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Everything posted by Brothahorn

  1. Has the season started? I swear I saw KU and Illinois playing earlier. Or was that a rerun?
  2. No. He just threw interceptions on back-to-back plays. Plus Cincy dropped another. SF just doesn't look the same. Defense is gone and Purdy is struggling.
  3. Purdy did not clear concussion protocol.
  4. Don't forget the Panthers won 7 games last year and if not for Lovie, the Texans would have had the #1 pick. They didn't flip the roster so there is talent there. The coaching, IMO, has been bad. This was definitely a learning experience. The Texans definitely need to upgrade the OL.
  5. Shit. The Texans probably thought this would be an easy one considering the Panthers were winless.
  6. Frank Reich is the perfect example of recycled trash. I am happy the Texans got CJ. But I still think Young could be a very good QB with the right coach. Not Reich.
  7. Fuck the Adams family and the NFL.
  8. Last year was the year for that. If his hand was that bad, then he shouldn't have been on the field. But if he is on the field then you expect him to make the catch. However, as you saw, the coach just let it go for whatever reason. X has been much better this year. Although, I wouldn't call him the best receiver in the country. Maybe top 10.
  9. I figure there have been 2 games that tested where we are as a program. So far we are 1-1. This is the ultimate test, and you get the bonus of being at home. If you are serious about winning/competing for the conference, you need to win. Even with MM as the QB.
  10. I was just messing with you. Ehh, if we had a better OL, then then yeah Malik could 'guide' us to a big win. Because we would be converting those goal-line possessions and short-yardage plays. But I don't think he is ready to put up 300 yards and 3tds based on what I saw. You do love you some Maalik, though. I hope proves worthy.
  11. This is the type of game I expected last week. With the injury and how bad BYU is, not a lot to judge(besides Sark's usual WTFs). We'll see what happens next week. KSU will tell the tale.
  12. The man did everything you would expect out of a raw prospect, who didn't even play that much in HS from what I understand. Of course, he had TOs but they were not going to cost us this game against BYU. That's really all you can get out of this game. Next week will be a better barometer for him and the whole team. BTW, His ducks are almost as bad as QE's. The QB whisperer might need to start whispering a little louder.
  13. That's the Mack Brown Brand of Football I know and love.
  14. Same and some mowing. Also, it's the last weekend before the idiots take over. Plus fixing fence is man work unlike pumpkin cuttin' 😁
  15. They should let you bundle premium and TV for a discount price.
  16. And you only smell your farts. I remember riding Metro with one of my aunts back in the late 70's. I thought it would be cool. Boy was I wrong. But I guess it depends on your route. Taking that Woodlands express is going to be wholly different than riding from Lockwood to Mesa.
  17. That sounds like something you do on Bang Bros.
  18. You're just mad because you didn't get a pair of boogie shoes for Christmas.
  19. Man, you gotta get the old people bathtub. https://www.kohlerwalkinbath.com/ I let my wife talk me out of it when we built the country house. I f'ed up.
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