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Everything posted by immamac

  1. I’m talking about things way beyond the context of that specific thread or thing and none of you can wrap your brains around it for some reason. I don’t give a shit about any of these specific examples I give a shit that this is what happens all the time and I saw it this time.
  2. I’ll add that my posts are specifically different because I’m the only owner of the entire site and community. My opinion isn’t more valuable and doesn’t have more weight, but it’s based on a lot more than what i think personally as an individual poster or participant in a conversation sometimes. I don’t often go full mod/owner and this was one of those instances where people wanted to just troll like I was some asshole participant because they were actually just so toxic they couldn’t help themselves when I clearly just wanted the fucking thread back on the rails and the temperature turned down. None of this is complicated. Stop being mean dickheads and he funny dickheads. haha assholes > shitty assholes
  3. WOW look. It’s what actually happened.
  4. Winamp was the absolute shit.
  5. Because you are all act like a bunch of spoiled entitled brats. it’s legitimately not hard to see how the thread in question is completely fucked, yet here we are with a bunch of people saying they are protecting the truth and the thread is worthy of outrage because reasons. bitch, we make puns on this site about people that get murdered or die. Stop acting like this is some fucking sacred line you are all defending and like anything you fucking say here is gonna change anything about the situation. I’ve tried to mobilize people to vote, get involved with actual change and be about it instead of talking about it, but in reality all most people here wanna do is bitch and complain that the world isn’t perfect and it’s all fucked because of some sleazebag piece of shit politician like it’s something new. It’s not new. None of this is new. all I did was tell people to move on and they acted like it was the worst thing that had ever happened. I didn’t lay down the law and say leave him alone. I didn’t say next person to do something gets banned. I said this guy is a real human that people were off base and to ignore him and move on. That’s it. That’s all I fucking said and everyone acted like I came in and said maga is great and lhl has god tier opinions and alternative facts. You all literally manufactured the drama and proved to be toxic then doubled down acting like a bunch of mean girls in high school. thats the problem. It’s not funny. It’s not good. It doesn’t add anything. It’s a major detractor for everyone including yourselves. Yet here we are.
  6. Guys fucking stop acting like anything that’s happening in that thread is at all good or healthy. It’s outrage city.
  7. No. You would link to actual quotes or videos or clips that aren’t overlayed by a narrative. Or specific links to legislation on a .gov website. This is closer to reality than it is hyperbole. That’s what some of you are missing. I fucking despise Greg abbot and think that what’s happening at the border is absolutely fucking insane. He didn’t kill 3 migrants though. Is there some level of argument you can make that he’s got some level of attribution to the circumstances that led to their deaths? Sure. Is he a huge piece of shit making the situation worse instead of better (I think so, but some people debate this). But the way that the conversation goes is exactly this. Greg Abbott fucking murdered those mother fuckers. Drowned them by his own (metaphorical) hands, fuck you if you don’t believe me here’s all the proof. <insert links not showing Greg Abbott murdering anyone, but being a shithead> it’s toxic to the definition of the word as it relates to online toxicity. It’s not some fad fucking word of the day it’s unhealthy for everyone all around and it’s not constructive in any way. im not worried about the profitability of the site. The site makes plenty of money. NIL, community events and all the shit that isn’t the actual website are what caused it to show a fiscal loss because we are tied to calendar year and not August to August where we would show a negiligible profit as I usually balance the budget to as close to 0 as possible to avoid paying taxes on profit that I intend to distribute as NIL or reinvestment into the community in the form of activities etc. Im worried that we don’t add any fresh perspectives, our users are legitimately dying off and not being replaced and the parts of the site that used to keep people around that were fresh is now a main contributing factor for them specifically not sticking around for anything but drive by football takes.
  8. Look at the same people commenting in this thread. This is the actual problem. There are thousands of users here not 20. I receive all kinds of DMs and complaints via reported posts about this that you don’t see. Is a problem. I think going no secondary sources would open up the discussion quite a bit we can try that. primary sources only meaning direct quotes from involves parties or official communications from agencies. Actual legislature and proposed legislation links etc.
  9. It’s a very good start. We need to hone it and expand beyond just the front line depth is very important.
  10. I just read through 3 pages of a thread that was going nowhere and it was just turning into ad hominem stupidity. It pisses me off when threads that have such potential just go to dogshit and become unreadable. It’s a super important issue and a really active and ongoing situation with a lot of complexity. I’m frustrated that it’s such a stupid thread not that that a particular poster is being picked on.
  11. I’m done with that thread. You guys can just do whatever the fuck you want in there it’s not even worth reading anymore.
  12. No it’s garbage because I tried to get it back on the rails and it was already so derailed that none of you actually want to discuss anything you just want to be outraged. I didn’t white knight shit or defend any position. I said stop dogpiling and move on it was a dead discussion with longhorn love and it was obvious to anyone with functioning brain cells.
  13. You guys are really going to be obtuse about this? I keep presenting specific language, specific remedy, and pointing out specific behavior that is unhealthy for discussion and people are acting like I’m trying to ruin the fun. There’s nothing fun about what’s going on in that thread to anyone but the like 12 posters posting in it. It’s a garbage thread.
  14. I’m real over this trope of coming in and making statements being portrayed as a meltdown or some type of thin skinned behavior. That thread was a clear example of toxicity and instead of being like yeah maybe we need to step back the posters who are most toxic just started memeing like they are “owning” the moderator or “running me off”. Bitch if I was mad you would be banned, I’d shut the cloak room down and tell you all to get fucked. I’m trying to be a steward for the entire community not just some very small very vocal subsegment that can’t figure out their toxicity is alienating what could probably be a decent discussion on a pretty hot and important topic.
  15. No one ran shit off. I’m busy as fuck. I don’t have time to babysit the cloak room. buncha fucking emotional people who want to throw shit all over the walls and wonder why their house smells like shit.
  16. I still can’t believe what I saw with my own eyes yesterday.
  17. Looks like a single injury/recovery took 3 years to heal/rehab from not multiple injuries in that stretch just a single really bad one.
  18. Correct. Diluted it’s a bit more tolerable and easier to wade through. Some people read this thread to follow the situation not to see someone ripped to shreds and crucified.
  19. I didn’t say anything about the truth I said the board because I specifically and emphatically believe the same thing. I talked about the board and position as a moderator which I am. I’m not moderating truth. I’m moderating the fucking board from being toxic.
  20. It was a 3 page dogpile. It wasn’t a rejection and I didn’t say validate anything. You all need to stop.
  21. You realize how incredibly toxic this reply is? he is not my friend. I know this actual person in real life. That’s it. I explained the mention in another post. This is exactly what I’m talking about on the toxicity. I’m not doing a JAQ bit or a hey leave him alone he’s my friend bullshit move by a mod. I’m telling people to move on instead of dogpile and become toxic.
  22. im pretty sure I always tell people not to fucking do this on every thread on any board. Taking shots isn’t the problem when the whole thread turns into a dogpile for multiple pages (see derka) we always get involved and tell people to use the ignore button and move on. That’s consistent everywhere on the board. I threw in the bit about knowing longhornlove irl so you guys would maybe snap out of it and remember that there’s a real fucking person on the other side of the computer. I’m not defending shit as a position I’m just telling all of you that you aren’t the fucking moderators of truth or the god damned board. I am the moderator of the board and I told you to move on and now you are shitting on me for being inconsistent? That’s actually the definition of toxic behavior. Stop. Being. Toxic.
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