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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by YChang

  1. Oh Jose… you and your stupid base running
  2. Oh man, SD almost ties it…
  3. Those Stros fans in the stand looks like they’re safe and having a graaaaaand ol time
  4. Hey at least it was a good swing… baby step
  5. Man it sucks how cold some of the bats are
  6. I hope the team regroups a bit, watch some tape, and adjust with this chasing the high fastball bit
  7. What the heck is Altuve thinking here
  8. Maybe our guys struggling should stop swinging at the first pitch…
  9. Cool multimedia article on what Biden's administration asked for and what was passed.
  10. In what world are the Yankees “Goliath?” Not for the past few decades.
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