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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. That would be very important if we were debating Mike Flynn's civil lawsuit for wrongful termination. But not extremely so, since he serves at the pleasure of the POTUS and like Comey can be fired at any time for any reason.
  2. And did the FBI really "lose" the 302 in a case for false statements?
  3. Flynn was coming into a top post that would require a great deal of foreign relations. It would be unethical to not prepare for work by knowing the minds of men he would need to speak with.
  4. I normally frown upon pasting the entire damn article. But this is one is exceptional and I upvoted you for it.
  5. They got those 30,000 for Facebook ads for sure. Which state do you think the Russians tipped? That's why Comey is a slimeball. As are the other senior officials from the Obama-Biden regime.
  6. Are you saying SOME PEOPLE DID SOMETHING?
  7. It would help if you read up on what Comey's FBI actually did.
  8. And you would be throwing a fit if Trump's FBI surveilled the Bidens while saying they just happened to get 'swept up' in a counter-intelligence investigation. It would not be hard to find people to say that = 'other high crimes and misdemeanors.' But so far even the surly harpies haven't accused Trump of using the intelligence services to interfere in the election.
  9. Where were you during the impeachment coup? (The difference being Hunter Biden was on a foreign payroll)
  10. Samantha who? A week ago Biden couldn't remember that he tried to unmask IT was so clear that he fell for the trap set by the FBI that they withheld exculpatory evidence from his inept attorneys, never mind threatening his son. I'm sure the Obama-Biden team will defend by telling us it was their standard procedure, which is sadly likely to be true.
  11. Did Starr tell Clinton not to have a lawyer in the room? Did he boast to Fox news about taking advantage of a new administration? Did Starr's men lie about why they were taking a sworn deposition? Did they already rule out culpability for Clinton in the shady land? Was Flynn under oath? If the triggered Horns gave 6 replies this afternoon can I count on 24 now?
  12. The investigation was needed to manufacture the only crimes. Without Entrapment and perjury traps they could not have arrested Flynn. One wonders if the investigators know they have to make up crimes to justify their own existence.
  13. Yeah you wonder if he realized no play = no pay.
  14. Except it's never going to sniff a trial and Flynn won't serve one minute. "We tricked him into withholding information material to a fictitious crime we trumped up ourselves" is not a loss that any prosecutor wants on his resume.
  15. Jill Stein was at the dinner too. If I thought like you and Lisa Page then I'd say we have suspicious behavior, finally.
  16. hmm why would Trump's declared national security advisor be talking to other advisors? You probably think it's proof of guilt.
  17. Victims of the Obama-Biden 'Justice' Dept must not only be heard; they must be believed.
  18. 4 quotes in one afternoon, the cult is riled. I said they would never get a conviction, especially if that evidence had been given to the defense. All Flynn needed to do was explain as an intelligence official he speaks to people on a need to know basis and these agents from a different department did not need to know. They pressured Flynn into pleading by threatening to go after his son and bleeding him dry paying his lawyers. Federal defense Lawyers aren't cheap. They did not say why they thought they could never get a conviction on McCabe. I think it is because the jury pool would be Washington DC where 90% think he's a bloody hero.
  19. The released documents confirm they were there to set a perjury trap after they had already decided to stop the investigation because they had figured out Flynn wasn't a Russian agent. Peter S wanted it to keep going for his insurance policy. The FBI didn't think Flynn lied to the FBI.
  20. It proves Entrapment. And the general slimey nature of the Obama-Biden 'Justice' Dept.
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