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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RichUT

  1. I think we are meant to infer that they pulled in their visit because they have closure on a major selling point that a WR would care about. You know, something like “we have a kid with generational arm talent and a bitching hair cut joining the program”. You wouldn’t meet sooner with him if that selling point were still hanging in the balance. Or that’s what I think we’re supposed to piece together.
  2. You think this is more bizarre than pattern matching hotel curtains during the Urban or bust fiasco?
  3. So they were saying the exact same things that all of the $9.95 experts were saying? So weird. It's almost like there is a script they are following.
  4. I don't think it's as nefarious as folks are suggesting. Think of this as Tech looking around corners here. The possibility, if not probability, that Ewers might portal has always been on the table. If they came together and said "if this kid does decide to bolt, we should go all in for him and here's what I think it should look like", then that's totally fine. All they are doing there is trying to plan for success. I'd expect Sark and UT to do the same, but would not be surprised in the least to learn that they did not.
  5. Really feels like we could spend some time brainstorming alternative wagering stakes around here. You know, maybe come up with something that doesn’t end with a fist in the ass? Just a thought.
  6. Filthy rich people don’t get filthy rich by NOT being greedy.
  7. Well of course it's the students. The sort of ravenous crowd you were looking for doesn't appear 6 games in under a new coach. Most traditions tend to start small and gather momentum as they get passed from one generation to the next. The sort of fandom you crave is a learned behavior that is passed down over the years by either parents or by upperclassmen to underclassmen. Really you need a combo of both to reach the level of Duke/UNC fandom. We have a minuscule number of true "dyed in the wool" Texas basketball fans on the planet, and it's going to take a decades long run of sustained high level play to increase those numbers to the point where they live up to what you're looking for. If Beard sticks with this as an annual tradition, I can definitely see it turning into something special. It just needs to get incrementally bigger and better each year. I know you know this, but it's been 13 years since we've even been to a Sweet Sixteen. The current freshman class was 5 years old then. They have only ever known a Texas basketball program that has vacillated between below average to slightly above average with a mean value of meh. I think Beard is absolutely up to the task of changing the culture, but he's going to have to work this hard for years to realize the full potential of what's possible.
  8. Barrell makes delicious shit that routinely contains individual components that many people turn their noses up at. They have been killing it for awhile and most of the recent batches use some combo of KY/TN/IN juice. Blending is a whole different game and you shouldn't just look at a list of components and rule something out because you don't like one by itself. That is more of a matter of me defending blending as a process than me defending Disco 7, which I've obviously never had. At this point I've had 5 out of the 6 Discovery blends and 4 of the 5 I've tried have been very good to fucking great. So their hit rate here is pretty strong.
  9. Yeah. I grabbed a bottle secondary because my weakness is disgusting. I like it quite a bit, but it's not a life changing pour. It skews to the sweet and fruity side without a ton of spice. I was expecting a bit more of the marshmallow note given the toasted barrel finishing, but that really wasn't there. I did notice that it opened up and got better every time I returned to the glass for another sip. A buddy of mine that tried it a week later said the same thing. I haven't spent a ton of time with it, so I don't have much to share beyond the high level yet. I'm happy that I have it. It's probably not going to be seen as "worth it" to anyone that is laser focused on what they think things should cost, but I'm not one of those guys.
  10. Fusion 5 = very solid and crushable bourbon. Discovery 5 = major letdown vs prior releases and overall not worth the money. Btw, tried the Disco 6 again tonight. Absolute [emoji91]. Maybe the best one of all.
  11. A worse hire than Bobby Jack Wright. That was utterly incomprehensible to me before now, but here we are.
  12. It’s honestly in his best interest to portal out. I don’t get the sense he’s that kind of guy, but going somewhere with a competent OL and QB play would certainly be the smart play. Nothing but risk if he sticks around here. He’ll get overworked and be subject to injury risk.
  13. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts on Chapter 5. That’s my take anyway.
  14. I mean, sure? They are apples and oranges. I love variety, so I don’t think about whiskey in that way. Otherwise I’d just say bourbon X is the best and would only buy that.
  15. I disagree that Little Book 4 and 5 aren’t good or aren’t worth having. I like them all. I loved the spice on 4, and I like all the caramel notes on 5. The variation from year to year is going to mean that the reception varies depending on what people like in a pour. I’ve only had a single pour of Chapter 1, but I’d rate them 3, 4, 1, 5, 2.
  16. I'd say they are "fine". The Pot Still is affordable and easy drinking, yet unremarkable. It's just not what I'm looking for in a bourbon personally. They all have that Balcones "funk", which can be polarizing. If you want to put your money behind a Texas made bourbon, Still remains the best bet IMO. I think Treaty Oak's Ghost Hill Bourbon is also pretty solid, especially some of their store picks.
  17. The Wheated Bourbon they release once a year at the distillery. I could take it or leave it with the rest of their lineup. Just not my jam. The Rum might be the second best thing they make.
  18. Zero reason to believe Sark can right the ship. Let the countdown to the next coaching search begin.
  19. Tried Series 6 when I was at the distillery. It’s a much needed comeback after the letdown that was Series 5.
  20. Maybe some of them will fall for that idea. The smart ones will recognize that Sark is just not a good HC and will look elsewhere.
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