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Everything posted by texastough

  1. Just canceled a family trip to CO, we were scheduled to fly up tomorrow. Still have an international trip on the books in two weeks but at the rate all this is going it probably won't happen either.
  2. They can impeach for anything that he does while in office. I think the assumption is the financials will show crimes he committed before he was elected
  3. Financial crimes may not fit as neatly into "high crimes" while POTUS has been in office, but they may be very useful for moving public opinion toward overwhelming support for removal. If it becomes clear that he has been defrauding everyone he can, including the American people, that is a lot easier for gullible olds to understand than the Ukraine thing.
  4. I think Warren stepped in it by coming out with a health care plan along with how to fund it, putting a target on her back. Obviously, congress -- not the president -- passes legislation. POTUS can be a strong advocate for a health care system, but ultimately there will be compromises. She should have pointed that out and basically said "I will support any plans that lower health care costs and expand coverage at the same time. If thats a version of M4A, great. But there may be other plans, short of M4A, that I would also support. Anything would be better than what republicans are currently offering."
  5. You got the first part right. But when he loses he will secretly flee to a country without extradition to the U.S. i.e. Russia
  6. At least he would teach them how to wrap up
  7. I am going with resignation due to a medical issue and an insanity defense in the subsequent prosecutions
  8. I had the same question. The other photos were lol worthy but this one looked ok
  9. This is the same thing I mentioned with Mulvaney. I think one part of the "throw shit against wall, see what sticks" strategy is to portray the quid pro quo as related to the 2016 election interference instead of an investigation into Hunter Biden. The Biden angle was blatantly using the office and military aid to attack a political opponent. Investigation of the 2016 election interference -- which benefitted Trump -- is 180 degrees different. Its obviously bogus but if the strategy was successful it would do several things 1) shift focus away from Trump looking for dirt on an opponent 2) shift focus away from Russia and onto Ukraine w.r.t. election interference, and 3) makes his meddling in Ukraine not nearly as "impeachable."
  10. I don't know if it has been discussed yet, but it dawned on me that Mulvaney talking about a quid pro quo might have actually been calculated and pretty subtle. The whistleblower described a quid pro quo where military aid was conditioned on dirt/investigation of a political rival -- obviously a huge no-no and counter to the most basic principles of democracy. What Mulvaney "admitted" to was much different -- conditioning Ukraine aid on investigation of interference into the 2016 election. If true (which I don't believe for a second) that would make the entire Ukraine thing a nothing berder. So I think it was intentional, part of the administration's strategy of lying about everything and throwing everything they can think of against the wall to see what sticks. Fuckers
  11. Yes, a server that’s supposed to be only used for top secret matters of national security
  12. Don’t forget that Trump got played in Venezuela too giving Putin a footprint in the Americas
  13. Ken Starr was just on, defending/discussing Mulvaney's press conference. He kept making the point that Mulvaney should have been more careful and "guarded" with his messaging, in other words that Mulvaney's mistake was telling the truth. I guess this is how we end up with a massive coverup of Baylor athletes' free license to rape students
  14. I don't understand why so many of y'all are getting panties wadded up about her focusing on the full equation (costs for most Americans will go down) instead of half the equation (taxes will go up). That is the real truth. If she gave the soundbite about taxes it would not be used only in attack ads, it would be repeated all over the place by media and everyone else, and it would warp the debate on this. Thats what she's trying to avoid, and to keep the public understanding focused on what really matters. Calling her a liar for that makes no sense to me.
  15. Sounds like a plan! Another great one for a celebration (birthday, bachelor party, etc) that won't break the bank is Woodland Plantation about an hour south of New Orleans. Incredible redfish fishing, the lodge is the old plantation mansion on the label of Southern Comfort whiskey, and you go tear it up in New Orleans for a night or two after fishing. All included at Woodland is only about $600 per day if you have two anglers on the boat.
  16. You should look at doing a guided float on the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Smith River in MT, or something similar. They cost a lot less than a full-blown lodge and are super fun.
  17. The non-anglers would pay substantially less, but yes this stuff can be pricey. Keep in mind that these are package deals that include all accommodations, food/beverage, fishing guides, etc. I found that trying to do trips a la carte ends up costing almost as much and then you're behind a big learning curve and the experience is not the same. All that being said, there are plenty of places in the west where you can essentially rent a cabin, fish self-guided (or hire a guide for a day or two), and choose whatever other activities fit the budget (4 wheeling, horseback, rafting, hiking, etc). That would cost a fraction of the high end all inclusive lodges. Nearly every ski town has these kind of options.
  18. So when do we find out what quid pro quo there was between Trump and Ergodan? If he would withhold $400 million from Ukraine for a little dirt on an opponent, he must have gotten something REALLY good for the betraying our long time allies and letting go thousands of ISIS fighters who want to destroy America.
  19. Ruby Springs Lodge in MT is super high end with spa etc 4UR Ranch in CO on the upper Rio Grande is a classic for what you describe Brush Creek Ranch in WY, also super swanky Rancho Pinoso in CO has lots of private water, a horseback riding program, etc There are a number of other similar options in the U.S. But, I would also look at going to Patagonia or New Zealand. It would not cost that much more, and would be a lifetime experience for the whole family. PM me if you want to drill down some more, I book fly fishing travel for a living.
  20. Whether intentionally orchestrated this way or not, I think this helps Warren in the general election. The main criticism of her that I keep hearing is that she is too far left. With the squad -- widely viewed as the most liberal extreme of the Democratic Party -- endorsing Bernie, it brackets Warren somewhere further right than Bernie. If AOC endorsed Warren, it would give the GOP free cheap shot in the general -- "she's such a lefty even AOC and the squad endorsed her!!!"
  21. Is there no live coverage of what's happening over there?
  22. I think he was pointing out that it probably should be translated for all the immigrants tweeting while being smuggled by a coyote
  23. how do you not have fozz on ignore yet and why on earth are you feeding him?
  24. don't forget that his financials and tax returns are supposed to drop soon too
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