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Everything posted by PsychMike

  1. Thanks, Champ. Your Brunch sounds amazing. And I agree with Neonmoon about the safe place comment. I can't imagine running a restaurant, and I imagine starting off the re-branding and menu alterations would be damn near impossible to avoid kinks. That's why I came here...I figured if you were swamped then someone else would chime in. No matter what, I'll be coming by early and often this summer and will get the word out.
  2. Has anyone on this board visited FarleyBucks this week? I was out of town until last night and I called this morning to inquire about the menu. The nice lady who answered the phone told me that they just had the regular menu (I asked whether there were any Bucks BBQ items available today) and said they close at 3 pm. I'm just asking for planning purposes. I've got a friend that lives here in G-Town and he's leaving Monday for most of the summer and he wants to try Champ's meat before leaving town. Champ, I thought very seriously about texting you but I am guessing you're probably under some stress to get things right at FG and I thought I'd ask here instead.
  3. Damn, and I thought the 404 in Nashville was expensive... https://the404nashville.com/whiskey/
  4. The Cotton Bowl vs LSU was a great display of Roy Williams as a beast, but never forget Nebraska 2002. 13 catches for 161 yds, 2 TDs, and the longest catch was only 27 yds. After being dumb the 1st 3 series, Greg Davis finally decided to let Roy beast against the Huskers. Most of his catches were short hitches because they played off the line so far and he broke tackles. (I thought he had 80 catches or so, but looked it up and found it was just 13) Check it out at the 26:13 mark. He could've set an all-time record if that was the goal. Definitely one of the greats in NCAA, possibly the best Longhorn WR.
  5. Congrats, Champ! You'll be <2 miles from my house. Can't wait 'til you get to G-Town! (don't know if you still have my cell number but I have yours). If not, PM me (or Derka) if you need anything...
  6. Those jerseys/ logo is one of the best in the nba OK, so I'm not typically the guy that notices this kind of thing, but what's the story on the lower case "et" in "ROCKetS?" I would guess it's to fit the whole thing on the jersey but I'd like to hear the discussion. Not hating at all, just curious...
  7. Yeah I always liked him and wish him success. Can you see him? I want you to picture Coach Norvell. Now imagine he's white.
  8. I agree, Brews Brothers is my current #1 burger. And they had Cigar City Jai Alai on tap last I was there. Not my #1 beer, but damn good and it's my staple whenever I visit Tampa.
  9. How am I just now noticing your spectacular username for the first time? +rep
  10. When Johnny saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer. The benefits of an aggy education.
  11. And I think the key word here is, "put out."
  12. On a positive note, at least we're not in the same region as Maryland.
  13. Apparently I sat next to Chuck Todd at breakfast last week at the Park Hyatt in DC. I didn't know it until some Asian dude came up to him requesting a picture with him. He said he was a big fan. Wish I would've known, I would have given him a piece of my mind. Not so cool story bro.
  14. Man I hope Blake takes the Brockermeyer boys to College Station and laughs at the offensive line coaching, followed by both of them coming here and wrecking shop. Because F aggy and Dumbo.
  15. She freelances for a the column Insider. And judging by her pic, there may be some among us who might enjoy being insider.
  16. Also, my wallet sucks (I need a new one, but am not very motivated to get one), so it's nice not to have to pull out my Driver License.
  17. They take you right to the front of the line after you're ID and Boarding Pass are confirmed at the kiosk. That's pretty damned good. Especially when some of the airports have a shitload of people in the TSA Pre-Check line. You're right they don't have enough locations, but in my case they make up more than half of the airports I use.
  18. I love his forward lean in that picture, reminds me of myself only better. Hook 'em Mr. Braun, thanks for choosing us and welcome to the 40!
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