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Everything posted by SwanderedTalent

  1. you know what's strange? I didn't hit "Submit Reply" twice, or even notice anything was amiss. I hit Reply, it seemed like it worked with no issues, one reply showed up, and then I moved on. I come back and bingo, there are two replies there. Never seen that before.
  2. Shrug. Up to the mods. I'm not telling you how it should be, I'm telling you what invariably happens unless we get Something Awful style moderation here.
  3. No, now, that depends. Shooting in Austin = larger discussion of gun violence = other areas where gun violence is a problem = Chicago If you think the thread should be 100% limited to just the "Shooting in Austin" part, well first welcome to the Internet! You're going to be miserable here! But second, maybe have some self-restraint and don't get involved in "larger discussion of gun violence = other areas where gun violence is a problem = Chicago". Defund the thread police.
  4. It's not a shitty argument, thank you. I'm not defending the way Chicago is being used here specifically IF it's deflecting from the need to get to the bottom of and eliminate shootings in Austin, but if we care about one type of injustice elsewhere, it's perfectly fine to care about other kinds of injustice elsewhere. If people in Austin are protesting George Floyd's killing, why is the death toll in Chicago not relevant to a conversation about stopping violence especially via shootings?
  5. what does a guy in Minneapolis getting throttled to death by a police officer have to do with Austin?
  6. you whitemansplained something to her? congratulations, you're probably mentioned on her Twitter timeline
  7. you whitemansplained something to her? congratulations, you're probably mentioned on her Twitter timeline
  8. Three thoughts on this. One, yes, if it was this or disband football for eternity, I agree, doing it once a year in a shit game no one would otherwise even notice would be nice, but that is NOT how this plays out in reality. There is a good chance that "just" wearing them in glorified exhibitions turns into wearing them any other fucking time it seems like a good idea to somebody. Ohio State has worn alternates against Michigan, not to mention Penn State, and that's not the only example of this kind of scope creep. Two, yes, the black jerseys/trim as shown above are the "least worst" thing I think I've seen proposed, but it is naive to think that's all we'll get once that particular Pandora's box is opened. Three, the bolded-- responding to this social crisis by playing dress up is the worst kind of tokenism. This would be the football program's "changing the Facebook avatar" response.
  9. "school colors" is such an outdated concept anyway
  10. nobody who was even moderately informed about Charlie Skrong Texas Footballing thought race had anything to do with his incompetent ass getting fired no head coach of any race should have been allowed back into his office after the TCU game in 2015, anyway, and I think Strong knows that, which is why all he did was mumble some more stupid shit about cakes on the way out the door
  11. man, I'm so glad the football team is going to wear a uniform that represents how "we're" "all" in solidarity! that's not ironic or tone deaf or anything
  12. when people reply to one of your posts without quoting you directly or @'ing you, hoping they can snark at you without you noticing/responding
  13. Like the various references to the "Death Star". Man, every Death Star the Empire (or the Disney version of the Empire) built got blown up by an FCS opponent.
  14. maybe stop acting like everyone that gets exposed to it becomes symptomatic and that it's a death sentence if you get it? if we don't want it to spread because we STILL think it will overwhelm hospitals, then OK, we can't do large gatherings like church or football games or race riots.
  15. That is a terrible takeaway from These Trying Times.
  16. Shrug. Fair enough. Kaepernick was a famous millionaire before, he's a famous millionaire now. It ain't really the Gulag Archipelago for these guys.
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