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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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  1. Mach 1

    Ric Ocasek RIP

    Holy shit. This is a shocker. I guess I should get used to major musicians from my youth dying as time marches on ... but I don't want to. RIP Pulled this from The Cars thread I posted awhile back. csb Got last minute tickets to Lollapalooza, about 10 years ago. Glanced at the line up and saw Big Audio Dynamite, so I was in. Met up with friends, had a shitload of drinks, and while walking to my hotel saw Ric Ocasek outside smoking. Me: Hey are you Ric Ocasek? (looking around for his wife) Ocasek: (takes a drag of his cigarette, looks away) Me: You guys playing tomorrow? Ocasek: (takes another drag, looks at me like I'm an idiot) Me: (obviously drunk) You know, you guys should tour more. Fans would love to see you. I mean, when was the last time you toured? Jesus, the number of hits you guys have. Ocasek: (throws cigarette to ground, walks away) Me: Hey man, love you guys! /csb *Forgot to add some serious thunderstorm hit Chicago and they evacuated everyone from the concert. Didn't even get to see them.
  2. Saw it today, pretty good IMO. I really liked when they all went their separate ways and had their own crazy experiences with Pennywise. Also weren't afraid to knock off a couple of kids in some brutal ways. Hader and the dude who played Eddie were awesome. The time jumps back and forth were done very well. Knocks - too long, could have shaved 20-30 minutes easy. The whole alien/Indian ritual thing took a little away from the batshit creepy clown killing kids part of the first movie. Understand that was part of the book, but I didn't read it, so as a movie goer it kicked it down a notch from the first. Daughter said the kids were CGI'd since they've hit puberty and changed a lot since the first movie. You could tell here and there, but they did a pretty good job of keeping them looking the same age.
  3. Packaging. Modern day fucking packaging. Why does something as innocuous as a pencil sharpener have to be vacuum sealed in military grade plastic? I swear to god that shit can stop a bullet. And the only way to get into it is by blowtorch or German shears. Since no blowtorch is handy I use the shears, which of course causes the plastic edges to turn into razor blades. Being vacuum packed the thing won't pop out so you have to dig in to get it and voila, you've sliced open your hand. Next up is the band aid. If we can put a man on the moon can't those motherfuckers at band aid make it a little easier to get at it, especially since 99% of the people needing a band aid are bleeding like a slasher film? Nope, it's a two hand job regardless if one hand is wrapped in paper towels. So get resourceful and use the teeth, which works half the time, the other half the band aid gets all twisted and useless. Next up bar soap. You evil motherfuckers, whoever you are that package this shit. You're already in the shower, wet, when you notice the soap is missing. Okay fine, get out, open cabinet, get soap, return to shower. Except the bar soap is wrapped in slick paper that defies any attempt at wet hands trying to get a grip. No rough edges, everything sealed tight like Fort fucking Knox. So again, revert to the use of teeth just to get at a bar of goddamn soap. DIAF you packaging fucks.
  4. Never heard that one, pretty good. Might have to dig around his old stuff to see what other tunes I missed.
  5. Now that I'm slightly more sober figured I'd circle back on this... I didn't imply they were royalty, just that they have every advantage to recruit 10-15 (as noted above) nationally and put a quality product on the field every year. What I'm seeing the last couple of years is fucking awful, and it is, indeed, a conundrum. I think of UCLA like Sneaky Bigs, a chick with really nice tits that aren't readily apparent under the sweater. Competitive in the PAC, make it to the Rose Bowl now and then and kick the shit out of a favored B10 team, put out a Heisman QB here and there. Those days seem far distant.
  6. yes, so what's your point
  7. This is the equivalent of malpractice. There is no excuse for putting last night's shit stain on the field when you are a top tier school like UCLA. They have every fucking CA recruiting advantage, location, education... and they were beat soundly by a second tier school from Ohio. And it wasn't just bad QB play, they were beaten across the board. No disrespect to Cincy, seemingly well coached with kids that play hard. I'm just baffled at UCLA. OK, they went through Neuhiesel, Mora and now Kelly - shitty coaches that (ahem) a few other programs have had to go through to find the right coach. But those programs still recruited relatively well during those transitions. As I said, I'm baffled (like that word).
  8. That photo sparked a lot of memories. My dad died when I was a few years younger than when Sam lost his. As an adult looking back, the feeling I remember most as a kid was how scared I was to move forward without a safety net (Dad). Failure was no longer an option. Anyone who bets against this guy will be sorely mistaken.
  9. I'm a couple episodes into QB1. Rattler has a nice family, comes across reasonably here and there, but it's obvious the kernel is ready to bloom for the next, time honored tradition, of douchebag Sooner QBs.
  10. I caught it a bit during the first season or two because I wanted to fuck Tamra.
  11. 14 is tough one. Never heard of Hutson. Otto Graham is a legend, but before my time. So I'll go with Fouts. 1) Dude threw darts into the hands of his receivers, all day, every day. 2) He co-announced the 2006 Rose Bowl, and did so well.
  12. Austin band. Fun, catchy tune.
  13. All the Biden hate here is depressing. He's the only shot at keeping Dotard from another 4 years of running our country into a ditch, and some Democrats are intent on eating their young (old) to make a point, that will mean nothing in the long term. Who else you got? Warren? Harris? Sanders? Yeah, that's never fucking going to happen. The R machine with Russian and corporate help will ground them into salt. I'll take Biden in a wheelchair with saliva dripping from his lips if it means we can move on as a nation, get that fucking sociopath out of office, then figure out the next steps. We'll need a full four years, if not more, to right the ship. Then maybe the Warren's or Harris's or Beto's of the world can step in and start enacting the legislation needed. Or fucking hell, maybe a decent R candidate will step in (doubles over laughing). Biden is the only D shot of getting that fuckstain out of office. Thinking otherwise is pissing up a rope.
  14. Walk across the street to the Water Grill, have a beer and some oysters. Same view, no homeless.
  15. This is a fantastic series, just as good as the Carnegie/Rockefeller one that preceded. Couple of things that stood out - I guess I should spoiler
  16. I haven't watched one of these videos without the room getting dusty. The shock and joy of the guys getting the scholarship, and the joy/support of his teammates, hits me in the feels.
  17. smoked salmon, with toasted French bread and lemon aioli spread host pictures host pictures
  18. I've scoffed at this thread, since I haven't sharted since binge drinking in college and eating Taco Bell. But fuck me if it didn't happen last week. Standing outside our hotel in Cabo waiting for our ride to take us ATV riding. My kids are there with some of their friends, just joking around, having fun, feeling comfortable, when I think, you know, I should probably let this pent up pressure go before getting into the van ... bad idea. I'm in shorts and grab the edges before anything oozes out in front of a bunch of teenagers that would mock me until I died. I duck walked back into the lobby past people checking in looking at me like I was retarded, found the bathrooms and - thank god - they had a unisex type solo bathroom. Whipped off the shorts, washed them off in the sink, and did a full on baby ass wiping with approximately a shitload of towels. So now my gray shorts are clean but obviously soaking wet, but fuck it, I walk out head held high, as if I always wear wet shorts. Go back outside, van is there, and I get in the front seat and roll down the window. My kids and their friends never suspected a thing. I shall never scoff again.
  19. This is where I'm at. I love Tarentino but I couldn't figure out where he was going with this one. The Playboy Mansion party was just ... bad. Looked like an American Bandstand episode. Maybe that was what he was after, but it set the tone for disappointment for me rest of the way. Unusual movie for him, not what I expected.
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