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Posts posted by gmr548

  1. 36 minutes ago, Bruh Man said:

    those are some big ass crowds. 

    not a big fan of his speech. he's getting into the weeds about immigration in front of a college crowd. focus on student loans, jobs, healthcare, and the youth taking ownership of their future. 

    Where is he? Depending on the school, immigration is as big of an issue as any. UTRGV, UTSA, Texas State, UTEP, etc.

  2. I buy the Kavanaugh boost from Rs. It's a big story andv it could get some folks on the sidelines that otherwise may have been complacent. Nothing motivates them like feeling like victims, R politicians and media know this and are pushing that narrative accordingly.

    I also buy that the American electorate has an incredibly short memory. Without a doubt, the most despicable thing that has happened this year is the family separation policy and its fallout, which still lingers, but both sides have completely moved on. If Kavanaugh is confirmed in a week or two as expected, I'm not sure how much that moves the needle. Not to mention a month is an eternity for Trump and his R minions to do something dumb and/ or reprehensible to take us back to where we were two weeks ago.

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  3. Was in Amarillo for work in August and tried Tyler's, which is a mainstay on the TM top 50 and seemed to be the consensus pick for best in town. Most of it was good but nothing terribly special, except for the ribs. Oh my God the ribs. So good, possibly the best I've ever had. Definitely recommend if you ever did yourself up there. No beer though.

    Tried Mickelthwait for the first time this past weekend. Barely any wait on a Saturday around 12 and the free beer is a huge plus. Really enjoyed the sausage and brisket, pork shoulder was okay. Buddy got the pulled lamb and it was very distinct, I wantb to go back to get my my own portion. A worthy option as opposed to hours in line down the street at Franklin.

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  4. Even in the off-season and pre-season when I was skipping the kool aid so many were drinking I was picking this team to beat OU. At the halfway point of the season, both teams have proven themselves talented but flawed, and capable of exploiting the other's weaknesses. Honestly, just about anything could happen on Saturday and I wouldn't be that surprised. First OU game in a while I've legitimately thought that. No reason to change tune now.

    Texas 35

    OU 31

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  5. Stuff like that makes me believe he actually has a shot.
    Yep. I'd be 100 percent dismissive if the Cruz camp wasn't acting like aggy as they begin descent on the roller coaster.

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  6. 27 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    With Trump mocking Ford's testimony, are the chances increasing that Cruz cancels all remaining debates?  There's no way in hell he wants to be asked a question on whether he support's Trump's mocking of her, not while he's got Pence and Trump flying in to help him.

    What are the chances Cruz does the most spineless, cowardly self-serving thing possible, despite it being directly opposed to the interests of the people of Texas? What are the odds the sun rises in the east?

    • Like 3
  7. For Texas:

    Already mentioned many times, but Kris Boyd needs to play at a level we haven't seen out of him this year. Staying in the secondary, Brandon Jones needs to have the most mentally sound game of his career. He doesn't have to be perfect but he cannot continue to get caught out of position against this offense. We've seen what happens when he does.

    A career game out of Hagar and/ or Charles would really help. K State Charles needs to show up and Hagar needs to not go wild and run himself out of the play. Texas needs to be able to generate a pass rush with four or five to have a really good chance.

    Sam needs to continue to play smart with the ball. CJ, LJH, and Duvernay need to exploit the matchup advantage at hand. Ingram - this is more on the coaches then the player - needs 15-20 touches.


    For OU:

    The only time I can remember Kyler Murray playing a real defense, he threw three picks in a home loss to Auburn as a freshman at A&M. Obviously that was a long time ago, but my point is that he really has very little experience against good P5 defenses and sure as hell has not played in an environment like the one he is about to walk into. How will he handle that? Even Mayfield looked shaky against Texas in 2015 and a good portion of 2017.

    I don't really know much about their defensive front. I'm sure they have their fair share of talent the way they recruit. That will be what makes or breaks them on D. Their secondary sucks and everyone knows it so their best bet is to negate that by controlling the LOS. Their run defense has been (statistically) good outside of the Army game, but those were largely against cupcakes that were playing from behind awful quickly. I have seen plenty of people, even Sooners, say that the run defense does not pass the eye test. How will they hold up in a four quarter game against stronger competition? I know they usually have some athletes on the edge but they clearly have been had through the air - will they be able to pressure Sam? Texas pass pro has been coming back down to Earth a bit the past couple weeks but I will go out on a limb and say we will be the best pass blocking team they've played by a mile. OU needs to be able to at least accomplish one of consistently stopping the run or getting pressure on the QB. They don't even have to do both - Texas isn't good enough to win with a one-dimensional offense.




