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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RichUT

  1. And you lost me again. Listen, it doesn’t make a shit bit of difference what either of us thinks here. But I’m not seeing a world where we would never want the buzz/juice associated with pulling down the blue bloods. The program benefits from that in ways that go beyond the pure on court product.
  2. It seems like the conversation has shifted away from “recruit absolutely zero five star HS players” towards a discussion about the allocation of resources across HS recruits and transfer portal targets. I can get on board with a 70/30 or 80/20 portal/HS player model. That wasn’t the initial solution offered up, however.
  3. You are viewing this as binary when it’s not. You’re also falling victim to recency bias. For however long players are required to spend one year in college it will be worth taking a few swings at the elites. The contact rate is going to be low, but you don’t fully close the door to either pipeline of talent.
  4. It seems like basketball recruiting is too much for you. Maybe just don’t follow it and wait for the season to start.
  5. Name one other school in the same spot that has refused to grant a kid from his NLI. I don’t think you can, and that’s because it’s recruiting suicide. Other programs would have a heyday if we did that. Beyond that, he could appeal and I’m sure the NCAA would let him out due to the coaching change. Players have the leverage here. I get that people wish they didn’t, but that’s just how it works.
  6. Sure. I’d love nothing more than to be proven wrong. We still have that bottle somewhere so a side by side would be easy.
  7. There is no place for that sort of pragmatism here. Please pick one end of the spectrum or the other, and then proceed with flinging shit at the end you don’t pick.
  8. You should pause to consider the long term implications of doing that. It would sink us with every other high profile recruit we’d approach going forward. It’s untenable. We’ve been in the era of player entitlement for awhile now. You just have to grit your teeth, accept it, and move on.
  9. If I had three pours worse than that last year I’d be shocked. Almost undrinkable. And that was an opinion held by everyone in our group of 10.
  10. Coaching change gives him the ability to be released from his NLI.
  11. Nice thought, but I don’t own any of either.
  12. And: Still Austin Bookers/Little Book Barrell Remus Repeal Michter’s Not to mention all the usual suspects. I really only steer clear of Jack Daniel’s (the 12 year is good) and anything Elijah Craig.
  13. And a year or two ago you were unlikely to find it more than 2-3 weeks after the drop. The "gotta catch em all" mentality definitely needs to be broken. That's the kind of shit that leads to all the hoarding and secondary market shenanigans. When it comes to Discovery, there is a finite amount of it they can make given that it's 100% sourced. So the line expansions of products that have comparable quality help to increase aggregate supply. You seem to view this as a problem, where I view it as ideal. Sure, you have to do a little bit of homework to figure out which one bottle to buy, but at least you have options.
  14. Most bottles at that price point are "shelf turds" right now, but that's a byproduct of recessionary fears and a pull back in discretionary spending vs. the whiskey not being good. BTW, the shelf turd mindset only proves the argument for intentionally making a product scarce. People are such fucking sheep. If it's hard to find it's because everyone else wants it so it must be great, which only perpetuates something being hard to find. If there is plenty of supply, it must mean that people don't want it so it must be a turd and then it sits around. Other than number 5, I've never had a Disco I didn't love.
  15. Isn’t it like a $50 bottle? What are we really worried about at that price point?
  16. This is a wild take. And that's really saying something on this board. Arterio was incomplete and inconsistent (as many freshman are) but he never full on sucked at any point this season. His defense was above average throughout the year and if we're grading his D on the standard freshman guard curve, it was damn near elite. The last time I checked, playing D was at least half of the job description, and his play on that end of the court never once approached sucking. His offensive game didn't match, but he also rarely received the kind of run he needed to get into the flow of the game. He essentially approached every game with the understanding that he'd have a 5-7 minute window to show if his shot was falling and potentially earn more play time based on having the hot hand. That's not an ideal scenario for optimal performance for any athlete. I'd be super bummed to see him move on, as he seems likely to make a leap in year 2.
  17. Jesus Christ. This isn' that hard. The perception was that he wasn't good enough for the job before. New shit came to light and there is a solid chance that perception was wrong. While a vocal minority (and a bunch of trolls) are saying he's the wrong hire, most people (myself included) see the hire as rationale and defensible. However, recency bias is a very real thing. Therefore, it's normal for people capable of critical thinking to point out that just MAYBE that original perception will be proven right. The net here is that most people understand the decision to hire RT, but there is no need to deny the fact that it carries a level of risk. Some folks that support the hire want to discuss that risk, which should be totally fine.
  18. There are two discreet points here that, while conceptually related, are not directly linked nor at odds with each other: Point 1 - Prior to this past season, there was nothing in Rodney Terry's job history or performance that would have resulted in him being a credible candidate for the head coaching job at the University of Texas. While that is technically a subjective statement, only the biggest of idiots would suggest that he would have received any consideration. Point 2 - Based on his body of work THIS SEASON, Rodney Terry was a credible candidate to be our next basketball coach and arguably the best/right choice given the lack of a "sure thing" candidate like Billy Donovan or Jay Wright. Both points can be and are true at the exact same time. What allows that to be case is the passage of time between the two reference points. Both points are also highly relevant as it relates to projecting Rodney Terry's future ability to build a successful program over an extended period of time. It's fair to project risk based on Rodney's previous stops as a head basketball coach. It's also fair to project optimism based on what we just saw play out this season. Continuing to spam this board with the question of "well who would be a better choice?" is neither insightful nor helpful.
  19. That’s not the point being made here. There are fair and valid criticisms of RT’s career trajectory to be made that don’t preclude him from also being a reasonable and defensible hire given his body of work this season.
  20. Why do we care? CDC has proven a level of competence where I have no level of curiosity on details like that. Here’s one thing I am certain of: We can afford it.
  21. There is nobody blindly defending Terry, regardless of how much you want that narrative to be true. The sentiment of the majority is that 1) there is no slam dunk hire available and 2) RT is as defensible a hire as any of the other flawed candidates that are actually available. Blindly supporting RT would entail saying we should hire him over Billy Donovan and/or saying he is absolutely destined for greatness. I don't see any of that happening. Almost everyone here is being an adult about where we are at and how we got here. And then there is you.
  22. Why are people hung up on the “safety” of a shorter contract to begin with? It makes almost no sense. Give him a deal that sends the right message to recruits and portal targets. In ~3 seasons we’ll know what we have. He’ll either get extended or fired, but at least he’ll start off Day 1 with the best chance to succeed.
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