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Posts posted by gmr548

  1. Looking like a 3 team Big 12 race (OU, WV and Texas). Sorry, I still don't believe in Tech with only 1 loss in the Big 12.  Beat WV and we will almost certainly make the Big 12 championship game barring some real fuckery.
    This. Tech still got throttled by a very average Ole Miss team. We've all seen TCU shit the bed this year, with it going full blown football diarrhea tonight. The rest of the conference is similarly mediocre. Honestly I'm not a kool aid drinker but at this point anything less than 8-1 in the B12 in this most down of down years would be a failure at this point. We aren't THAT good but half the league is THAT shitty.

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  2. Tech sucks. Not worried about that game. I will tip the cap to coach bro and Gibbs for making chicken salad out of chicken shit given the injuries they've faced this year and the general talent disadvantage. Well prepared team tonight, even if TCU lost the game more than anything.

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  3. Was the frog qb this bad three weeks ago?
    This bad? Maybe, maybe not, but he was bad. Brutally missed on what would have been a TD on the Brandon Jones INT. Fumbled with no one really stripping it or anything. Picked two more times by Sterns. Missed some deep throws.

    He has a ton of potential but it's looking more and more like a lost season for him/them. Could be a GG type permanent confidence breaker.

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  4. The game at TTU is not gonna be a gimme.
    They suck ass. Texas will have to beat itself to lose. Not out of the realm of possibility by any means but if Texas plays decently Tech can't do anything about it.

    This game is a train wreck that I can't look away from.

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  5. I’ve always rooted for LSU. Except for the Cotton Bowl when Roy dragged his nuts on their face.
    This makes me like them more.
    First college game I ever went to. Dad got us tickets on the Texas side. I had no ties to the team or anything, didn't have any UT clothing. Dad wasn't a Texas fan, just wanted to take me to two blue bloods in the Cotton Bowl. Watched Simms and Roy go off. Texas fan for life after that. /csb

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  6. That Ingram is averaging six yards per carry behind this line is a huge testament to his individual ability. He is already an impact player and has All American/high draft pick (for RB) potebtial. Watson isn't special like that but there's something to be said for a jack of all trades at that position. His game reminds me of Fozzy Whittaker.

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  7. Most worrisome is the pass rush.  We aren't running a front that helps players make plays on their own, and our dialed up pressure just isn't connecting enough.
    For offense, it's run-blocking.  Even though it's light years ahead of last year, it's what's keeping a good offense from being unstoppable.  We lean too much on manufacturing numbers in the run game (either moving Beck around or QB runs), it'd be nice to be able to get a steady 4-yards from a simple tight zone against a full box.
    This is a more succinct version of what I was getting at. Our running game is generally average and is not a big play threat, and we work so damn hard to hit like 150ypg.

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  8. As for getting real on offense... O line/ground game in general is talked about like it's really good but it isn't. Now, that Q2-Q3 stretch was a level we haven't seen all year. If they replicate that then we have something, but it had been pretty damn pedestrian up until last week. When the offense inevitably stops protecting the ball at a superhuman level the ground game will be what's needed to pull out Ws.

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  9. The defense just isn't as good as it's talked up to be. That isn't to say it's bad, because it's not. But it isn't the dominating force it was last year. It's an above average unit that is prone to mistakes and has benefited from a number of unforced errors by opponents. Missing Dickson is a part of that but there are just very few difference makers on the field. Sterns and Gary Johnson are probably the only guys that are playing all conference level football. Guys like Jones, Foster, Charles O, and Nelson have shown flashes but have been inconsistent (Jones/Foster) or just lack the ability to take the next step (Charles/Nelson). The corners have been plain bad. I didn't expect it to be as good as last year but I did expect it to improve some over the course of the year. Instead they've been pretty much the same. Hopefully a confidence booster vs Baylor and the bye will set the stage for the defense to turn it up a notch because the level they're at now will bite this team when the offense has an off day.

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