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Tex Long

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Posts posted by Tex Long

  1. Fuck Chip Brown.

    Praying for Ehlinger to get past the freshman stoopids and ignernts is a valid activity. Having an improved OL and TE/HB will go a log way toward that goal, as will having a reasonable semblance of a run game.

    Did I mention Fuck Chip Brown? He needs to go ahead and change his name to Fuckchip.

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  2. There is so much to hate about the off-season... lack of news, former  coaches, stupid NC2A rule changes, assholery by dumbfucks like Chip and Kurt... 

    The good part is that it's like having a bleeding wound on your leg, where the neighbor's fucking Jack Russell bit you...  you can't quit picking at it to see if you can get it to start scabbing properly, and eventually August arrives and the pain subsides to a dull ache with a nice scab over it, and then September rolls in and you have a nice pink patch of fresh new skin... 

    And then you get bit right in the same place by a fucking terrapin...

    So, yeah, fuck Chip and Kurt and most of the 9.95ers, fuck Mack and Mackovic and Strong.

    Fuck the whole off-season.

    Oh, and 0U sucks.

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  3. DP is my road trip goto c-store gas stop bevorage. How you stop for gas and she has to has to has to pee and buy shit and gotta buy you shit you don't want, too? I always ask for a Gruntstick and a Sweetjuice Cola, always get a Snickers and a Dr Pepper. This would never happen if Wonder Warthog were still alive. 

    And just to put that cherry on top, now Li'l Sweet done ruint the juice. Miserable little metrosex girly-singer.


  4. Guess y'all didn't get the SECSECSEC scheduling memo?

    UGA, like the rest, only play eight SEC games - the entire conference hits on four schlubs (or at least three and a quarter) every season and raises the whole conference's winning percentage by a smooth eight and 2/3.

    Had to bet, I'd guess the quarter schlub on UGA's dance card would be GaTech.

  5. Harrell, right? There was some talk about him during the recent OC search that netted us Yet Another OL Coach. If Beck flops (again), will MensaTom go after him, or will he promote Mehringer, or... ?

  6. Dear Walt:


    Thou knowest that I am of the Brotherhood of Friends and in consequence of that fact I may not Curse thee, nay, nor Smite thee.

    None the less, it is my Cherished Desire that when thou arrivest next at thy Homestead, that thy Mother might run from her Kennel and bite most painfully in the tender Place where dangle thy Organs of Procreation; yea, and that the said Organs might be detached from thee and made a meal of by the Mother.


    Regards, Tex Long

  7. Y'all - most of y'all - are so full of shit.


    Saint Darrell was once asked if he favored time of possession or more yardage as indicators of winning. He said neither one, because he had some of his young assistants do some research into exactly that question, and what they had found was that the team with more time of possession won the game 87.3% of the time, and the team with more yardage won 91.666% of the time, but they found a perfect indicator, which they decided to call scoreboard control, and the team with more points won 100% of the time.



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