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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Mik and Edu…. Now’s the time to hit up Kroenke for the extra transfer funds. Or maybe in a few hours when he’s hungover. But definitely tonight.
  2. Those of us hoping Pep would leave on the high of winning a Treble will have to wait another two years. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/jun/12/pep-guardiola-plans-leave-manchester-city-two-years-end-of-contract
  3. The King and The Starboy. You love to see it, but more than that, you fucking love to see it.
  4. What a joke. I mean, given that City have gotten and are getting away with it, why would the Saudi's not use the same model?
  5. Trent used to be a colossal fucking prick, but he's not anymore. You lot may read this book. -Roy Kent.
  6. Is it June 16 yet?
  7. Yup; there's no one out there with his skillset that we wouldn't have to drastically overpay for (<£100m) and then put that player on top tier wages. Our collapse and goals-against after he went out give him and his agents a very compelling case in any negotiation with the club. It will cost us much less in the long run to just "pay him, pay that man his money." Saliba is from a suburb of Paris and his youth coach was Mbappe's father. PSG's interest him, and vice versa, makes sense. If the season starts and he's still unsigned or unwilling to sign, then we have a real problem: risk him leaving on a free, or selling one of our two most vital players.
  8. I was rooting for a meteor.
  9. Btw…. Awesome thread title, @shadow_operative
  10. Such a different vibe around the club than a decade ago, when everyone picked off our young talent.
  11. Details on the track changes:
  12. Yup. “Father and Son” flared my allergies when Gunn placed it at the end of Guardians Vol. 2, and and damn did it get me again here. Such a great song, and it hits me more as my kid ages. Yup, but Mike Dean and VAR not fucking things up? That’s how we know it’s fiction. All in all… a damn fine ending to a damn fine series.
  13. For those along the Surly 1% with some extra cash lying around…
  14. Really, really happy for Xhaka. His arc could only have been better had he lifted the PL trophy today. Glad we ended the season with good vibes. Now, sign 3-4 players, get Saliba inked, and go win the motherfucker next year.
  15. Zhou sets the fastest lap in Q1; he’s out ten minutes later. Max is down to Fernando 0.2s, then pulls 0.3s in the final sector. Amazing, amazing stuff. Yes, General, I was entertained.
  16. Dortmund…. Yikes. Yeah that would have been worse.
  17. Take lots of pictures and report back.
  18. 100%. Not as sweet as the 2021 but way better than their usual.
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