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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RichUT

  1. That’s so unlike him. He’s always been such a genuine and transparent kid.
  2. I prefer the Xbox experience more, but PS5 is the pick based on the strength of their exclusive titles.
  3. You’re looking for actual recruiting news? This isn’t the place for that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Okay bill, I have to finally ask. What’s up with taking all your whiskey pics on a couch? If you’re trying to give off a Brazzers vibe then I suppose that’s a personal choice. And it’s working, FWIW. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. No one overreacts to the outcome of the game when recruits are visiting quite like Texas fans. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. bill’s Little Book takes always confuse the fuck outta me. For sure some are better than others, but all 6 are very good and I don’t get the hang ups over the age trends. They are unique expressions that showcase an ability to blend components whose total exceeds the sum of their parts. I’d never pass one up at retail.
  7. People keep saying Arch is going to redshirt but I fully expect him to burn a year of eligibility next year in a backup or mop-up capacity. Arch Manning is not a prospect that plans on being in college for 5 seasons, so there is zero value in protecting his redshirt. If we want him ready to be QB1 in 2024 they will find opportunities for him to see some live bullets throughout next year.
  8. Probably having third or fourth thoughts at this point.
  9. Did anyone see the Fofana injury? Any early indications of how serious it is?
  10. I’ll say that openly bitching about the decline in secondary value does sort of invite criticism. That said, take the idle threat shit to PM’s. This is a thread about bourbon, not measuring dicks.
  11. Sounds like the deal for Potter is on. We'll see how long he manages to stick around.
  12. It’s horse shit for sure. Watch him get disciplined after the fact, which does fuck all to make up for those 2 dropped points.
  13. They didn’t review it though. They paused to consider a review and ultimately didn’t.
  14. Both goals come right after uncalled fouls. Seems about right for the EPL.
  15. Imagine if our front line could score goals too….
  16. ESPN’s transfer talk is now running with the Kounde to Barca story. Fuck those fucking fucks.
  17. And it won’t do anything to fix the problem. It’s honestly a waste of time and taxpayer dollars. The people that can “fix” this are the distilleries (raise prices) or the consumers (stop letting FOMO lead to paying secondary), and neither of those are going to happen.
  18. Haha. How would they even go about cracking down on something like that? Any time you can buy something for a nickel and sell it for a dime or a quarter, this stuff is going to happen.
  19. The trade winds seem to be blowing Kounde in the direction of Barca now. That would be a massive blow at this stage in the game.
  20. Looks like Ake is staying put, so our search for another CB goes on.
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