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Posts posted by gmr548

  1. It's well documented that Beto's campaign was told to expect no help from the DNC at the outset. Too much of a longshot.

    If I ran the campaign, and the DNC came calling now, I would tell then that I don't blame them for the decision but they need to continue to stay away. They have come a long way without them. The only helpful tool the national party machine can provide is money, which they have absolutely no problem with. A flood of DNC involvement toward the finish line would undermine the very real message that this campaign is a bottom-up, people based movement. Not to mention that the DNC plays especially poorly to Texas swing voters and would probably motivate Cruz's base more than anyone else. State level Democratic Party not coordinating is a different story, but they're just fucking incompetent.

    • Like 4
  2. Texas defense vs. OU's offense. OU's passing game could make this game get out of hand quickly. Get some pressure on Kyler and limit the big plays. Texas can get yardage on OU's defense. They can be run on. But Murray throws a really accurate ball and OU's WRs are going to be the ultimate test for the secondary.
    This. Sterns has been really solid but he can't overshadow poor play in coverage by Boyd, Locke, and Jones. We don't have anything special in terms of pass rush so the secondary has to be locked in and ready to go, otherwise OU will jump out to a 20 point lead again.

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  3. Just donated again.
    Was there a way to donate at the show last night?
    I didn't see anything. They did have merchandise for sale. Focus was definitely on voter registration and generating enthusiasm for volunteering and turnout.

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  4. I think its representative of a majority of aggies. On a related note, I've always wondered how our Trump/New-GOP posters reconcile the fact that their political views align with aggies. I mean, as UT fans and alums, everyone is acutely aware of the ignorance and stupidity that defines aggy, and yet politically and ideologically you are identical. Would be enough to give me pause...
    I've been racking my brain over this question. The times I've pointed out how aggy esque they are here or on the shag typically don't get a response. I really wonder how a functioning, educated adult who is familiar with aggy doesn't immediately reevaluate things when they come down on their side.

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  5. Yeeeeeah that's what I'm talking about. Outside groups having to spend that money to protect a Ted Cruz because Ted can't raise money from regular people, meanwhile they cut other GOP incumbents off in swing districts.
    I love it. 
    That $1 mill would go much further in ND or MT or IN or MO. Cruz is hurting GOP senate challengers in red states. Continuing to make more enemies 
    Possibly hurts this race as it will 100% be spent on attack ads against Beto. BUT, we have said all along that Beto is going to help every swing district dem in the country by forcing conservative resources into an area that pubs used to sleepwalk though. 
    Wheb Texas truly goes purple, good luck republicans. You are going to need all the super pac money you can get.
    All correct, and it's still only 1/5th of Beto's $5m over the past couple weeks.

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  6. Just now, ClubWhatever said:

    We are going to ride Keontay Ingram, Todd Orlando, and QB power/draw all the way to 8-4 baby.

    This feels pretty likely. I will never pick OU over Texas and I think we have a very real path to victory but I also haven't quite seen enough out of Sam to think he is going to be a big net positive against OU, @OSU, and WVU. Throw in  the chances of a mensa special against Tech or Baylor and 8-4 sounds about right. And that feels about right for the quality of this team.

  7. Boyd will shut him down the majority of the game, but also do his usual Kris Boyd tax.  In this case, his tax will most likely be a 60 yard TD.
    I still generally feel this way but he couldn't cover air yesterday and was consistently picked on by what is probably the worst passing team in the conference. At thisv point Sterns needs to be on his side of the field every play.

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  8. GameDay doesn't really recognize TX/OU as home away scenario.  In all seriousness the guest picker will probably be a Dallas related person.  If I had to make a legitimate guess I would bet it's Dirk.
    Dirk is a funny guy. That would be dope.

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  9. I'm as anti kool aid as anyone but y'all trying to find something to be pissy about after a win in Manhattan, aka this program's house of horrors, and being on a four game win streak is a hoot. Sam has gotten it done the past four games. He may need to do more against better teams like OU and WVU. Historically that's been a recipe for disaster but there's obviously been growth, so we'll see if he is ready for the next step.

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  10. The offensive line was really good. The receivers are elite. Ingram is great and Watson is decent. 
    And the offense scored 10 points. 10 points against one of the worst power 5 teams in the country. 
    The QB is by far the weak link/Achilles heel of the team. He just isn't anywhere near consistent enough to put up the points necessary to beat a team the defense can't dominate. I don't know if OU is that team since they have literally played 5 cream puffs but if our defense can't dominate them we will lose. 
    Should have worked in different QBs before this point. There's no excuse for an offense that has a line performing this well and skill players this good to be this bad. 

    This was the offensive line's worst performance of the year, it was not good. It hasn't gotten consistent push in the run game all year. It's been good in pass protection, though yesterday was a bit of a departure from that, so the garbage rushing stats for Texas aren't because they're sack adjusted. That's what the run game is. OL is okay. That's it. It just so happens that okay is a massive improvement over last year.

    Considered in proper context, Sam was fine yesterday and has been the past three games. Took what the defense gave him, had a few effective runs, made a couple nice throws, and didn't do anything dumb to blow a lead. I'm no Sam fanboy but doing that, on the road, is not something we've seen from him and represents growth for him. Tip of the cap.

    It isn't a secret that this team will go as the defense goes. The OL can't open up holes on the ground; a good defense can make the offense one dimensional. Very few QBs can work around that.

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    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, hookem48 said:

    is that good or bad?

    Well we've seen a fuckload of bad in recent years so it almost has to be good. 


