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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. I am going to call BS on that, at least on a general rule. There are not enough resources paid to mine removal and it causes loss of use of land, loss of life and limb, and long-term environmental effects. They are expensive and dangerous to remove, so it is not usually done, but status quo is also not great. And maybe I'm wrong - maybe existing mines really are a deterrent from an invasion. How many lives were lost due to malnutrition, lack of money for school so having to work in dangerous conditions, etc. Again, not trying to force a policy anywhere but an attempt to be made to look at full picture. Going back to the DDT example, if a village does not want land mines removed, take that into account. Skip to the next village. For DDT - inform locals, make attempt to shield them / their food supply from effects, and I (and Carson) doesn't have objection.
  2. Do you have any evidence of this? I have never heard of any village / area opting to keep land mines, and didn't see anything searching on a few different engines. I am certainly not a mine expert (cue pawn shop meme) but this seems like an odd way to say "hey, mines are sometimes ok". Blaming this on "white women in America" likewise seems pretty misplaced. Even regarding DDT, Carson / Silent Spring did not call for banning of DDT, and she is not to blame for malaria. She advocated the use of pesticide where the people affected were informed / gave consent and impact to environment was considered.I get your political leanings and how that may lead to disdain for emotion over facts but that doesn't mean you need to have your facts correct.
  3. I thought you just meant "take a leak prosperity". Would fit Trump's ... interests.
  4. That's a cool data set, impressed they release that. You can definitely see which states are opening up. It's also cool how well that correlates to capacity. I think Texas limits to 25%, right? So it makes sense that Texas would be at 75% YoY, but also means that people aren't necessarily hesitant to go to restaurants - at this point limited by law, not by social behavior.
  5. Am I crazy or was @RomaVicta's name also Todd in those emails he was receiving?
  6. This was the post that I referenced: "I wish LeBron would stfu about education. Dude, like the graduates we were celebrating last night, you have a high school diploma. As a freak athletic star, how hard did you have to work to earn it? You're not dumb, but you're also not educated." This says that LeBron is not educated because he only has a high school diploma. I referenced other people who also don't have diplomas (or at least didn't when they became successful). You jumped in saying I was comparing accomplishments. I was not. If you follow the chain you would understand this. I understand Dell's accomplishments, same as the other tech leaders. The point is that education <> college degree. They are frequently linked but not equal.
  7. I am not comparing Dell, etc., to LeBron. However, explain how Dell is "educated" and LeBron isn't.
  8. I didn't neg but you are right and that was a stupid fucking take. On top of that, @WhatTheBuck implies that college is the only way to educate, which is also fucking stupid. I wonder if he considers Bill Gates or Steve Jobs uneducated. Zuckerberg or Dell, would they be unwelcome talking about education? LeBron has made a couple of dumb statements in life (e.g. The Decision, his China-Taiwan bullshit) but I don't know of any basis to call him uneducated.
  9. What economic data are talking about? Is there anything published at state or city level that includes revenue by industry in last couple of weeks? I agree with you that we should use data when we have it but also shouldn't make up data.
  10. Appreciate it. Pos rep, not many people admit errors / old info. This includes myself all too often.
  11. 8 minority head coaches seems high to me, and a (very) cursory search didn't indicate to me who you are talking about. I could certainly be missing someone obvious, but I know of 3 black head coaches (Judge, Tomlin, and Lynn). I imagine you are including Ron Rivera, who is of Puerto Rican / Mexican descent? Who are the others?
  12. Ok, we can disagree on that. Any thought on my understanding of your first statement?
  13. I'm not sure what the first sentence means. I think you are claiming that black players either weren't good enough to be quarterback or just didn't want to play quarterback in the 60's - 90's (with very small number of exceptions). The adoption of black quarterbacks was simply blacks being good enough to play. Is this correct? I honestly am not trying to put words in your mouth, so please let me know if this is incorrect. As for your other sentence, it is simply unfathomable to be that you can truly believe that race doesn't matter. It is the single most defining trait in the United States. It certainly does not mean that all white people are powerful, all black people are disadvantaged, etc., but there is not a facet of our society in which race does not matter. Drop one person of any race into any group of a different race and the situation changes.
  14. Agreed. Black coaches should just patiently wait for the league to catch up. Would hate for them to accidentally rustle some jimmies!
  15. I thought it was common knowledge that he posts as @closetojumping.
  16. Agreed. Discussion and denigration of liberal housing and economic policies in Seattle is totally good, but suggesting that shooting brown people is bad is CR.
  17. But that's impossible. The WI GOP asked them to pretty please leave the robes and guns at home!
  18. May be sincere, but am I the only one who was wondering why she talking about cod so much? Pick a different font or take off the caps-lock kid.
  19. Sorry to quote you twice, hit post on auto-pilot, but 100% agree that you that we (as society) should discuss rehabilitation. I am sure that @TwiceHorn would agree given other posts he has made, that we as a sociry view punishment as be-all and end-all of justice. That being said, I do find it noticeable that conversation on rehabilitation seems to arise more regarding white youth than non-white youth. Maybe it's just my perception, I don't have any data on that.
  20. Hmm, maybe I have a poorer view of Lobo's power than he does (or than you do), but I read that as saying any school in Texas will look these people up (by themselves) and deny admission, not that Lobo has power over all of Texas education system.
  21. Ah, I will say I missed Lobo's response of "They fucked up and now it's time to pay. And pay dearly. For decades." when I posted previous reply. Still not sure I would call this his life's mission, but less of an exaggeration that I initially thought.
  22. First, Lobo (crazy as he is, and bless him for it, for it makes Surly more interesting) certainly never said he was making it his life's mission to make sure these people never got into college in state of TX. Not sure why you like to attribute extreme statements to people.I guess it makes it easier to respond to but it doesn't make it true or accurate. Second, agree that it is possible to grow / mature. That being said, people suffer consequences all the time for decisions made when they were young. Should someone in jail for theft / selling drugs / even aggravated assault have the scarlet letter of jail follow around them for the rest of their lives? This isn't a case of a minor boo-boo, and I suspect that there is a higher likelihood of a random 19-year old in jail making a better place in the world than either of these buffoons. The bad news is the online is forever, but the good news (I guess) is that this misbehavior will be forgotten quickly in terms of coverage. They will likely change their names and probably achieve the same outcome in life as if they had not made the video. And if this does cost one of them Senior Partner at Bain or major law firm, oh well, not going to shed much of a tear.
  23. Eh, rep is serious business and all, but if someone posts an accusation that a poster likes to diddle kids, and then adds "man it's a great day outside", I'm probably going to look askance at any poster who pos reps because they like great days.
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