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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. People have been saying Sater has been cooperating with the FBI for a while now, right? It would seem like that would be the sort of thing that Felix would be corroborating as part of his cooperation, I'd think. That said, that email is pretty ridiculous.
  2. QIA makes perfect sense. Please, eight pound, six ounce, newborn baby Jesus, don't even know a word yet, just a little infant, so cuddly, but still omnipotent - let them track the Rosneft brokerage fee from the QIA back to Trump and co. Would be so sweet if 95%+ of the Steele dossier ended up being true.
  3. With regard to this matter, I think Lindsey should heed his own advice from 2014 ...
  4. Doesn't he realize that anyone that has been paying attention over the last 2 years is now scrambling to find these clips to figure out what Michael D'Antonio has said exactly right about his dumb ass?
  5. That table only shows the >5% SHs. Approximately 40% of the VTB ordinary shares aren't reflected there, many of which are held by non-state entities (based on the sources spoiler'd below).
  6. Just a reminder about the QIA / Rosneft / Page episode: https://medium.com/@gregolear/the-rosneft-commission-trumps-inevitable-downfall-will-involve-money-and-lots-of-it-81e87778288f https://medium.com/@gregolear/rosneft-revisited-did-trump-do-a-deal-in-russia-b2dfda6ce310 Fingers crossed that Mueller has managed to substantiate some of the speculation around a Rosneft brokerage. How sweet would it be if the Steele Dossier was spot on regarding Page's activities and they managed to track the money back to the Trump organization?
  7. I haven't been following along closely, but I didn't think either of VTB Bank or Alfa Bank were wholly-owned by Russia. Any chance this might actually be the Qatari Investment Authority - i.e., the one that bought the stake in Rosneft and which is definitely a a wholly owned agency or instrumentality of a foreign state?
  8. Propagandists do love their superhero pose bullshit ...
  9. Yes, an "official statement" through Twitter: Such a piece of shit.
  10. The replies on that tweet are pretty money. Definitely need to start referring to Marco as "Three-Point Kick" (or #3PK for short).
  11. Seems like if you're worried about going insane, some quality time away from Alex Jones could only help, right?
  12. See, now Fox News is just getting cocky, openly mocking the idiocy of its viewers ... kinda like when Putin made Trump walk out in Helsinki and take a dump on the US. I'm looking forward to when they couple that new MS-13 insurance with the Trumpy Bears - I'm sure that package will sell like hotcakes. Good times.
  13. The WSJ Editorial Board (and the WSJ op-ed page in general) has veered into Fox & Friends territory in recent years. I canceled my subscription back in 2017. As they often do, they wanted to discuss why I was canceling, and I explained that the Editorial Board pieces were absolute shitshows and that I didn't feel like I could trust them even for business news anymore. Interestingly, the person I was speaking with admitted that they were getting a lot of cancellations for that reason. I have to think that it ends up hitting the WSJ bottom line, but it's pretty apparent that Murdoch doesn't give a damn for whatever reason.
  14. Shit, I'll fucks with ya too ...
  15. Anyone watching what's going on in TX-31? MJ is currently up by 4k votes over Carter right now.
  16. Gap03

    Cruz vs Beto

    Every Cruz rally picture is strategically framed to make the crowd look big, but in reality there's never more than 5 or 6 rows of non-staff / non-press attendees. Goes to show that nobody really likes Ted. Too bad it may not matter because of Texas and its "(R)" problem ...
  17. I'd be willing to clarify birthright citizenship by constitutional amendment if we can also address the 2nd Amendment and the issue of corporate personhood. Let's get to it.
  18. Gap03

    Cruz vs Beto

    Between the data on the olds + early voting in Collin / Williamson / Brazoria counties, it looks like the GOP / Fox News tactic of continuing to scare the shit out of their base is working.
  19. Until Texas actually stops electing so many dipshits, I'm going to hold off on talking shit about WV, Oklahoma and Alabama ...
  20. Uhh, I don't know, Rand - is the President calling Russian assets that are subject to FISA-authorized wiretaps?
  21. Obviously, someone in the admin (no way Trump wrote that) really wanted to trigger the libs on this most pseudo of pseudo-holidays. Let's see how many take the bait ...
  22. Wouldn't surprise me if McConnell called the vote to try to put the screws to Manchin, assuming that he thinks Flake and Collins will fall in line.
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