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Everything posted by JustBecause

  1. Yes there are people who support open boarders
  2. Give me a fucking break. Go google AOC and the progressive left. You aren't fooling anyone with the aw-shucks who question.
  3. That's where you are wrong. There are a lot of the Progressive left that believe there should be no borders.
  4. Except with 100% truth from FOIA requests.
  5. In Nashville TN and at that time the dems were still hand wringing that it is just sex and nobody's business. Next!
  6. Sounds exactly like a democrat would talk about your large donors.
  7. Well I'm glad you are such a moralist. Let's see what happens if more information comes out about WJBC and this 26+ trips on the "Lolita Express" shall we.
  8. I am just spouting what the left does on a daily basis with EVERYTHING.
  9. From the same company who released the "Song of the South".
  10. He was in the White House JUST like the current occupant and there wasn't such outrage. So I guess it is BUT BILL.
  11. Oh sorry I thought you were talking about outrage at Bill Clinton and his 26+ trips on the "Lolita Express"? or his diddling Monica Lewinsky.
  12. According to the MSM we were supposed to be damn near a recession about now especially with the GB'MENT shutdown in Jan.
  13. Economy grows 3.2% in first quarter, GDP shows, in report showing strength as well as short-term boosts 3.2%. Not Bad, not bad at all
  14. Fucking Baylor POS basketball court. I remember listening to that game on the radio while at UT. The Missouri football field of basketball courts.
  15. Could be huge especially for the large blue states. Citizenship Question
  16. Any Championship you win on a Thursday night HAS to suck. There is no putting lipstick on this fucking pig. None.
  17. That statement will fly over a lot of people’s heads. I mean Zoom over!
  18. Which means that version will be leaked in its entirety. Don’t even try to tell me it won’t. It’ll be hours not days.
  19. Yup. It’s the United States of America not United State of America.
  20. If you think the current push to eliminate the EC isn’t about getting a D in the White House you are incredibly naive. I dont think you’re naive
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