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Nueces River Rat

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Everything posted by Nueces River Rat

  1. You all call grilling hot dogs, corn on the cob, and hamburgers a BBQ. Texans call smoking a brisket or ribs a BBQ. So yes I question it, LOL!
  2. This is what happens when a private equity firm from Chicago gets it's hands on a good thing.
  3. TEXAS-OBSESSED AGGIES FANS COULDN’T STOP THROWING ‘HORNS DOWN’ AT TEXAS A&M SPRING GAME https://www.outkick.com/texas-am-aggies-longhorns-rivalry-horns-down-spring-game-sec-2024/
  4. I think I’m more pumped about or running game this season vs last. Don’t get wrong I would’ve loved Bijan back for his Senior season. But I like we have some choices back there and the run game won’t ride primary on the legs of one back.
  5. A bonus watching this is NO Lowell Galindo. Thanks XFL for taking him during the spring. Your worthless league has some value after all.
  6. 1) Peanut Butter M&Ms 2) Almond M&M's 3) Junior Mints 4) HEB Dark Chocolate covered Almonds 5) Luden's Cherry Cough Drops
  7. That’s it. It’s been our midway restroom stop for our trips to MD Anderson. It wouldn’t shock me if Bucees takes them to court because they have some of the same features in their stores, albeit they don’t have their own brand of snack items like Choke Canyon had that Bucees sued them for or huge souvenir shop.
  8. Update…. We went up to MD Anderson in mid February and spent three days up there meeting with the Oncology team and surgeon and before those sessions they did more diagnostic work to confirm what the preliminary work showed from the lab and diagnostics in Corpus . I can tell you MD Anderson earns its reputation. We were seen on time or earlier than the scheduled time and every visit during the process was not rushed. They took their time with us and answered all questions and put all the options on the table and timelines. Initially it looked like they were going to do the surgery first to remove the lump, but the Oncologist was concerned about a particular marker her cancer showed that could cause the cancer to accelerate. So she decided to take the option to do the chemotherapy first and then sometime in August have the tumor removed. She had her first treatment at MD Anderson in early March and we were fortunate a Oncologist down here has a relationship with MD Anderson to coordinate treatments so we don’t have to drive to Houston every other week during this first phase. Next month the second phase of the chemo begins which requires a weekly visit, but instead of a three hour session, it’s supposed to be shorter. We still have to go up there for a check up every six weeks until surgery. She began to lose her hair after her second treatment which was a blow to her, but she knew was coming and prepared for it. She did her third treatment today, so she is hoping it’s rinse and repeat from the prior two where the fatigue and other yuck does it’s worse over the weekend and Monday she begins a rebound She works from home and her boss pretty much told her to rest when ever she needs to rest and she has treatment days off which are on Thursday and the following Friday for the duration if she feels the need to take the entire day off. If everything goes as the plan stands now, she will have surgery in August. Since no lymph nodes are involved, the surgery itself will not be as invasive. They will also be able to do the reconstructive surgery after the lump is removed and do the other side to make sure things match if you know what I mean and all covered by her health insurance. It’s about time that sort of thing was covered for women and I wish it was back in the 80s when my mom went through breast cancer. Never understood why losing any other body part would get covered, but not a women’s breast which is very much a vital part for women was never treated the same. The upside with doing the chemo first as well is the cancer should all be gone and no follow up chemo or radiation will be necessary. She has the surgery and it’s done! I can’t say again how super the folks are at MD Anderson. The University of Texas should be proud to have its name and legacy attached with such a wonderful facility. They will be on my charity contribution list from this point forward. Texans and others who don’t have the means should not have this option excluded from them because of circumstances. Thanks again for all who have commented and reached out!
  9. There is Bucees like convenience store chain popping up around South Texas called The Texan. I think their biggest store which most resembles this is off US 59 in Victoria? Unlike Bucees they accommodate Truckers albeit they don’t have scales like Loves or Pilot so it’s not a full service Truck Stop. I do wonder how long it will be until Bucees sues them for what they think might be trademark infractions? They took a store that many are familiar with to court that is between Corpus in San Antonio on I 37 near Three Rivers called Choke Canyon and won. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Buc-ee-s-beaver-trademark-texas-choke-canyon-gator-12934353.php
  10. For a late lunch today, we took my in laws to the last Lubys that is still open in Corpus. This was about 1:30 and I’m going to guess I was one of youngest in the dining area and I’m 51. I guess this one has stayed open because it’s next to a hospital and medical complex and several retirement and assisted living facilities are near by and the walkers and wheel chairs were a dime a dozen there today. The food was meh for sure and it wasn’t even close to the Luby’s during their better days.
  11. An Iowa based corporation taking over the World Famous Burrito promises to be like a Chicago based private equity firm that took a big position in a Texas burger chain.
  12. Did they secretly sell part of the company to a private equity firm from Chicago who has screwed up another Texas brand?
  13. Guy on left needs to get with the program. No SEC logo and aggy is an Adidas school
  14. I expect a video somewhere in the archives to feature music from the Lawerence Welk show.
  15. "Jump" and "Dreams" by Van Halen were good ones for sports videos back in that time frame. "Final Countdown" by Europe was another good one.
  16. My word we used the theme song from The Mannequin movie.
  17. Coaches rarely blame the Refs in private conversations just as many avoid it in public like press conferences.
  18. Oh I know. My neighbor is an aggy and his son has the decal on his car for which I've asked him why the obsession for a school you blamed for your problems for years and the SEC was the cure all? They can't answer other than wait to you get to the SEC, blah, blah, blah.... I've asked multiple times do you see my obsession or any UT fan/alum, etc. doing the same with you all with cute stickers on our cars and T shirts. Uh, just wait to you get to the SEC and find out is the response. I'd love to be a main supplier for one of the aggy stores. Their current suppliers must laugh all the way to the bank because they print up shirt, caps, drinking cups, etc. for anything and everything they consider commemorative like our baseball game against them. Or when they "BTHO" Alabama or the 74-72 against LSU a few years ago.
  19. The fact that they have to make a display for ONE baseball game against us shows us how much we live in their minds 24/365. When we join the SEC in fall of 2024 it's going to be fun watching this almost weekly. Maybe before then if the SEC shows up their AD and we end up hosting the first football game against them since they took their toys went to the SEC.
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