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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Yup. Ride it until it dies and hope it’s taken me far enough to get by with a job slinging beer at a local brewery for a little extra money as my next play.
  2. I’ve been in the same time and I’ve gotten close to this but the money is too good and the job too easy (office) for me to give up yet. But with all of the rolling layoffs I’ve came to peace if they draw my number and plan to transition out.
  3. As long as you are comfortable with the developer, this is the way to do it. This group is buying existing B/C class properties in select markets that are not in alignment with the surrounding properties. I am not sure I would invest in a new development; with existing buildings you at least have a built in revenue stream as long as you don’t run them all off.
  4. I’ve invested with a company like this in apartments but it was not solicited, invitation only. You had to be an accredited investor, the minimum investment is high, and you kiss the money goodbye for 5 years. We haven’t sold any of the properties I’ve invested in but the “dividends” have been paid as presented in the financials. I may lose it all or it may double in 5 years only time will tell.
  5. What’s the opinion of franchising into fast food with no food service experience? I’ve always considered it to be a bad idea to buy into a CFA or something similar if you had never worked in the industry. I could see opening fast food in a underserved town but have never worked in the food industry.
  6. That’s the truth. I figure if I get caught up in a lay-off anytime soon I’ll have to roll into a new profession I just don’t see many jobs out there anytime soon. Would try to pick something up with existing degree but most likely would end up going back for a masters in mechanical or electrical and moving on.
  7. Was told it was all done yesterday.
  8. I survived our last round they got 20-25% of my peers in the company. Have a contact at CHK, they were told to work from home on Friday and that they would be doing phone layoffs, 15% target.
  9. The first trillion is always the hardest.
  10. I’m assuming if I get let go this go around that I’m gone for good. I’ll make some calls and see what I can hustle up and keep an ear open but will actively be looking at new industries.
  11. It is a steady part of my workout rotation, along with other 90s rap
  12. It’s on Amazon Music Unlimited if anyone subscribes. I added it this morning after seeing this post.
  13. That's what I'm doing. I told my wife we're saving all we can now because we don't know how long it will last and I don't know where else I could go and get the same benefits or better. Absolutely this. We are saving and investing to get some secondary income for when this ends I only need to replace 50% of my income not 100%.
  14. I like his determination and persistence, you don’t see that kind of work ethic in kids these days.
  15. I knew one of the girls killed in the “Cathouse Murders”, she was a bit nerdy and awkward as a young girl. Don’t remember the last time I saw her though.
  16. My LinkedIn has been a bloodbath, lots of tenured people saying they have been let go. My wife is considering voluntarily leaving the industry to diversify our income streams. Hasn’t decided but seems to be leaning that way. Would be nice if it wasn’t the worst job market since the ‘30s.
  17. I took small nibbles on several on those list today so I am sure they will crash during earnings next week.
  18. Yes. Underground salt caverns https://www.energy.gov/fe/services/petroleum-reserves/strategic-petroleum-reserve
  19. Get an Assault Bike and crush your soul, once a week I’m doing 15 second sprints and I want to die.
  20. Very dependent on the rock, I’ve seen some that will pop right back on trend and others that are permanently damaged. Ive heard some discussion that if people don’t want to DUC wells of completing them flowing back the load to get to res conditions and then SI.
  21. I’m actually a worker bee cog in the wheel, at one point I had dreams of a small fleet of stripper wells but not sure how feasible that is anymore. I do have several good buddies that are small operators and OBO companies so I get to see their trials and tribulations. My Pioneer anger goes back a few months before their latest proration pleas.
  22. Man, fuck Pioneer. Those assholes (CEO) have done several things lately that have pissed me off. I get that they are trying to talk shit to get a stock bump but are trying to cut everyone else’s throat to do it.
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