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Everything posted by texastough

  1. So that’s why he keeps tweeting “don’t throw me in the briar patch?”
  2. I can’t wait to see what’s in the Russia convos. I don’t know whether Putin is trying to help deflect from Ukraine or sees the writing on the wall and is throwing trump to the wolves
  3. Just a PSA that ignore doesn't work if you keep quoting him
  4. Is the last guy's logic that this game should be a pick'em, so the 6.5 points doesn't make any sense and "stinks," therefore he picks LSU? Any help here?
  5. Wheaton is a Jamaal Charles clone. I don't care about any of the others.
  6. When you run schemes with eight d-backs, you better have some d-backs
  7. Yep, if Smith or Watkins that actually could be a pretty big loss. T&P to whoever it is
  8. Eh, only 8 million people watched these debates so there won't be drastic movement for anyone including Biden. But his lead will continue to slowly and steadily erode. At some point in the next few months he'll fall behind and it will be clear he is not the best bet for beating trump, and then his remaining support will drop off a cliff.
  9. don't forget USC, Oregon, Auburn, and the FL schools edit -- replying to Not a Sock
  10. He said this back in May lol still can't figure it out: BIDEN: So those of you who are listening, if you want to be part of this campaign, pick up your phones. Pick up your phones. Now. Send a text to the word "United" to the number 30330. OK? That's "United" 30330. Or 303330, but you got it. It's on the back there. http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1905/18/cnr.05.html
  11. WOODLAND PLANTATION. You can fly fish or go conventional. Winter is a popular time to be there so I would go ahead and check availability.
  12. not too surprised 6th Street's hot takes on politics are about as good as his football takes
  13. You're misunderstanding him. His point is that the Russia investigation after the fact did not move the needle politically. I agree with you that it was a big deal thats getting glossed over, lots of people went to jail, Russia's efforts might very well have turned the election for dt. But thats not what Chomsky is addressing. He's simply observing that the democrats have badly fumbled that issue and it really hasn't hurt dt politically.
  14. I also want to hear our surly trumpkins claiming not to be trolls to critique the analysis ^^^
  15. Do we have any hackers that could take over Fox News and broadcast this for one 24 hour period? We would have a political revolution. F stupid people
  16. Just go read page 1. I was more trying to highlight how wrong consensus can be, or at least how quick it can change, than call out individuals
  17. Page 1 of this thread, from less than a year ago LOL: "dude is mush. he''s not even a poor mans colt." "Sam Ehlinger is a classic football moron. It is no wonder Tim Beck and Herman love him. They’re all losers. " "fucking horrible, get him out of there" "He goes through his progressions like he reads 12 words per minute while mouthing the words out loud. " "He’s garbage. And if mods are deleting threads, so is this board." "A waterheaded retard. He should be done here. " "Might be the worse QB we have ever had " "Makes plays here and there but he's another Gilbert." "He’s an outstanding young man, a tremendous representative of the university, he’s honestly a solid QB, and I highly suspect that he’ll lead a more successful life than I ever will. However in high pressure situations with the game on the line, he’s just about the last person on earth I want taking snaps. He’s like the anti-Colt McCoy." "I had a lot of faith that Sam wold make a good jump from last year to this year. He just doesn't have it. He needs to be benched. If we are going to have another 6-6 season then just play Cam Rising and get him some experience." "Kid has guts but makes way too many STUPID mistakes....Ridiculous that this University cannot find a quality QB." "watched the Hawaii - Colorado State last week and I promise you that both those QBs are better than anything at Texas " "he fucking sucks" "His moxiness greatly exceeds his winnerness." "Fuck yourself. He’s a fucking retard. Same shit over and over and over. He’s done. We’re done. " "He’d make a good fullback" "Sam needs to see the bench and then learn to block and play h-back. He can’t handle the mental part of QB, and he’s not even a great pure thrower either." "Sam is bad. "
  18. Colombia for peacock bass. Pm me if you want the deets
  19. Actually yes I think you are correct but they will only be there part of the season. Mike Gifford has been managing when Dick and Kaye aren't there. Mike is awesome.
  20. Dick and Kaye aren’t there anymore. They will be missed by some!
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