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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Who wore it better? Less ads on the Williams makes for a cleaner look and the, but the blue on the Mc35 looked damn good in the Monaco sun. I dunno... IMHO six of one half dozen of the other. They're both gorgeous liveries but slight edge to Williams for less ad clutter. Williams supposedly will run their Silverstone livery at Hungary, and the Gulf at Singapore, Suzuka, and Qatar. No complaints here.
  2. Imagine if we can get Lavia in addition to Rice...
  3. Gotta do mobile order through the app; it GREATLY reduces the likelihood of a screwup and cuts the wait immensely.
  4. Had one today, and it slammed with extreme prejudice just like always. It needs to return to its rightful place on the permanent menu.
  5. You just got lesson number 1: don't think; it can only hurt the ballclub.
  6. Born in Manchester and apparently was moving to Liverpool in 2020 before Mik convinced him to stay, so he's clearly been wanting to move closer to home for a while now. Seems like a loss, though.
  7. The relationship got a bit rocky at times but finished with a nice redemption arc. Also, he loved scoring goals vs Utd and kicking the shit out of sh*t. One of Us. Xhaka's farewell post on insta: "some journey - and all that's left is for me to say thank you. I've spent seven years at Arsenal. The club has become such an important part of my life - and it's not easy to leave. But now is the right time for a new adventure. There are so many people I need to thank - the managers I played for, all my team-mates and the staff behind the scenes. And I especially want to thank all of you. Everyone knows we've been through some tough times. But we came through them together - and I'll never ever forget the feeling I had each time we won the FA Cup or whenever I heard you singing my name. Pure goosebumps! I will always carry Arsenal in my heart. Once a Gunner, always a Gunner. Thank you ❤️" https://www.instagram.com/p/CuXRYhFKvvc/?igshid=NjIwNzIyMDk2Mg%3D%3D
  8. Apparently, Reiss’ contract expired @ midnight on the 1st, and he could have left on a free because the new deal wasn’t signed. But he didn’t. Another Hale End lad staying home.
  9. Damn entertaining race that one, plenty of good battles. I”m more down with Sprint weekends after this one. Oh, and Crofty’s Top Gear “our tame racing driver” reference was awesome.
  10. Super. Mik. Arteta. Edu deserves credit, too, as does Josh Kroenke
  11. Compared to 2020-21, we’ve added so much quality in addition to Gabi & StatBoy coming into their world class potential. Lets Go. Lets. Fucking. Go.
  12. Any more then 105m and we should have dropped out. Payment schedule should be on our terms now, too.
  13. 100%. If they accept City’s next offer, I would also love to see us hijack every one of their replacement targets.
  14. The “We’re Leaving For Vacation Tomorrow” fridge clean out lunch: The last Opa’s jap & chee, the last bit of an onion and jap, on the last hot dog bun, with the last cheese slice deployed as a hinge. Not pictured: an ice cold Modelo.
  15. We fucked around with the Rice deal. Now comes the finding out. Fucking hell. Of course he's open to joining the club that just won the Treble. Price of the brick just probably went to the £110-120m range, and personal terms (if they were agreed) went up too. I'd be surprised if we pay that.
  16. £65m, when Chelsea have to sell by the end of the month and the player said Arsenal or no one, seems high, but Arteta supposedly really wanted him. In Arteta We Trust.
  17. And an unlimited transfer budget. The longer we go without a Romano "Rice to Arsenal AND HERE WE GO" tweet, the more worried I get City will swoop in and make us "find out." Supposedly West Ham are facing some FFP issues and want the cash upfront; we offered installments over 6yrs, whereas a certain club bankrolled by a petrostate probably have told West Ham they'd have no issues cutting a 100m+ check. Motherfuckers. If we've really built our entire transfer window around Rice, then fucking pay the price. Grealish went for £100m two years ago when he was age 25, club captain who performed at a high level in the PL, and was established in the England side. Rice is all of those and a year younger at 24. The price of the brick is the price of the brick. We need to get this done.
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