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  8. I don't know if they still do it, but in the name of political correctness, they used to "randomly select" passengers for the full monte cavity search. That's why you would see grandma handicapped people and three year olds getting the business. And yes, white women too. This was in the days when Norm Mineta was Transpo Secretary, but for all I know they still do it. 
    This was an insane process where citizens would have their rights violated without probable cause, and of course the program had zero chance of ever catching a terrorist, since it was entirely random. 
    It's not some fucking secret that young muslim males do terrorism. Call me racist if you wish, but facts are facts. It's the prototype government program - everyone gets their rights violated and it's totally ineffective.
    Just sayin the dude had an obvious point. Can't say what he really meant.
    Racism is bad as fuck. But so is the game we seem to play where we assume the worst about everybody else and what they say. It's like the examples above where people are using bad words but then act cool. If you really take the time to understand most people it's a more complex picture than the simplified structure that gives people their dopamine hit of moral superiority.

    Being there in person I think it was pretty obvious what he was alluding to - not just in tone, but what else could it be?

    "It's not some fucking secret that young males do terrorism" is a racially charged, damaging stereotype. It is also factually incorrect that the majority of terrorism fatalities US (miniscule of a number as it is relative to the effort put into stopping them and the amount of harm a stereotype causes a certain population) are caused by Muslim extremists. They aren't. They're caused by white people. Young white guys to be specific. Cool with them screened at the airport. Fuck no. Young Muslim guys? Plenty are. That's the racism.

    Don't want to hijack thread so I won't keep beating the drum. Just was crazy to me. /csb.

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  9. I think Sam needs to be heavily utilized in the running game. Outside of Army, which is worthless as a datapoint from a matchup perspective, their run defense has put up good numbers. Yes, that has to be taken with a grain of salt given the level of competition and the fact that their opponents have ended up playing from way behind, but our ground game hasn't been that great either. Our OL is not a good run blocking unit, so the extra blocker on QB power and playing off the end in the zone read game could really open things up. Not to mention I like the idea of their back seven trying to tackle him 20 times and still deal with LJH, Ingram, and CJ.

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  10. I haven't heard of/seen it done in quite a few years actually but i have to imagine it's still in play


    It is. Couple friends of mine have done it with as little as $20 over the past couple years. Those attendants do not get paid enough to actually try to control the crowd. Hell, my buddy's girlfriend didn't have a ticket and walked right in with some sob story of her boyfriend going in with her ticket after they got separated in the crowd. Honestly I feel stupid for buying tickets every year.


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  11. So is this kind of a big thing in Florida.


    The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has detected low to medium concentrations of naturally-occurring red tide in water samples taken Sunday, Sept. 30, off the coast of Palm Beach County.   

    Red tide on both coasts seems like kind of a big thing, but it is rare.  But I hear tell one of those fellers running for some office may have shirked his duty a little bit.



    Red tide? Obvious sign of a red wave IMO.


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  12. Went to the original fundraising event that we had signed up for last night at Robert Rodriguez's house.  It was pretty cool, got to rub shoulders with Richard Linklater and some other Austin luminaries.  There was Beto beer, Beto cookies with his face on the front in sugar, Beto Whataburger tacos( beef, onions, mustard), and a whole lot of swag like buttons and coozies that we already have a million of. And a good Latino swing/lounge band.  M12 scored himself a giant Beto mug, filled with Beto beer of course.  Beto gave pretty much the same speech he did at the Willie concert.  Listening to it again it occurred to me that he is actually to the left of me on a few of his positions.  I don't care.  I mean, no one (unless you allow Fox News and Rush Limbaugh to define your politics for you) is going to get 100% of what they want out of a politician.  And this whole Tea Part, Evangelical, burn it all down if they don't get 100% of what they want mindset, is a great part of what is causing the damage being done to this country.  
    So next week our house turns into a pop-up office.  We'll have people here doing phone banks and organizing block walks for 9 hours a day, 5 days a week.  Yippee.  I'm starting to believe we can actually pull this off.To be honest, I have been of the Brisket mindset for some time, just not as vocal about it, at least here.  I'm not normally a doomsday theorist but this just feels different to me, and very very dangerous and scary.  I have decided to hold out on progressing further down the rabbit hole until after the midterms.  Then I'll decide whether to recommence with the panic or not.  
    Oh and to those of you who claim that M12 has outkicked his coverage, he wanted me to tell you all that he is well aware, and to give a big ol' grin and middle finger to each and every one of you    
    One more thing, and I was really surprised to find this out, but Justin Nelson, the Democratic challenger for State Attorney General, is within a couple of points of indicted felon Paxton.  Another encouraging sign, maybe.  I just wanted to put it out there for everyone's radar screens.
    Keep up the good fight. Nelson has consistently been close. Paxton is among the R incumbents that had a sizable bloc of votes against them in the primary (Cruz is not). I have to think that if Beto wins, we are looking at a D senator, Lt Gov, AG, and ag commissioner, which have all consistently been close in polls.

