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Chili dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chili dog

  1. Only if it was an 11:00 kick. Otherwise, he was passed out.
  2. Dude, let’s not start giving those fuckers credit for shit. I’ve tailgated with them (some of their rare employed olds); they were very hospitable. That part of the country is pretty, if you don’t mind chicken coops and chicken shit. Fact is, we’re still their most hated rival, regardless of how well an affluent minority of them treated us at games. It’s still not a place I want to find myself out of gas on the side of the road. They are the Sooners of the Ozarks, and I hope they remain in the cellar until a plague wipes them from the earth. Fuck pig, respectfully.
  3. I’m just flattered to be included in such distinguished company. And you can fuck off, respectfully. You still have a clingon calling plays on offense and a never-was calling the defense. Good luck clearing the check. But congrats.
  4. There are three other recruiting services of a higher quality than ESPN (yeah, even Rivals), and this is the one you decide to pay attention to?
  5. I got the Oregon reference. I don’t get the high five reference, but I assume he’s saying money changed hands and people got ghosted?
  6. I’m out of rep. I didn’t realize I had a limit. I’ll get you as soon as I get replenished.
  7. He’s on a fucking plane. Mother fucker left us in our time of need.
  8. This thread needs more tears. Fucking texifornia. @BornAndRaised you got anything? I’m thirsty.
  9. Yeah, man. He fucked Baylor over good and proper. Went in dry like an Art Briles transfer.
  10. Showing some good flexibility there, too. The vast majority of posters on this board would either fall on their faces, split their pants or both.
  11. Hope they miss on Bowen. We effed that one up pretty good.
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