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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Mach 1

  1. You guys trying to help people with this disease deserve a standing ovation. My 2 cents, for those considering quitting/rehab/entering the recovery phase there is Soberlink. https://www.soberlink.com/ I have a relative in post rehab recovery mode and he says it's a welcome addition to the meetings and medications. He has to blow into it 3 times a day and it's immediately emailed to his sponsor, doctor and close relatives, so the cavalry comes in asap should he regress. No chance of going off on a bender and no one realizing it. It's expensive, but having another tool in the box seems to be worth it.
  2. I'm still in. I'd like to see less Mayor's wife and more Tong intrigue.
  3. Interesting article on Bosch LA shooting locations. https://la.curbed.com/2019/4/17/18410878/bosch-tv-show-house-michael-connelly
  4. My older brother tells a story that Switzer was shit faced the night before the '78 Orange Bowl, literally swinging from a chandelier in the hotel bar screaming "National Champions!" Urban legend, but that's how I'll always see him, a drunk monkey. * 78 when they got their shit pushed in by Arky *
  5. I'm in the "watch for entertainment" camp and don't get all twisted up in the details, but watching the mining of dragon glass vexed me. Why aren't they getting their hands on wild fire? Problem with fighting the dead hand to hand is if one of yours dies, he gets resurrected as an enemy. Assuming the numbers are even, which I don't think they are, you'd have to kill theirs on a pretty high ratio to not have the dead army replenished continuously. Not ideal. So we have a baker's dozen of White Walkers and approximately a shitload of dead soldier skeletons. Great, make some dragon glass weapons to fight when need be, but goddamn, someone from KL with knowledge of past events should be smuggling whatever wild fire is left over, or trying to recreate it. Blast those skeletons from a distance and limit the hand to hand combat. And no need to risk the loss of another dragon.
  6. Oh man, I want that '52 Ford F2. Wow. The '69 Mustang fastback has an unfortunate paint job. No need for those dumb silver stripes. Looks like a cool show, thanks for posting.
  7. Vinyl will be black to match the rear stripe I assume, that will look bad ass.
  8. ^^^^^ Hey Onboard, let's see those cars. In the meantime, 351 Cleveland before and after:
  9. Yeah it was. The car segments and adventures are great, but it's their interpersonal relationships and personalities really keep the show going. Someone said on the other site that these three could be selling wedding dresses and they'd still watch it. Agree 100% Their reaction to no booze was hilarious and hit close to home. I turned the show on last night after just having a few pops, and thought to myself "Should I pour myself another?" And "Maybe not, maybe I'm drinking too much." Then I saw them looking miserable after a stone sober sleep, got up, and poured another.
  10. They just replayed the Hound/Brienne fight scene on HBO. JFC I forgot how crazy that was. I remembered it as a simple sword fight and kick off the ledge, but it's full on hand to hand combat, with donkey kick, head butt and rock to the head. The Hound has always been my favorite character the show. Rewatching his heartwarming speech to Arya afterward reminded my why. (And that dude is a good actor).
  11. You're in good company
  12. Ha, Ft Bliss Irvin Rocket family here. Thunderbird football dominance was a constant growing up. Sorry to thread jack, on to more concerts.
  13. Ha, I saw Aerosmith there in '78. That place was basically a sweltering barn, with acoustics to match. I think every rock band just said fuck it, let's turn the amps up to 11, play our set, and get the hell out of here. * Quick side note : also watched a random exhibition hockey game there. We left after the second period, not realizing there was a third.
  14. Maybe SIAP, but the music sounded familiar to me when I watched it initially, but I was three drinks in and just enjoyed the show without looking into it. Circled back and yep, Road to Perdition. Same guy scored both. * shit, also Shawshank* Smart move, added to the movie.
  15. Manhunter is a great flick. This was touched on up thread but tubby Freddy Lounders in Manhunter Morphed into this in Avatar
  16. I thought this needed to be revisited on a new page. I'm watching Viking descendants perform an Italian's music from a classic American western, and I'm still getting chills as if I'm watching Tuco run through the cemetery. Very cool.
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