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Everything posted by Levi

  1. Yeah that dude sucked shit through a straw. I don’t think Flores or Thomas are at his his level yet.
  2. We’ve been spoiled with guys like Hamilton, Faltine and even Daly coming in their freshman year and looking like they belong. Who was the shortstop freshman that had like 20 errors in 10 games? I think it was 2019.
  3. @Hookem2147 I think our idea of LBJ being in a reliever/closer role was pretty off.
  4. I wouldn’t say obvious. But what he’s replicating tonight against number 1 LSU proves that it wasn’t just another Tuesday night against the mighty beach aggy.
  5. The ump needs to decide what his zone is. My goodness
  6. It’s very strange. He’s had bad hitting teams with good pitching and vice versa, and still found a way to win. The one consistent throughout that has been poor base running. I don’t get it. One would think figuring out base running would be a lot easier than putting together at lack luster lineup/staff that can get to the CWS but I guess not.
  7. Agreed. A 1st and 3rd delayed steal is one of my favorite things to see when done successfully. Maybe throw in a safety squeeze.
  8. They’re going to have to be aggressive at the plate and put balls in play. We need to have the highest percentage for putting balls in play which may lead to runs like today but hopefully as the season progresses hits start to be normalized with runners in scoring position. This lineup just doesn’t have the juice like we saw last year but they have at least shown the ability to hit the ball hard, and put runners in scoring position through small ball.
  9. Eh, I’m willing to see what he’s got at a position he’s probably more comfortable at rather than keeping Daly in the lineup.
  10. Wind or not, we’ve had some hard hit outs tonight.
  11. Pretty cool your first hit as a horn is a homer. Nice
  12. You seem to be overthinking the situation with Kash. Pierce has shown on multiple occasions that he’ll give freshmen opportunities to show what they can do. If they show any kind of ability to succeed then he’s given them more lead. Kash simply looked lost as goose in hale storm at the plate. And if you think because he was a highly sought after prospect and should be given more time, then I don’t know what you want from a coach that is trying to win.
  13. We also have some more pieces that could find their way on the field. Plenty of time before conference play.
  14. Dalys approach looks very similar to last year.
  15. Would be gruntled. Outside of his ranking and commitment to Vandy, we haven’t seen a whole lot to be excited about, or lead us to believe he’s due for a jump.
  16. I forgot Hurley is really tall. He looked good
  17. Yeah, I can see that and you’re probably right. The shuffling around is going to happen a ton before conference play which we’re young and inexperienced so to be expected. I just hope by then we have at least 3-4 guys out of the pen we can count on to throw strikes. Finally having a true pitching coach should help.
  18. I thought he could possibly turn into our CQ out of the pen…maybe not necessarily this year tho. I don’t see him becoming a starter this year with only 2 pitches.
  19. I logged out and logged back in and there are still ads all over. I’m on iPhone mobile, dark mode and using Firefox.
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