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Dennis Taylor

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Everything posted by Dennis Taylor

  1. Now word is that it wasn't a riptide ...footage doesn't show anything graphic https://www.totalprosports.com/nfl/ryan-mallett-drowning-bodycam-footage/
  2. Get yer grades up or get yer guns up! There are plenty of pictures floating around as to why...most involve male nudity, some sort of water torture in the anus region, partially clad males hugging, etc...I'm sure someone can repost them
  3. I heard that doesn't happen out of professional courtesy
  4. "Man on the street" interview guy asks someone how much he knows about hockey, happens to be Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson https://www.instagram.com/p/CuC0btrOb4_/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  5. So Kirby Switzer isn't exactly a disciplinarian, is that what I'm sensing?
  6. Peyton Hillis nearly drowned recently while saving his son and niece in a Florida riptide. Spent awhile in the hospital afterwards. He and Mallett just missed being teammates at Arky since Mallett initially went to Michigan. https://abc7ny.com/peyton-hillis-accident-rip-current-rescue/13377348/
  7. And he saw the aggy stickers on the back
  8. A high school teammate died in an avalanch in Utah while he was in college. The guy he was out there with was only a few yards away from him and was completely fine, but was helpless to try to find or rescue him. Another guy I knew in high school died when a vehicle came flying off the freeway and landed on his car as he was on the feeder road waiting to turn at an intersection.
  9. Wow that's what extra innings execution looks like
  10. I can recall at least 10 times this year that he hasn't. Maldy can't even fucking bunt anymore
  11. "He beat me up, took drugs all the time, would disappear for 3 or 4 days" "How do you want people to remember him?" "He was a great dad"
  12. Bringing their record in games that never happened to 412-0
  13. Don't know how to embed insta https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtwRisEticH/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
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