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Bama Chick

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Everything posted by Bama Chick

  1. “Community level review process”??? What, like a HOA for abortion? Fucking insanity.
  2. Brie is a certified grifting nut. Even Bernie has disowned her and the majority of irritating wing of the “progressives” have dumped her too. Her podcast is called “Bad Faith”, FFS.
  3. When I told my Fox News poisoned Dad I was going to NYC alone, he kept fretting about how dangerous it was and really being a downer and I was really irritated about him trying to damper my enthusiasm. After about the seventh lecture, I told him to compare the crime rates to Alabama and asked him why he doesn’t lecture me all the time about how dangerous my every day life should be. He stopped bugging me after that.
  4. New documentary dropped today on Hulu. It’s centered around the Jerry Falwell Jr. scandal and how Trump was a central figure. It’s fucking nuts.
  5. Yes. Election denier and present at the Capitol on 1/6 Houston physician who claims vaccines are deadly and demons cause STDs.
  6. Oh my god, you’re an absolute pelican. Quit flooding the zone with bullshittery. Do demons cause STDs? Do vaccines contain microchips? Did Italian satellites change votes in 2020? Are there space lasers controlled by Jews? Did Paul Pelsoi get bashed in the head by a secret gay lover? Should reporters be thrown in jail and threatened with rape if a certain orange asshole disagrees with them? No matter how much pseudo intellectual horseshit you throw out in order to pollute the discussion, truth is truth. Here’s some truth - your posts perfectly illustrate that your nonsense is what dumb people think smart people sound like.
  7. “Whose truth”???? That, right there in two stupid words, is the fucking problem. There is NO SUCH THING as multiple truths. Truth is truth. Pretending like it isn’t is what disinformation is all about. COVID-19 vaccines don’t alter your DNA or contain microchips. Demons don’t cause STDs. A Houston “physician” posted those “truths” on Twitter and was rightfully banned from the platform. Musk reinstated her account yesterday. Morons celebrated and screeched and crowed about the return of truth and free speech. Truth is truth and pretending otherwise under the guise of free thinking and shallow pontificating about the market place of ideas is how dangerous morons blindly attempt to synthesize complex topics.
  8. I was going to say, y’all are getting pissed over something you didn’t pay attention to lol.
  9. I read this post in Charlie Daniels’ voice lol
  10. So are we keeping track of the lunatics that are being allowed back? Crazy COVID denier, demon sperm doctor lady is back.
  11. Is that the previous Mayor of Atlanta - Keisha Lance Bottoms?
  12. Joe Biden is officially the best president in history.
  13. Nah, totally a spat between two closeted gay men and not a targeted assassination attempt.
  14. It comes with tools to boost posts on to timelines of people who aren’t followers and wider reach. Ever noticed the little section with suggestions on accounts to follow? And the section on “If you like this tweet, here’s more like it”? Or the Related Topics section? There’s a lot of analytic tools available to verified accounts.
  15. Uhhhhh I don’t think you have your Greek organizations correct. You probably mean Kappa Alpha Psi not Kappa Alpha - AKA the Civil War cosplay Robert E. Lee Admiration Society.
  16. This seems……pointless and dumb. I know the whole “Blue Check Mark” as a status symbol is pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things but it started as - and still is - a useful way to keep bad actors from impersonating experts/celebrities/journalists/politicians/companies/news outlets or stopping domain squatters from claiming names to ransom them. Way to “fix” something that wasn’t a problem and seems rife for abuse to deny verification or eliminate users that Musk and his minions don’t like.
  17. Bama Chick


    This is fantastic news for humanity. And as an added bonus, Glenn Greenwald is absolutely having a screaming crying throwing up Twitter meltdown over it lol.
  18. I’ve run out of adjectives to describe these fucking disgusting and stupid pieces of shit litter. His cocaine bloated gourd of a head is so empty, the damage caused by hammer blast to his skull would be negligible.
  19. You can discuss whatever you like. And the age of the this thread has shit all to do with anything and this attack happened two fucking days ago. But in the future when you and everyone else laments about Democratic messaging and letting Republicans control the message, remember to acknowledge that it’s not Democrats fault that Democratic voters can’t be bothered to focus on a violent attack for more than 48 hours without being distracted by a bullshit deflection that benefits the assholes responsible. The condescension is noted.
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