    Today was a rough performance by the OL. Maybe the worst of the year, though it is worth qualifying that it was still better than anything last year. Still no push in the ground game and they gave up some pressure on the QB as well. Fortunately they are serviceable enough that Watson, Ehlinger, and especially Ingram can make something of it, but we aren't going to be grinding anyone to a pulp this year. We do need to stay committed to the run though, particularly next week. Make OU respect it and play 6-7 man boxes so LJH, CJ, and DD can abuse their shitty DBs.

  12. So the options are basically Texas-OU (FOX), LSU-Florida (CBS), ND-VT (ESPN/ABC), or do their yearly small school game. I don't know if beating MSU/Duke is enough to get UF/VT back in the polls, but even if it is, Texas-OU will be the only top 20 match up. If they are willing to move off network they will definitely pick us over LSU/UF, so it really comes down to ND/VT. I'd think they would choose to come to the fair but the mouse does love them some ND so who knows...

  13. 2 hours ago, Bruh Man said:




    Damn. We were right at the front near the light/camera apparatus in the middle so it was hard to truly judge the crowd. 

    Speech was really powerful. Not necessarily anything new but delivered with passion and related everything back to everyday life here in TX. I don't know how anyone could listen to him and choose to go with Cruz, and maybe that is why the campaign is focusing on turnout of friendly demos and supporters as opposed to trying to flip whatever undecideds/waffling Republicans remain. There may be 3-4 million lock step R voters depending on turnout, but there are definitely, numerically, more that support him. It is just a matter of getting them to the polls. As great as he was I still don't think he will win but I am even more motivated to put in time to try to make it happen.

    • Like 5
  14. The impetus of the Democrat party is that that they shed those members who kill 2 women.  One woman is frowned upon, but understandable.


    "Democrat party," intentionally addressed by an incorrect name and always capitalized, is the "tu" of politics. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the vast majority of people who use the phrase, the poster above included, are aggy.


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  15. I'm an alum, so I hope the team does well. I worked in the athletic department when I was there, which involved a lot of digging around the archives, so I love all the history of Ivy football.
    I just hope they win the league once while I'm alive - they've only ever split the title in 1961. We did win a Rose Bowl against Stanford back in the day, though, and have two claimed national championships (1875 and 1933).
    I was told by aggy that championships won in the great depression are the ones to be most proud of, so hold your head high.

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  16. 24 races by Inside Elections just moved towards the Democrats.  8 tilt R to toss-up. 9 toss-up to tilt D.
    Tilt R > Tossup:
    • CA-10 (Denham)
    • CA-25 (Knight)
    • CA-45 (Walters)
    • KS-02 (Open)
    • ME-02 (Poliquin)
    • MI-08 (Bishop)
    • PA-01 (Fitzpatrick)
    • VA-07 (Brat)
    Tossup > Tilt D
    • CA-48 (Rohrabacher)
    • CO-06 (Coffman)
    • IL-06 (Roskam)
    • KS-03 (Yoder)
    • MN-02 (Lewis)
    • MN-03 (Paulsen)
    • NJ-03 (MacArthur)
    • NY-19 (Faso)
    • NY-22 (Tenney)
    Tilt D > Lean D
    • CA-49 (Open)
    • IA-01 (Blum)
    • PA-07 (Open)
    Lean R > Tilt R
    • NC-02 (Holding)
    • NC-13 (Budd)
    • VA-02 (Taylor)
    Likely R > Lean R
    • PA-10 (Perry)
    Fake news red wave

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  17. Kavanaugh has been exemplary throughout his life. He won over the Republican base like I have rarely seen before with his performance yesterday. He conveyed the disgust we Republicans have with this disgraceful attempts at character assassination. I’m GLAD that he didn’t debase himself by answering the ridiculous charge from Swetnick and “lied” when asked to define bullshit teenage slang. The Republican Party is transforming to one that will fight you sons of bitches in the streets. Street battles between the left and right are going to be a regular occurrence within the next decade. I’m glad we are prepping for it with our attitude.
    Fat bubbas and olds won't win many street fights

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    There's no more stalling for the Democrats.  Mitch will call a vote when he has the votes.   Any delay after next Friday is a lack of votes.
    Anyone want to wager on the next stupid thing you say?
    My bet: next post

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    • Like 1
  19. Just now, landman said:

    She had zero people back up her story.  He has multiple people saying it didn't happen, including a close friend of hers.

    And based on this he's guilty?  Hope I never end up on a jury with some of you.

    This is not a criminal jury trial where the standard is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States.

    As has been pointed out, there is conflicting evidence and there is not a clear understanding on what exactly happened. It is likely that only two people, if that, know the truth, Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. That would result in a verdict of "Not Guilty" in a jury trial.

    Again, this is not a criminal jury trial where the standard is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States. There is a significant possibility he did commit some form of sexual assault. Beyond that, he has conducted himself shamefully and has told multiple, easily verifiable lies.

    Once more, this is not a criminal jury trial where the standard is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This is a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States. The cloud of scandal surrounding his past and his current behavior fall well, well short of that standard. That is not debatable.

    Please reply if any of the above needs clarification.

    Side note: There are plenty of other conservative justices, ala Gorsuch, that Democrats would make plenty of noise about objecting to, but would ultimately sail through smoothly because they are professionally qualified, level-headed, and are definitively, beyond a shadow of a doubt, not rapey frat boys. Only the hackiest of partisan hacks, who care far more for their team than the well being of this country, want this pushed through.

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