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  13. ive been to a bunch of ou games maybe 40, I like 2015' b/c we were junk and our qb was junk. 
    they won that game in the cotton bowl, i went even though it seemed like a waste, sucked being so shitty for so long.
    maybe it was a shitty or lucky game but it gave me hope. we got so fucked up afterward.
    of course 2008 was great.
    fuck ou.
    i hope we fucking smash that little fucking quinton griffin wanna-be. they can all eat a bag of dicks.
    2015 was a lot of fun too. We stayed at the fair buzzed on victory and wax beer until it closed. I remember thinking we were forb some great years in 16, 17, and 18 and might legit open up a win steak on those fuckers. Woops.

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  14. 2013 will always be special to me. It was my senior year, the first OU win I saw in person, and while in hindsight OU was nothing special that year, not a damn soul saw it coning.

    08 is the best played, most dramatic game I've ever seen in the series. Two top five teams and legendary QBs going blow for blow. Satisfying as hell.

    05 was satisfying as hell too. Everyone knew it was coming but it was some measure of revenge for the previous black saturdays.

    Yes, I'm young.

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  15. I haven't used DART since 2009 when they chilled on the tracks for like an hour and I missed the entire first half of the RRS. Did they ever get a kick in the ass and fix their shit?
    I have used dart, both red and green line, since 2010 and never had an issue.

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  16. I could see Jones declaring.
    That would be silly on his part. He is not reliable in coverage at the college level, he would get eaten alive in pros. He has shown a lot this year in run support and tackling in space but he needs to refine that part of his game. I'm not sure he'd get taken as things stand now.

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  17. so i took the family to houston for some sightseeing. drove out on 71 through all those smallish towns. i saw a surprising number of beto signs on ranch fences and in the small towns. i saw more than one beto shirt and several beto stickers on cars in the fucking katy, texas bucees. i don't know what it means, or if it was confirmation bias, but i saw maybe one or two cruz signs. under a god billboard there was a huge beto sign. of course, this is all anecdotal, but you would NEVER see obama signs on that drive through the rural stretch between bastropo and katy.
    shit is weird right now, but i am starting to think that beto may actually win this thing.
    Sight seeing in Houston? Shit really is weird these days.

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    • Like 1
  18. Serious question: do they not have internet access? seems like that would have been the easiest route.
    The only thing you can do online is renew when you move within the same county.

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  19. 5 minutes ago, Twizzler said:

    Whoever is talking candi and jimbo signs, fuck off with anything not related to Texas or ou.  

    This cannot be said enough. We are part of the best rivalry in sports and it is, by any metric, the biggest game in college football this week. It is a game that will define our season. Going to Game Day with signs taking potshots at aggy is, quite frankly, the most aggy thing you could possibly do.

    • Like 8
  20. I was flying from JFK back to Austin a couple of weeks ago. Through security, waiting for my backpack to come through the X-Ray, I see a white woman getting the pat down treatment from the TSA. That shit pisses me off so I probably had an irritated look on my face. Guy next to me apparently noticed because he struck up conversation with me about it.

    Guy: "I can't believe they are doing that to her."

    Me: "Yeah, I hate that. They are just doing their job, I guess, but still."

    Guy: "I know, especially to HER. I'm all about them doing it, but let's make sure we get the right people, you know what I mean?"

    Me: "Uhhh, I'm sorry, what?"

    He started to try to explain himself but I saw my bag so I grabbed it and GTFO without really listening. I was really taken aback that someone would be so comfortable expressing blatantly racist sentiments to a stranger in a crowded public place. I am sure the people immediately around us heard him. In hindsight I should have pressed him, at the very least maybe he would think twice about saying that shit out loud. Human beings are trash.


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