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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by TexasEd

  1. To maximize price and interest... Get the ones running that you can. They will sell for more and quicker in running condition. Don't worry about tires, shocks, as much but having it run and decent brakes are key. Put the seats back in them. Try to have parts on the car instead of in boxes. Boxes of parts with an incomplete car are a red flag.
  2. Between the Israel fuckups by DJT and this does it create an opening? I wish more states were doing the 14th on DJT Donnie loses first legal battle to keep him off the Colorado primary ballot https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/politics/colorado-trump-14th-amendment/index.html
  3. Watched that yesterday. I think a big part of this is the Homeschool lobby wants the money to flow into their for profit curriculum by getting homeschool parents to request the vouchers to pay for online classes. Same shit Rick Perry was doing with A&M 10+ years ago.
  4. Loses first legal battle to keep him off the Colorado primary ballot https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/13/politics/colorado-trump-14th-amendment/index.html
  5. Could it match the guy that drove a car through a parade and tried the sovereign citizen and name change mind trick on the judge?
  6. That's like saying "States' Rights" instead of Pro-slavery or Family values instead of "anti-LGTBQ" or Pro gun instead of anti-school safety No compromise instead of Fascist Anti-woke instead of Racist All the other side of the same coin.
  7. Tell him the AI he is using to write the book is an Alien mind control technology.
  8. The longer this goes on the closer we get to a three party system. We are probably already there except for the formalities. The GQP is a coalition government
  9. On Shaggy we thought it was Hodor
  10. Trying a Threads embed https://www.threads.net/@cspan/post/CyRV2jQxOFS Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: "Make no mistake, the United States will remain able to project power and to direct resources to tackle crises in multiple theaters, so we will stand firmly with Israel as we continue to support Ukraine." bit.ly/46FIU…
  11. Exactly, It needs to be switched to a verified passport model instead of an exception model.
  12. I think this is a larger movement led by Russian-Iranian alliance to distract and destabilize, create chaos that rogue states can take advantage of. I think it serves Russian interests and that it could expand wider I would watch for other shoes to fall including possibly: Iran exerting more influence in Iraq and Syria Yemen and Saudi Arabia intensifying North Korea doing missile tests near Japan China demanding more control over the South China Sea
  13. They should have been informed before they took him on as a client. It’s like all the bones around the entrance to the cave should be a warning that’s no ordinary rabbit! It’s the most foul, cruel and bad tempered rodent you ever set your eyes on.
  14. Exactly. Did Bernie Madoff create any damages before his pyramid collapsed? Yes, they just had not been realized yet. Same here, Trump created a house of cards and the fact that he got it mostly back down before it collapsed is irrelevant.
  15. The risk of default of several billions in loans to the point that a bank fails and has to be propped up by the FDIC and potential contagion that takes down other banks and impacts the people who were not committing fraud is the damage. Those banks reported collateral on their balance sheets that was wrong to the point where they were likely in violation of federal law.
  16. I thought that was longhorngirlie Hakeem Jeffries was on every ballot back in January and had the most votes in the first 11 ballots or so. It take 50%+1 to win though
  17. Donald wanted to use it at his campaign rallies and got shut down so Lara records a cover and then Trump can convert campaign donations to royalty payments to his daughter. Trumps don't pay their bills unless its converting Charity golf money to club revenue at inflated prices.
  18. The primaries determine the candidates for the general. The primaries are mainly voted on by the extremes.
  19. Hell the Dems should get a few Rs in Biden won districts to switch parties.
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