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Chili dog

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chili dog

  1. It’s pretty much just in the DFW area. I didn’t know about it until I moved up here a few years ago. Seems like a good spot for OL to throw down.
  2. Or just take 6 OL and figure out the numbers later. Surely we can find a spot.
  3. I’d prefer we find a way to take 6.
  4. So what are the “Marcus Banks qualities” that keep him from being the best cornerback in the state? Was Banks afraid of contact or something?
  5. He probably recruits well, too, if he has two CB studs at the same high school.
  6. No, then it was a different class. I do remember being in one of the UTC classrooms with him, though. Probably 1999-ish?
  7. No doubt. I felt bad for that guy. He was pretty tough, though. Glad he got a good education. Hope he was able to retain some of it. Was it he who had his knee taken out in the Holiday Bowl against Oregon? I hated Oregon after that game.
  8. I remember having Hodges in one of my classes. I think it was the intro management class, but I’m not positive. There have definitely been players in the B-school, but they’re few and far between.
  9. Charles was a big prankster, too. All the DBs used to jack with the linemen. Charles and this other kid Jason used to put icy hot in the fat guys’ jock straps. They put it in one of our DT’s boxers that he had to wear to school. It was hilarious watching their faces change as their nuts started to burn. I remember when they got this kid Lavonce, our LT who went on to play at North Texas. Lavonce went after Jason first, and Jason curled up in his locker screaming, “Charles did it; Charles did it; Charles did it!” A chase ensued. Charles was naked, so he couldn’t run outside. The other fat guys grabbed ahold of him and Lavonce used Charles’s face to wipe up the icy hot. Needless to say, it cracked me up to see that guy on my TV every Sunday.
  10. Still married to his high school sweetheart, too.
  11. That’s correct. But you can raise the burden from preponderance of the evidence to clear and convincing and require more proof. That would put it at the same burden required to remove kids from a home or commit someone to a mental hospital. And it should probably take place after the case is adjudicated.
  12. That is true. What isn’t true is that feds seized money and then gave it to a local state agency. Feds keep their seizures and state agencies keep theirs. I am in the camp that you’d better be able to prove the crime if you’re taking the assets, though. The burden is currently too low.
  13. I’m not doubting that a bunch of local elected officials misused proceeds from lawful forfeitures. That happens all the time. But those assets are acquired from local law enforcement operations, not from federal investigations. You need to understand the difference. Second, there is a huge difference between use and SALES. If the Feds are involved, it’s about drug sales of tremendous amounts. Pounds and pounds. Probably hundreds of pounds if it’s weed. They don’t care if you used it. Many of them probably used it. In Texas, use isn’t even illegal. Possession is illegal, but not use, ironically. So you can tell a cop who smells weed from your car that you don’t have any of the weed he smells because you just smoked it all, and you won’t be arrested. Of course, he will tear your car apart searching it because you just gave him probable cause. So they’re not really being hypocrites. However, if you’ve been a drug dealer, you’re fucked and they won’t hire you, just like you’re fucked if you’re caught currently selling drugs. See the consistency there? So call the Feds whatever you want; hate drug laws all you want, but understand that what you are calling hypocrisy isn’t really hypocrisy. Further, do you really have a problem with seizing the proceeds of criminal activity? Is it wrong to use drug money to pay for court appointed attorneys, or would you rather, as a tax payer (I’m making a big assumption there), pay for those attorneys yourself? I understand the argument that we should raise the burden of proof required to seize the assets, but the cocksuckers who break the law should lose all rights to their ill-gotten gains. I’ll concede that a margarita machine is not an appropriate use of the seized funds.
  14. So you’re saying a federal agency is giving proceeds from marijuana raids to a state agency, and that state agency is using those funds for margarita machines??? You got a link?
  15. It’s not whether or not you’ve smoked pot, it’s whether you lie about it that the feds care about. I’ve heard they’ll even give you a pass on coke if you’re honest and aren’t currently or recently using.
  16. Yeah, as Tex Pete said, I played with the guy in high school. We were both safeties. He moved to corner after I graduated. I was a year ahead of him. Hell of a guy. We had four or five other guys on that team we all thought were more likely to make it to the league than Charles. Charles just out-worked all of us. And he was a goofy mother fucker. I’ll never forget watching him cover Roy at DKR and being shocked by how well he did. I assumed he’d get smoked. And then going to his house to watch his college highlight film right before the draft and being twice as shocked. His forty time dropped from a 4.7 in high school to a 4.41 in college. We lost touch after he moved to Chicago. My dad worked with his dad for a long time, so I kinda kept up that way. Really proud of that dude. Very humble, too.
  17. Pretty sure we were just being idiots about Mike Roach’s inability to find the space bar.
  18. I don’t run marathons. I don’t run for leisure, or exercise at all. I prefer not to shit myself, which, as I stated earlier, is one of many reasons not to run a marathon. But the literal shit-posting has inched us ever closer to the magical 1000 page milestone. It’s the least I could contribute to this disaster of a thread.
  19. I don’t know... I’m reading it Bird’n turd.
  20. Kate is a beautiful woman. I’ve only been around a few months - less than a year. Objectively (and by objective, I mean objectifying women), Sommer is hands down hotter. She is a living, breathing wet dream. I’d never marry her because I could never trust her, but the same is true of Kate. So if we’re calling spades spades, Somer dominates the competition. However, if Kate is actually a good luck charm, capable of ensuring recruiting success, I will forego one obvious whore (Sommer) for Kate, a presumptive whore who isn’t quite as obvious about it.
  21. Stopping to use a port-a-potty is for pussies. That’s a well known standard. Your time will suffer. Plenty of competitive runners shit themselves during marathons. If you’ve never shit yourself, you’re just a casual marathoner.
  22. McClellan looked amazing in the state title game. So did Grey. The holes were huge for both, but McClellan had a lot of yards after contact. I see your point, though.
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