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Everything posted by DixonHur

  1. You act like it's either $0 or $50-100 Million. And I doubt he'd get a $100 million contract to go to Bama, but he might get $50 million by staying at UW.
  2. Absolutely...in the history of football there have only been a handful of coaches who successfully followed a legend. If he can't build a roster, he isn't going to be successful anywhere. Following the GOAT is career suicide, IMHO.
  3. If I'm DeBoer, or any other head coach at a major program, there's no way I'd take the Bama job. I'd use it to get a pay raise, but I wouldn't want to try and follow the greatest college football coach of all time.
  4. If Norvell got it I would almost start feeling sorry for FSU fans...what a wild couple of months that would be.
  5. No Oldboy mention yet? Or did I miss it?
  6. Haven't been to Austin in a while I see. Austin's population is 13% greater than Columbus...almost 300K more people.
  7. Obviously some pretty good names have been mentioned, but we all know the only "home run" hire is Elko.
  8. Saban saw what they were putting together via the portal and was like...
  9. That would be awesome just in terms of watching what happens to all the portal guys they just brought in.
  10. Well, we don't exactly run in the same circles, but if I see him and the topic comes up, sure. If he punches me I'll just dial the 4's and be a rich man. haha
  11. I certainly hope Bo doesn't know something we don't about Sark...lol
  12. Saban retiring? This will get the carousel moving at full speed
  13. At 85 Fuller is too old...we need someone younger like Bull Reese at a spry 80
  14. Yeah, me too. My initial reaction was rage, but then I remembered that the only reason this is happening is because we are good again. So, we're going to have to get used to schools poaching our coaches. It reminds me of a boss I had once who always wanted his employees interviewing for other jobs because he didn't want employees that no one else wanted. 1st world problems.
  15. College Football should just become the NFL's official developmental league. NIL would go away, and schools would have a salary cap and pay the players directly. Conferences would be based on salary caps of the schools. Same eligibility rules that exist today (i.e. you can't play at the college level forever), but players are not required to attend classes. Scholarships would still be awarded, but they could choose to attend school during or after their playing days are over...or not at all.
  16. Why? It's not like he's good enough to make it into the 3 deep anyway
  17. I'd prefer Joyner to Coach O mostly because he's younger and from Texas. That said, I hope Sark kicks the tires on Okam and Wright. Be nice to have a Longhorn Legend back in the fold...although as I type this I can't think of any former Horns who have worked out as coaches at Texas. Edit: Forgot about Giles
  18. Ed Ogeron? Didn't he also have an alcohol problem? Is Sark trying to put together the All-AA coaching staff? He's like the Saban for former alcoholics.
  19. Ok, whatever. You don't wanna be here Bo? Get the fuck out! Who's next? Is Rod Wright ready for the big leagues?
  20. In case you haven't noticed, Texas is pretty good at football lately too
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