worst team ERA in baseball history? just curious, no reason.
  4. We would have the whole planet scouted already if they had managed to load this bad boy on the rocket. Plus Marvin Martian would be running scared
  5. the shortage is real and it's spectacular. I read the biggest cause was that, on top of the disruptions that the initial C19 caused in all the mfg sectors, automakers dropped demand and canceled orders in anticipation of much lower demand. When that lowered demand did not fully materialize, they scrambled to re-place those orders and then some. Plus the boom that WFH has caused to all things with screens. Then add on the multiple stimulus packages in the last year and you get a lot of people wanting stuff that depend on these chips. i work on the planning side in the cell phone industry and it's notgreatBob.gif as far as supply on basic components goes.
  6. The plot thickens. Apparently I applied to the commonwealth of Virginia for unemployment benefits but the letter sent to me, sadly, denied my eligibility as I am gainfully employed in Dallas during the time period in question. I guess I should not have given my ssn to that nice Russian fellow in exchange for a free copy of Russia Today. Seemed legit.
  7. he was totally lip-syncing to Danke Schoen
  8. hmmm. quick google shows that the ones sent by the Treasury were Visa Debit. Mine is a Mastercard debit. may just try it at the pump next time i fill up and hope it does not ask for a PIN
  9. i think you are on to something. maybe something like a homeless snowpiercer train that never stops? you could probably score some Biden-bucks with infrastructure stimulus as well.
  10. i'm totally surly 1% so i put on my white gloves before opening as to not have to touch a pre-paid CC, but WTF is this thing? I'm guessing someone used my info to sign up, but what's the point? it's pre paid, so how would it even benefit a fraudster? To get any info online, the website says I need to enter SSN and birthdate. website seems legit, but still don't want to enter that into in there. Seems like on the phone i can access the account details by just entering the last 4 of SSN and bday. would this even show up on a credit report? I have access to transunion for free and nothing shows up as a new account there. I don't think it's a rebate for anything for anything. I had just missed out on a $500 gift card on my tiny giraffe purchase, so that can't be it.
  11. it's from say anything he had a much better ride in Better of Dead back to your regularly scheduled recruiting talk
  12. I have said this on various threads, but the CVS website has shown availability for shots in Lubbock every single day since it launched while 90-95% of the other cities always show fully booked. There is a reason the gov announced his lifting of the mask mandate in the hub city.
  13. seems like it. here's a blurb from a googled article. there are a lot out there trying to describe the situation. Just a weird deal if the boy's bio dad was in Miami the whole time.
  14. he used to date nestor's (older; yes I felt i needed to type that out) sister and then I think the boy kept living with him even after they broke up. i don't think there was ever any formal adoption.
  15. that's what gets me. my brain has chocolate receptors and holds back the serotonin until it's demands are met. I am not proud of eating an entire chocolate pie on Sunday, but it was damn good.
  16. where does it say there is a $5K bonus for each death labeled C19? There is a tranche of money that would go to 'high impact' hospitals that have 100+ covid admissions but most of the money requirements look like a hospital just had to treat patients in 2018/2019 . The distribution was calculated on revenues during that time frame. Granted i just zoomed through most of it, but maybe it missed the $5K per death (or case; not sure what you were referring to). Here is an example for the biggest portion of the General Fund Initial $30 Billion Payment Allocation per Provider = (2019 Medicare Fee-For-Service Payments / $453 Billion**) x $30 Billion **This is the total sum of Medicare Fee-For-Service Payments in 2019 Additional $20 Billion Payment Allocation per Provider = ((Most Recent Tax Year Annual Gross Receipts x $50 Billion) / $2.5 Trillion) – Initial General Distribution Payment to Provider There is no mention of C19 as even being a factor. The hospitals get $ solely based on revenue from Medicare from 2019. Below is the only # of Covid cases that would affect a distribution i could find. $10 Billion to 395 High-Impact Hospitals Payment Allocation per Hospital = Number of COVID-19 Admissions* x $76,975 *Hospitals must have 100 or more COVID-19 admissions. So to get some of that $10B, hospitals would have to show or indicate a positive C19 admission. But nothing is tied to deaths as netting more money. Sure i guess they could go back and test a gsw victim that died in the ER for C19 and then fudge the admission form to list C19 if they wanted to up the total number. There is a benefit paid to nursing home that are below some standard for C19 infections and C19 deaths. so there would be an incentive to lie about and lower how many C19 deaths a nursing home had
  17. Imelda Marcos : Shoes :: Deshaun Watson : Massage Therapists
  18. you trying to tell me Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?!?
  19. as a family, we used to go to a church that we really liked. they did not preach hate, welcomed lgbtq community and were pretty much the polar opposite of the Jefress led downtown Baptist church in Dallas. we are still members, still donate a decent chunk of change to them every year, but we just don't go anymore. For me it's a complete lack of faith and really stems from shit i cannot wrap my head around. - Can God be active in our lives. I'm talking about direct divine intervention. God nudging a semi truck to the left to avoid an oncoming car. More to the point, God choosing to intervene. I cannot reconcile God choosing NOT to intervene when children are raped. Either there are no miracles, no divine intervention, no 'God has planned out your entire life' and we are left to the laws of probability and human misery to deal with shit on our own OR the alternative is frankly sickening in that God helps some people in some situations but allows such horror to be visited on the innocent. Yes, i get that we were kicked out the Garden and now bad shit happens because man sucks, but doesn't the concept of 'sometimes' miracles seem horrifying? So if there is no divine intervention we are left with God as the perfect clockmaker. Set the world in motion and then take a step back and let things play out. OK i guess we should be grateful and pay homage for being created, but the Bible directly contradicts that theory with tale after tale of God's vengeance, mercy, love and wrath. So back to square 1.
  20. his face does not work with the mask and chinstrap. cgi that shit to make it look non-scrunched up.
  21. Nice work! doing keto and just seeing the results first hand will change your outlook on food going forward whether you stay on keto or not. i did it for ~7 months to get down to actually below my target weight, then eased off keto and started adding things back in that I missed eating. But it sticks in your mind that eating stuff like hamburger buns, pasta, pastries, candy etc... 2x a day was the cause of all the weight gain to begin with. makes it easier to avoid and easier to look for alternatives and substitutes for those things. or just eat them way less often. i'm still hovering just under 220 (6'7'') about 1.5 years off keto; about 10lbs above my lowest weight.
  22. yeah, good on them for getting whatever they can. that said, just post signs that say Darwin is watching, do shit at your own risk and save all the scratch to buy an ocean-proof body collecting robot.
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