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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RichUT

  1. I’m definitely making the switch to Lithium whenever the initial batteries in my Onward are ready to be replaced. Anyone know how long to expect conventional acid batteries to last for a cart used exclusively for residential use? I’ve read they can last for 6+ years if you take care of them and keep the water levels right.
  2. Yeah it's not great. But it has served an unexpected purpose of being a "nice" bottle that I can put out whenever uninformed whiskey fans come over. I'm all too happy to let them partake and comment on how smoooooth it is.
  3. I’ve had all of them except for 1. 2 is the best imo. 3 and 4 are right behind it, with plenty of people arguing one way or the other. 5 was the biggest letdown. 6 was a return to form and 7 is plenty good, but a notch below 6. I rank them: 2 3 4 6 7 . . . . . 5
  4. We’re not exactly cooking with fire during this transfer window. I get that a lot of that is tied to the change in ownership, but we better turn it around quickly if we have any intentions to stay in the mix for UCL placement.
  5. Got a text that my group’s 4th of July bottle was ready for pickup out of the blue. We try to steer all of our booze purchases to the same spot and the proprietor takes care of us on allocated stuff here and there, and always at retail. No idea how he managed to pull this particular rabbit out of his hat, and I wasn’t inclined to ask.
  6. Wasn’t expecting that to happen today…
  7. I haven’t bought a single bottle in 2022 and still have whiskey for days (70+ bottles). Honestly it’s been freeing not tracking releases or stressing about what I do/don’t get.
  8. Fusion is on the upswing as Bardstown’s distillate has aged. I picked up 5 to share with a couple of friends and it was crushable. I expect that each batch will continue to get better. For context, I had some of batch 2 and thought it was pretty mediocre.
  9. Smells almost exactly like a Werther’s original. Huge caramel profile, with some spice on the back end from the Rye content. It’s tasty, but not terribly complex. It’s probably $40-$50 bourbon that’s being sold for more because they have a sexy bottle.
  10. Me neither. I actually preferred 14. 15 fell a little flat for me.
  11. I’m not one to ask for a MWND compare. I don’t really love that one, but I recognize I’m pretty much on my own there. Seagrass is damn good though. It earned its place on all those best of the year lists. It’s the best executed finished whiskey I’ve had, as the backbone of the Rye is unmistakable but the flavors from the barrels are there and elevate the end product. I was initially hesitant because I also bought Armida and I could never get into it because nothing about it identified as a bourbon. I ended up giving that bottle away.
  12. Passing on Seagrass at $65 is a mistake. Shit, worst case is you don’t like it and can easily trade a damn near full bottle for something of equivalent value.
  13. Well that’s not REALLY TX whiskey. It’s MGP sold by a Texas NDP.
  14. The 2% ER just feels unnecessarily cute. What’s 2% really going to do to the overall taste profile? I’d bet the answer is “next to nothing”.
  15. There are lots of bourbons I would not hesitate to spend $110+ for. Confiscated is most certainly not one of them.
  16. Brennan nailed The Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer and his therapist. Not to mention the fact that he put his nut sack on Dale’s drum set. So I gotta give him the nod in a close race.
  17. If by “football season” you mean “disappointment”, then yes. Excellent comparison.
  18. Jack and fucking coke? Jesus Christ. If you’re older than 21, you’re too old to be drinking that.
  19. Isn’t that just a UK version of their standard single barrel? Price is the same. Is it worth it? Not any more or less worth their stuff in general. GB scratches a uniqueness itch that’s important to me, so I tend to like their stuff and am fine paying for it. Can you objectively say it’s $40 better than WT Rare Breed? I think that’s probably tough.
  20. Yikes. Those prices are brutal.
  21. Seagrass is fucking great. It’s KY/IN/Canadian Ryes and it’s a home run.
  22. I’ve never once had a bad batch of Barrell Bourbon or Rye. Now, if you go for the infinite barrel, the American whiskey, a store pick, or some of their other more niche products, your experience could vary greatly. Of their newer releases I’ve had the Gold Label ($500 SRP) and the Gray Label Seagrass, and both of those are delicious. Can you say the Good Label is $500 good? I think that’s super tough. But it’s got great depth of flavor and a great finish. People get so hung up on the $80 SRP for their core releases, but they are doing great work blending sourced distillate and it’s readily available with almost no secondary market. I think more of the category should be in the $70-$90 range to slow down the secondary market, even if it’s just a little. But hey, don’t listen to me. Leave it alone so it remains readily available please.
  23. I don’t know shit about Sanders as a dude, but it certainly reads like he’s just not an Austin kind of kid. I don’t get it, but there are always kids like that in every class.
  24. Stoli owns the brand and partnered with Dixon Dedman to select sourced Kentucky juice to sell at a premium. I’ve had most of them, and none of them are bad. That said, they priced them high because, presumably, sourced Kentucky whiskey of any age/quality is getting pricey and I’m sure Dixon was well compensated. I like Confiscated the least and the Wiseman Bourbon batch 3 the most. I never walked away feeling like any of them worth the asking price at MSRP.
  25. Whiskey is basically Pokémon or Baseball Cards for men at this point.
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