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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. Damnit, Average <> Median. I would still assume that majority of players would not experience 70% rate, especially as league gets younger and uses more rookie contracts, but average salary is not appropriate metric to use.
  2. No, it would be California Aggy if UCLA didn't play USC. I am always happy if a good OU player doesn't commit to OU / transfers out, even if they don't commit to the good guys.
  3. You realize, of course, that there is a difference between FBI shutting down / reducing resources into investigation of threats vs a wall which would do nothing to prevent non-existent terrorists from entering the southern border?
  4. What is the source of this? Is this based on similar assumptions you have made, including all illegal immigrants make $100,000 per year while paying $0.16 in sales tax?
  5. How can you forget the awesome Jake the Snake days? They even made the playoffs in 1998, upsetting the Cowboys. Boy, if that isn't a winning tradition, I don't know what to tell you.
  6. Holy shit what a monumental pussy you are. When you posted it was a 2 score game with 4 min left. Score stop score. When has that ever happened before? 2005. Frome is pretty fucking far from VY but have some self respect and wait till after game.
  7. 100% agreed with your reaction in general. Would not remark on this except when posters remark on intellectual honesty of others.
  8. You have complained at various times about intellectual honesty from several posters. Question for you: do you honestly think that David Dennison thinks there were / are no problems with the VA? Are you intentionally distorting his position in order to attack said position?
  9. We took our boys (8 years and 5.75 years) and it was fine. There are some kind of jarring scenes with graphical glitches, weird noises, I think our boys had no idea what to make of that, but nothing bad in terms of violence, language, etc. I may have heard one "hell" but even then I wasn't sure.Our family all thought it was awesome. I stay away from reviews in general because I tend to fall into trap of having too-high expectations if reviews are good, but don't think that would have been a problem in this case. Super fun movie.
  10. That letter (and of accompanying football) are definitely cool as shit. But really Brees, are you going with the royal "we" in the first sentence? Mike is not in that record book, just you. It's ok to acknowledge that you are the all-time leader while also recognizing others' contributions.
  11. Jesus you are a thin skinned little bitch. My post count is irrelevant. Even if you do think it's important, that just proves that you don't need to care. First sending me PM, then quoting from several pages back. Enjoy retirement on the 50 likes.
  12. This shirt is fucking horrible. It looks like it's an actual OU shirt with those colors, telling other teams to TTLP. If you are going to have OU logo on it at least make the shirt orange.
  13. For someone who argues about language and logic so much, you are displaying very little of it here. How certain are you? 90% 95% 99%? How certain do you think Hugo should be to take the bet? What is his expected utility of you not posting here anymore? (Hint: it's probably pretty low given your low frequency of posting)/ What is his expected utility of him continuing to post? Would you accept the same bet from me? If so I will offer that. Permaban for you if he doesn't testify (and in this case, I would hope you agree that if he withdraws, that is the same as refusing to testify), permaban for me if he does. Are you confident?
  14. Exactly. I'm not sure if he really needed to add that clarification.
  15. How about not posting in a thread about betting you fucking welcher. Good on Tailleur17 for taking care of business, and props to RadiologyHorn for confidence!
  16. I guess I can appreciate looking for a mental edge as much as anyone else, but how does the Golden State game plan change if CP3 can't play? I'm pretty fucking sure they'll plan on him playing, and if he can't then they'll just enjoy the edge that they get. I just want Dantoni to be super conservative in terms of resting for game 7, if this is an issue that would get exacerbated by playing in a couple of days.
  17. This is a stupid bullshit argument. Yes, they might lose games 6 and 7, and lack of rest may be an issue. But what is the alternative? Without the short bench do they win either of the last two games? Who are you saying Dantoni should have put in? Luc has a fucked up shoulder and can't dunk or hit layups. Anderson may be injured or just can't defend. Nene would be a disaster in this series. You have to use the options available, and using an extended bench is the worse of the two options available to Dantoni.
  18. Man it'd be fun to see Paul hit 40 in this game.
  19. Umm, Bolverk, you do realize that the nerd on right raped girl on right, yes? Based on posting history, I am assuming you forgot that fact before (even jokingly) holding this up as a way to get women.
  20. Agreed, that's pretty incredible to wait 50 years, seeing all of the great Astros, and finally get that ring.
  21. How the fuck do you draw that conclusion from "16-18: 4 year age gap"? Granted BT didn't give his rules for 0-15, so you could at least create a plausible straw-man argument that a 15 year old could fuck a toddler, but at least create a straw man from within the rules!
  22. What does it tell? This has clearly been an event that was influential in politics. How many influential events have had a movie, movie of the week, or mini series made about them? How many have not? What is your conclusion?
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