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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ztejas

  1. Just realized it's a DFW trifecta night.
  2. I mean PHO can either trade Book and KD or they can try and run it back. The former could save their franchise, the latter seems like the type of dumbshittery their doofus owner would double down on. But JB and Booker seems superfluous.
  3. I kind of generally wish I lived in San Diego but sure, the late games would be earlier.
  4. Um - you obviously didn't see my draft advice. Just replace "shooting ability" with "defensive ability".
  5. Fuck! Another good one. It's absolutely a sitcom.
  6. Fuck... forgot about this one, too. 30 Rock may still be in my top 5. Seinfeld Arrested Development IAS 30 Rock Curb Probably something like that. Also forgot about Reno 911. Is Eastbound and Down a "sitcom"? Not really sure it is.
  7. SDSU wasn't any better than Texas last season. I'm confident we could have beat UAB and Yale and also lost to UCONN by 30 points.
  8. I think people forget how funny 30 Rock was. I like PnR a lot but it's not even a convo for me between those 2. I'd probably put 30 Rock above every live action sitcom not named Seinfeld (granted I'm a little young to have ever gotten into anything pre-Seinfeld). *Actually - that's not true. Forgot about Arrested Development.
  9. He's fucking sucked for years.
  10. When I was at SMU the business honors students had higher average SAT/ACT scores than the kids getting admitted to Stanford.
  11. K but I think this situation is a bit more morally ambigious than apartheid or Vietnam or whatever.
  12. That employee's name? Aaron Franklin.
  13. I agree. Like processing Hunter for guards that can reach the top shelf of the pantry.
  14. I heard they had an issue with keeping pickles available.
  15. I commented on it when the seeding got finalized, but again, OKC was a huge winner. They will get one of two teams they are better than with at least 2 additional games rest and have HCA until the Finals. I really wouldn't be surprised to see them make the Finals, although I think I'd have it as something like 40%/30%/20%/10% Denver/Minny/OKC/(DAL/LAC)
  16. It isn't an anomaly we've all watched this team play shitty baseball all fucking season. They had FIVE errors Friday night. Guess that's an "anomaly", too. It's like y'all are selectively focusing on the 2/3 of the time this season that the team plays passable baseball and not the 1/3 of the season where they look like a fucking hillbilly juco team.
  17. "Women are clinically insane"
  18. I mean he was right. Disaster for the Spurs.
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