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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Laxtonto

  1. My counterpoint is FUCK THE SEC, FUCK BAMA AND FUCK UGA
  2. Nice to hear that ESPN feels that Texas is most likely in...
  3. The funny part is that the CFP are boxed in not because of FSU, but instead for constantly giving teams the benefit of the doubt of potential future wins vs who they played and who they beat. Oregon was constantly pushed up the rankings because of "style" and the assumption that they would beat Washington in a rematch, which obviously did not happen Friday night. GA is under the same fallacy. The assumption was that GA would be the SEC champs and so therefore in the end their winning the SEC would justify their lofty ranking. So because of that, they ignored some of the concerns with UGA all season. So in the end, all of this is tied to the CFP committee bet on the wrong horse twice and Bama losing to Texas dictated the structure that would be used to keep them out. If everything would have gone chalk, there would be no arguments (unless it would be Texas/FSU) and the SEC is in because of the 4 undefeateds.
  4. Well he does like $$ and UT getting in helps the B12 coffers and its always better to not set any precedents that could get used against you in the future
  5. Funny enough, if this is really the case and instead not FSU but the SEC gets kept out then the grand culprit in all of this is.... drum roll please.... A&M for trying to sabotage the UT/OU move by leaking it a month before the CFP expansion committee meeting,..
  6. So if the SEC gets left out, then it is all LSU fault... By losing to FSU early in the season, FSU got to finish off undefeated. So now, with the USG loss to Bama the SEC gets left out all because of LSU... so don't bitch to us, blame the swamp kittys
  7. So... call it on Lousiville but not on FSU earlier again...
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