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Everything posted by RoyalBevo21

  1. Yes, it's hard to believe football players that understand the game turn out to be better than kids with measurables but no heart or instincts (sarcasm). Texas should recruit more of the former instead of so many measurable projects.
  2. Execution is always more important than drawing up creative plays and schemes.
  3. What is this shit about? https://twitter.com/Larsen_ESPN/status/1205969367776686080?s=19
  4. This team is full of retards. They might jump high, and run fast. But there are very few football players on this roster.
  5. Not to mention there are 2 teams currently ranked in the top 10.
  6. Wishing I had money lined Tech instead of the +10.5 I got them at. Oh well, winning money either way.
  7. There's about a 3% chance of getting Scalley. He's coaching at his alma mater and if Utah somehow does the unthinkable and wins this whole thing I have no doubt Scalley would be the HBC there in 2020. From Whittingham's own words (he's 60) “I can just about guarantee I won’t be coaching at 65,” Whittingham told ESPN 700 in October. The declaration surprised no one who knows him, yet was the first time he mentioned any timetable. The realization that his father, Fred Whittingham Sr., died at 64 undoubtedly enters his mind.
  8. Herman isn't the guy. Next year with him is just a waste of time. What a pathetic showing.
  9. I mean for us. Its gotta be less than a 15% success rate at this point.
  10. Is this coaching staff just trolling us with the bubble screens at this point? Has it ever worked?
  11. 0-4 in our last 4 against alts. Okie jr 2018, ou 2018 b12 champ, tcu abortion this year, isu all blacks.
  12. Calcaterra medically retires from football due to concussions.
  13. God, watching that play more and more and it just gets worse. Juwan Mitchell (playside LB) gets completely tossed aside. And Ossai's attempted tackle is pretty pathetic tbh.....
  14. Went to go hunting this past weekend instead of watch the game. I knew they would lose as this is a classic Tom Herman type of let down game. Decided to suck it up and watch a shortened version of the game on Youtube and within the first 30 seconds see this bullshit. https://gfycat.com/thunderousalarmingantlion Please just stare at RDE Fat ass Taquan Graham #49 and watch him throughout the play. If that's the type of effort this supposed culture is breeding gtfo.
  15. Dallas Cowboys - Texas Longhorns
  16. 100% this is on Hermensa's offense. I'm just saying block head doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
  17. Probably for giving up 5.0 YPC? Just a thought?
  18. Idk if they make em like that anymore? He was not only an incredible X's and O's coach but held his players to a high standard while also having a loving soft side. That clip of him giving Steinmark the game ball after the Cotton Bowl chokes me up every time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkovVyqZ1R8
  19. I agree, but I'm saying you can't just run a system to the detriment of your W/L column. There are schemes he can come up with that are set in spread formations but geared towards playing fatball. LSU currently has a bunch of fatty's on the OL that don't move well. Find a way to get the ball out quick, don't have a lot of pulling linemen in the run game. Nobody expects them to compete for anything in the $ec for quite awhile, but losing to G5 teams is unacceptable. With all of that said, fuck Arkansas.
  20. This is still the dumbest arguement in the history of football. Any coach can be competitive with good players that fit a system he wants to run But as a coach you're paid to get the most out of the players you have on the roster. So if you don't have the GD players to fit running the wishbone then don't run the GD wishbone. The coach should adjust to his players, not the other way around.
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