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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. Part of Battle Hymn of the Republic was composed in the ante-bellum South. And white people like so count on it being added to the Index Prohibum soon.
  2. Who in the thread says anyone should be forced to sing anything? The National Inquisition says that no one shall sing things they deem immoral. He can infer which is most likely to throw out accusations of racism.
  3. Thanks Poindexter. But removing the comments is like removing your UT song. Just another attack on freedom from people who don't want it to exist. Since you speak for DD, does he know that no black person leaves the USA to emigrate to a black majority country. Many want go the opposite way. Has he ever paused to contemplate that?
  4. It's the voice of the people. Sometimes the people out perform the journalist, which is why the journalists increasingly do not allow comments on their work.
  5. unfortunately they also tore down a statue of a Mexican General/President who fought the whites but apparently had to fight the non-whites too. Now no one has to ask the annoying question of why New Mexico built a monument to Old Mexico.
  6. Did UT get called racist for firing him? ND did for Ty Willingham because he only got 3 years of a 5 year contract. oh and the same goes for USF?
  7. Was. B&T did a sequel back then. FWIW their Saturday morning cartoon was one of my favorites.
  8. Do I get to opt out of tax incentives so the NFL can build even larger palatial stadia with no water fountains?
  9. Any white person not lining up to kiss Kapernick's ring[less]?
  10. The Man Who Wasn't There (1956) because I did a book report on the subject in middle school. As book it was intriguing but hour 1 has been The Plot that Doesn't Move.
  11. We could use a man like the 4th Horseman again.
  12. I'm surprised that people with something to lose don't turn their social media over to their agent or publicist. You cannot win anything but can lose everything over a change in head wind.
  13. There is also a Playboy radio station for those who read it for the articles.
  14. Applachia St had them beat, UM only got to try a fg because the Appies somehow gave up a Hail Mary. Army '19 was kicking to beat UM in their stadium after controlling much of the game, although it was a long fg and the Cadets eventually lost in OT.
  15. I also give the edge to Rio Bravo, one of my favorite westerns. Dean Martin was totally believable as the drunk cop. El Dorado is good too with a better score, it's more of a hootenanny comedy.
  16. That's certainly the story that his current lawyer tells. I don't think it can be legal malpractice if the bottom line is a plea deal for no jail time. with people he would be working with on important matters of national security. And that should show you just how horrible a person we have in James Comey. He was willing to back stab a fellow officer, ensuring mass distrust within the executive branch, just so he could pursue his vendetta.
  17. Like many things it was probably legal because you cannot prove the intensions of the parties. Flynn's first lawyers were bending over to get on the right side of the special counsel and were willing to make a deal on the condition that evidence would not have to be revealed.
  18. You don't see how the National Security Adviser will have to work with the FBI?
  19. It's pretty well known that they were coordinating to raise money from China. It's also old news as in, the other Clinton.
  20. prosecutorial discretion When they indubitably disregard the rules it becomes a good faith mistake.
  21. Somehow your theory has escaped the notice of even the tallest tales of the deep state.
  22. Maybe it's on the 302 that was mysteriously lost by Comey's brain trust.
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