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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. Matt Gaetz says the under aged girls prefer Venmo with emojis 🍆💦🍑
  2. And I have not verified this but according to this guy Misty Hampton's (Coffee County election supervisor) 15,000 e-mails were finally handed over to the Georgia DA yesterday. 2+2 new evidence led to the new pleas?
  3. lol, time to get 100 dems to add to the pile on against T&T
  4. You think he planned it that way? On one hand not asking for the expedited trial and he's not a felon today. On the other, maybe he thought it would catch the DA off guard but it backfired when his lawyers looked at discovery he knew he was fucked Oh, and Trump's message takes a hit. this is such a witch hunt that the co-defendants are pleading.
  5. We interrupt this programming.... Cheesbro pleads to a Felony in Georgia case. Back to regular programming.
  6. Yeah, they offered themselves as martyrs if Jordan gets the speaker but they know no-one would take it so it was a hollow offer.
  7. Here is what a wife of a Republican Congressman got on her voicemail from one of Gym's supporters. Audio at the link. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/10/19/gop-lawmakers-house-speaker-jim-jordan-patrick-mchenry-zanona-cnc-vpx.cnn
  8. I guess they are serious. Today’s update
  9. My car is finally in the body work phase after they pushed a few smaller jobs ahead of me. I might try to go see it next week if they make good progress.
  10. Well we do have those interstate border patrol checkpoints. Don’t you remember the guy with the modified Eagle Talon on here with all the cameras that would troll the BP by not rolling down his windows?
  11. I’ve mentioned I was a defense contractor for several decades. I was supporting a live fire missile launch at Ft Bliss and we were stationed in Tactical Operations Centers (TOCs) that are big tents with Humvees loaded with equipment backed up to them. I had just finished a training class and I hear a helo coming and said, that’s not one of ours, ran outside and watched a HIND firing 50 cal (?) blanks at the sand dunes around us with the hot brass hitting the ground all around us. I have one of the blanks somewhere.
  12. Thought that one has already been answered by the lower courts that 1) He was an officer but 2) the actions were not part of his duties as an officer. Maybe it was Meadows and Trump dropped his because of the writing on the wall.
  13. Reminiscent of the Cotton Bowl in the early 2000s
  14. Hold any office, civil or military. Don't we call it the "Office of the President" The person how holds the Office of President is an Officer. Good Luck getting congress to remove the disability. Is Trump the perfect loophole because the only office he has ever held is President? If he had been a state representative for NY before that and taken an oath to support the Constitution he would be disqualified? Over to the Jan 6 Insurrectionist angle. Have we made sure none of the people that planned or entered the capitol building are currently hold any position at the state or federal level?
  15. Agree. He would get less shit if he ended those posts with "It's really stupid but this is how it has been twisted". Unless he actually agrees with it. I guess Jefferson Davis should have been eligible to run for office under the 14th Amendment. After all, he was "President"
  16. Plain language... The president, CEO, Chairman of the Board of a corporation are all officers. The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces - An officer Arguing otherwise is looking for a loophole and not in good faith
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