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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Competition and depth at all positions is a good thing.
  2. "Who hit me? Was it Carlos?" "We are checking..."
  3. No, Bally's isn't an "add-on" for YTTV. Your only options for Bally's are $20/mo for their dogshit app, or IIRC service through DirecTV, uVerse, Fubu, Grande, or Spectrum.
  4. Good piece on how Rice fits in and improves our system.
  5. What CTJ said. We went the last week of June (when the heat index in DFW was 112+ every day while the Bay Area was a balmy 65) and had no issues getting in or out of Muir Woods. People-wise, it was a bit crowded at the entrance and for the first bit of the Forest, but it thinned out nicely once we got on the trails. Peace, quiet, clean air, crisp breeze, natural beauty. Perfection. You just need to make a reservation time for entrance.
  6. Me waiting for a Rawe Ceek...
  7. Another recommendation for YouTubeTV. It has just about every channel I, the wife, or my daughter watch or need to watch for sports, and the apps for mobile and tablet works flawlessly. I mean FLAWLESSLY. The DVR is unlimited space, and it works very well. Example: you can set it to record a series, and it puts the shows in season and episode order as they record, and it’ll do specific teams (Texas football, basketball, Cowboys, etc), specific leagues, etc. Wanna record every CFB game? Ok. Only downside is recorded items expire after 9 mo. It’s not an issue with shows in syndication (Office, Friends, etc) that are on all the time, but it is an issue for sporting events. No per box fee, no HD fee, or any of that other cable/sat bullshit. As others have mentioned no Ballys (fuck Sinclair). Yes, the price has gone up, but it’s still 1/2 of my final uVerse bill. But the best feature of all is never EVER having to deal wit the 9th circle of hell that is AT&T/DTV customer services again. That alone makes it well worth it.
  8. Yup. I have no doubt Arteta will get the best out of Havertz, and he’ll be an important player this year. His height allows something we don’t have. But on form the side works so damn well with Trossard in the false 9, dare I say it better than when Jesus is upfront. Agree on Partey; he and Rice are going to be a damn good pairing in MF.
  9. Trossard is such a baller; what an acquisition. It’s technically an own goal, but he made it happen. Yes, it’s a glorified friendly (one with a piece if silverware, though). No, we don’t start the season on 3 points. But this is our first win over City in a LONG time. We’ll see in the PL fixtures, but hopefully this puts a crack in the aura of invincibility they’ve had over us. As @The Maestro noted, good for Vieira. We’ll definitely need him. And good on Ramsdale saving a penalty. LFG, boys. Lets. Fucking. Go.
  10. It’s there. Not to your levels, but it’s there.
  11. BLAT. Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado, and Tomato on toasted sourdough.
  12. Will Arizona State find out after all that fucking around? Otherwise... Anyone got a welfare check on Canzano?
  13. delete post, ban user. Gatormarc already posted it.
  14. Maybe I'm being Warden Norton-level obtuse here, but why would The Mouse, which is in the middle of slashing ESPN's costs, agree to pay ACC schools triple what they are already paying them to move over to the secsecsec? If losing a few specific schools (Free Shoes, Clemson, UNC, etc) voids the ACC's media deal, I could see it (pay the few that go SEC what they'd save on the full ACC deal). Other than that.... why pay FSU or Clemson or any ACC school $100m when you've got them locked in at $31m until 2036.
  15. If the deal is anything like MLS, the PAC package would be an additional fee on top of the $7/mo Apple TV+ costs.
  16. Didn’t see us in for a GK this summer. Maybe trying to light a fire under Ramsdale? An upgrade on Turner? Would be a positive from an MNT perspective, as Turner needs playing time and would be the No 1 at Forest.
  17. Wenger's statue outside the Emirates. The trophy should have been golden, but other than that... no complaints. Classy and very well done on the part of the club. Yes, he stayed too long, and yes he probably should have left on a high note after lifting the FA Cup for a record seventh time, but Wenger's influence on the club is immense. After all... the Emirates literally is The House Arsène Built.
  18. Same with Baku; I seem to recall folks hanging out on the highrise balconies, watching the race. F1 needs to chill TF out; you're racing in a city, one dominated by highrise hotels and pedestrian traffic.
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