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Tex Long

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Posts posted by Tex Long

  1. Obviously '17, you dipshits. Typo, brain-fart, whatever... the point is, Ehlinger never looked left, and didn't see either the blitzer or the uncovered slot. The blitzer hit Sam just as he threw to Heard, one step closer and the ball likely would've been on the ground.

    I don't know whether to blame the no-look on freshmanity or on Beck and MensaTom prepping Sam to run plays exactly as drawn and only to one side of the field... seems like there was talk earlier about simplifying Sam's execution by restricting passing plays to half the field.

  2. 50 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    Pedo State cleaned house, tOSU said we are good with how we operate..... apples to oranges

    Rhythmic slapping sounds. Just because they're coming from the kitchen instead of the shower doesn't modify the fruity goodness...

  3. SEC decides who and where their football teams play in post-season - other than playoff games. SEC will match send agy to play us when they think agy has a better chance against us than they have against Wake Forest or Duke.

    agy is not much of an asset to SEC. agy is not an asset, at all, to XII.

    In conclusion, fuck agy.

  4. If being "a unquestionable turd" is some sort of disqualifier, there aren't going to be a hell of a lot of coaches left. Maybe we can just go back to having the "kids" coach themselves.

    Well, and choose their own trainers, cheerleaders, pom squad and whatall.

  5. All this and that makes Zach look like hammered whale shit, no doubt, but does it really hurt Urban? As somebody said, and I agree, not unless the followup puts Urban's face in the dick pics or cavorting in the showers trying to get the cock rings over his nose... It's all nasty shit, but it doesn't SO FAR seem to involve Urban. Maybe tattoos and drugs are waiting in the wings? McMurphy prolly gots someone(s) on the inside letting him know the buzz, and if the wrist-slap for Urban starts looking imminent, that's when the Good Shit™ will hit the Big Fans.

  6. 21 minutes ago, BurdineBandit said:

    Maybe he loves the game and just wants to get some real playing time for the first time in his career. He's clearly capable. Maybe he wants a leg up on a grad degree. I'd think the connections he made here are already solidified, he's a graduate and a 4-year player.

    Done sucked all the juice outta Texas? Looking for a fresh squeeze? I tend to believe Grad School angle is more likely than love of the game - but I'm not familiar with his studies. Anybody got some scholastic info on him?

  7. 21 minutes ago, BurdineBandit said:

    Wish it would've worked out for him, but seems like he maxed out on potential...

    You bet. What I don't get is that, given his goal of playing NFL ball (assuming he had that dream) is pretty clearly not gonna happen, what does gain him to be playing another year at some school that needs/wants a DB who can't quite make it at Texas? I'd think that he'd be better off spending his last year in our program and taking every opportunity to make and solidify the connections a varsity football player in Austin has offered every day. Well... maybe he's just angling for a grad program at Yale, or maybe Rice, or maybe FAU or some other Florida Directional University?

  8. Hey, whatever happened to the "bitch was drunk, and pissed the fuck OFF about him coming home smelling like that redheaded waitress - again - and took off on him, so he grabbed her arms and held her far enough away that she couldn't knee him in the nuts, then threw her on the bed" line?

    The overall plot here seems to be that all of them are assholes, and they all deserve whatever the fuck happens. More revelations at Elevenews, stay tuned.


  9. 54 minutes ago, elnimo said:

    Absolutely correct.  Which is why he is in this mess.  He didn't think that itthrough.  A better response would have been to deflect rather than lie about it.  That was the point I was trying to make (and apparently failed at).

    His problem is that he doesn't have Chris Del Conte as his AD, or anyone else with enough sense to realize he needed a sound bite for ZachGate.

  10. 24 minutes ago, jdhorn92 said:

    A win over MD is not meaningless.  B10 school, on the road is a good win.

    Partly true, but... overall, it's only meaningful if we lose (loltexaslollollol) or kick the shit out of them with 20 freshmen playing the whole second half (dammmmnnntexas). A close win is a full-grown meh. We might just as well see meaningfulness from whipping Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina or any other basketball school.

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  11. 21 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    The reason you see guys like Saban ... do well year after year is that these guys are always looking to see what they can do better, no matter how successful they were before. 

    Fuck Saban - he had the same record in his first season at 'Bama that MensaTom had here. 

    Now... if MensaTom matches year two, we're all good.

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