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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Zavala

  1. Smart citizens? Not an option. post-coronavirus is the same attitude Trump campaigned on US manufacturing strong borders We can pretend to make things "free" all you want, doesn't matter if they aren't being produced here, and if we can't control who comes here.
  2. Racist twitter mob made the whole thing up, got the HAPA beanie kid all fired up
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/chinese-official-pushes-conspiracy-theory-us-army-behind-virus/ar-BB117w4t Chinese Official Pushes Conspiracy Theory U.S. Spread Virus
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/mar/12/hard-drive-containing-child-abuse-images-held-pcc-safe-leeds-yorkshire Should this just be the pedo thread?
  5. yeah I first read it and thought it was incidental, turns out he was purposely spreading his germs to his teammates shit and purposely touched the microphones joking about it. Rudy Gobert DPOY shut down the whole fuckin league
  6. Pretty fuckin good. Cool characters, nice storyline and going back from different perspectives is neat.
  7. Badass album, been jamming it since it came out in it's entirety. I agree with them that all their albums are best played start to finish.
  8. https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=sfrVy_1583284196
  9. Always do the opposite of what Orange Man says
  10. Maybe lookup the great leap forward under Mao sometime genius. Genocide of 40+ million isn't quite the same as fighting on the losing side of the civil war.
  11. Could've put in the "how to unfuck my sister" Google search tab for maximum lulz
  12. Nickname "RoboCop" lol stupid bongs https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/04/police-robot-told-woman-go-away-tried-report-crime-sang-song-10864648/ Police robot told woman to go away after she tried to report crime – then sang a song
  13. What exactly did you expect? They have statues worshipping Mao
  14. Lol yeah a stooge with dementia and all the same Patriots we had during Obama years dumping pallets of cash on our enemies
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