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Bama Chick

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Everything posted by Bama Chick

  1. Holy shit y’all if Boebert actually loses, I may post tit pictures. Not my tits, but someone’s tits.
  2. Far be it from someone from a shithole blood red state to cast aspersions but what exactly can Beto do in a state like Texas at this point? He stood tall and was literally the ONLY leader to listen to and fight for the parents in Uvalde and those voters STILL resoundingly cast their votes for an empty wheelchair who lied and said the massacre of babies “could have been worse”. Outside of him having actual magic powers, I don’t know what he could have done. The Texas Democratic Party is a mess and only slightly less impotent than Greg Abbott’s penis. He built out an entire campaign infrastructure by himself and raised more money than any gubernatorial candidate in history. The dream of Texas turning blue due to demographics is a pipe dream. Red hats from California and Colorado are replacing Texas Democrats moving out. Y’all got any football coaches or players who can be Democratic puppets?
  3. Eat shit you deep fried sack of garbage.
  4. When even your own dead kids don’t move the needle…….
  5. Welcome to the SEC, baby! It just sucks more.
  6. Thank you. “Hyuck hyuck he throws like a girl!”. Such a burn! /s
  7. lol The one son he actually claims is a flaming homosexual who obviously has severe childhood trauma from his “father” and has been actively trashing him. And he’s threatened to murder the rest of his family and held guns to his wives’ heads. I’m sure - in their heart of hearts - the “help” they’d really like to get him would be from stereotypical Georgia cops who “know how to handle a Black man”.
  8. lol This pathetic Reek has never done anything 1/10th as cool as that.
  9. lol The guy who haunted our imaginations with Pennywise, Randall Flagg, and Cujo is now somehow responsible for saving the world. Our lives are a fucking simulation.
  10. But somehow it’s the Democratic messaging that’s at fault. You can’t sell sane to pigshit crazy.
  11. Get the fuck outta here. There’s not one single politician nor actor or singer or athlete that wields the kind of control over multiple information platforms and the algorithms that Zuckerberg, Bezos, Murdoch, and now Musk hold. Having an opinion and a large following on someone else’s platform =/= control of the platform.
  12. So the new motto is - If it flies, floats, fucks, or tweets - rent don’t buy?
  13. Because some of our shithole states don’t allow it.
  14. Every Republican with presidential aspirations thinks they’re going to be the one to somehow out Trump Trump but in a palatable way. And Trump will do to them what he did to Jeb! and Chris Christie and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio - trash them, defame them, call their wives ugly (Cruz) or “too brown” (Jeb!), insult their fathers (Cruz and Jeb!), disparage their sick size (Rubio), call them fat (Christie), and then laugh while they wither away and watch their ambitions die a pathetic death. And then have them STILL crawl over the broken shards of their careers to play the Reek to his Ramsay. DeSantis will just be another sad cockless uncharismatic corpse on the pile.
  15. Nah man. If all any American citizen has to do to get special treatment from the DoJ is declare a candidacy, then that’s absolute horseshit. Merrick Garland may be a brilliant legal mind and have a stellar professional record but his absolute reverence for the myth of the American judicial system and the Department of Justice is outdated, naive, and out of touch. I get that his appointment was some kind of consolation prize for the absolute screw job done to him over his Supreme Court appointment but it was Biden’s biggest misstep. It should have been Doug Jones.
  16. lol Holy Shit. This is an absolute shit throwing tittybaby tantrum writ large. And it would be hilarious if it wasn’t being thrown by an overpowered thin skinned shitlord billionaire who now owns one of the most influential information platforms on the planet.
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