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Tex Long

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Posts posted by Tex Long

  1. 8 hours ago, El Squared said:

    Seems like the way out for Urban unless it’s a multi-game suspension and he announces he will build a battered women’s shelter with his wife or some such other public pseudo apology.

    I find it odd that Mack Brown is defending Urban publicly with statements such as “ he is a great father and husband””—as if he knows and as if that is relavent.

    (MB... was beaten and raped  often by him so there’s that.)

    Not sure you can call it "rape" if you don't put up a fight... can you?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    "This camp is already different than any of the three previous practice blocs Herman has held in that I'm already hearing some positives about the offense."


    Ah, there it is. This time, it's different. This time its more intense! This time, the coaches are coaching better!


    Just complete and total crap all of this is. 

    Something, and Finish. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, HtownHorn said:

    Florida could easily blow a hole in Urban's defense. We already know he lied about this situation once already. If Florida comes out and says no paper work exists for the 2009 issue, then Urban is proven be a liar twice, and it would be hard to believe he followed protocols at Ohio State.

    Somebody get Coach Boom on the line, stat. Didn't he do some stable-cleaning when he Gator'ed?

  4. Seems like best bang for the buck is flying a banner FCB! in biggest possible letters. It definitely gets seen, and it gets the largest number of people asking "WTF is FCB?" and responding to the replies.  

    Maybe FCB! FCB! FCB! to get the whole stadium chanting FCB! although that could be achieved with a few Shaggy Surlys starting the chant when the sign appears... with an opportunity to change the chant to the full FUCK CHIP BROWN!

    I gotta Ben for that - you? 

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  5. 7 minutes ago, pops said:


    Yes, it's true: having your eyebrows surgically removed can save you hours and hours you'd otherwise spend plucking.

    However... unlike what you see in the picture, it's not a good idea to do it at home using a dull box-cutter.

  6. 2 hours ago, Ben Ficus said:

    Herb Hand is an unlikely candidate to have such a strong twitter game.  Never judge a book by its cover.

    Hulk Willie Nelson is going to be so fucking awesome this year.

    Against doctor's orders, Kool Aid initiated.  

    Maryland is fucked.

    Well, Hulk Willie may not be all that as a band name (but not bad, not bad), but as a player nickname it's damn fine. Definitely beats the shit out of "Breck" or whatever else Galindo and his merry band of torturers of the Anguish Languish have come up with. 

    Can't wait to hear way come out with something like "... Murray takes the snap. He heads right, and... Oh, my! HULK WILLIE!

  7. 10 minutes ago, UcancallmeSurly said:

    ... Urb choked on a narcissistic penile reminder that good eventually trumps evil.


    narcissistic penile reminders is a damned fine name for a band. Mind you, I still prefer Cunt Magnets - short, but mysteriously powerful. By contrast, narcissistic penile reminders has far too many syllables. Cunt Magnets too strong - and more memorable than a mere reminder.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Parliament said:
    19 minutes ago, A’Dam Psycho said:
    Purposely misconstrued Herman’s words in an effort to gain recruits. Publicly throwing a former assistant who help you win a natty under the bus is a scumbag move. Media & alot Longhorns fans on this very website (you know who you are) kissed his ass and we’re talking about getting rid of Herman.

    And...that leaked offensive playbook was the playbook Herman used his last year here. Tom Herman, you crafty devil!

    * book of plays

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

    I don't know how Meyer could possibly deny knowing about the 2015 incident.  I don't think a 'Zach told me it didn't happen and I believe him' defense is going to work.

    Meyer's probably trying to get hold of Art Briles and find out about the $28Megabuck settlement gambit.

  10. I dl'ed a copy of the book of plays - if you can't find it anywhere, let me know... it's a .zip file with a shitload of .pdfs of play sets including diagrams and basic responsibilities.

    I think MensaTom himself mentioned that there is a huge difference between a Playbook and a Book of Plays. Everybody has the latter, and other than specific formations, everybody has almost all the same plays. I always saw GDGD as having a Book of Plays which he selected from more or less at random. In fact, that seems to be more  the norm than the exception for OCs. Harsin had a coherent plan, Major not so much and he doesn't seem to have learned from Harsin. Watson and Beck both appear to be Book of Plays guys. Hopefully MensaTom will offset Beck's reliance on random number generation this season and find an OC who can cohere the mess. We'll see.

    Back on track: FUM


    That said, it's a giant list of every reasonable play known to mankind

  11. 38 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    I can see 10-2 and I can see 8-4. I don’t think I can see 12-0. The offensive improvement to get us there would be off the charts. 

    Yeah... the four losses by less than a touchdown are easy to see as wins, with a decent OL and RB game and a QB with a year under his belt and without the need to be the hero. Yep, yep. That'd get to 10-2, and like you, I can see it. 

    The other two wins to get to 12-0, though... gonna take all of the above, plus some luck, plus some un-fucked reffing, plus some Charlie-esque game management by an opposing coach. I ain't putting any cash on that, not unless Vegas is offering million-to-one odds... hmmm... 

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