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Serak The Preparer

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Everything posted by Serak The Preparer

  1. Come on man, don't be CTJ/Slorch. There is a middle ground. Life is not either business as usual or "life would stop". People don't either think AMERICA NUMBER 1 FUCK YEAH or OMG FUCK AMERICA WE SUCK. Life can be impacted, people not respond as usual. Nobody is saying we won't survive. But if there are 250k deaths (and I have not thought a lot about this number. Maybe it's lower, maybe it's higher, so please don't get hung up on that, it's just the number that I think was referenced). The point of that tweet was that people aren't going to respond with business as usual, and I think it's correct. We can discuss magnitude of effect, but you dismissing based on equivalent number of deaths from other causes shows lack of critical thinking. How deaths occur matters.
  2. You've spent a lot of time talk about the number of deaths, and the significance of this number. Let's say tomorrow that 250k die in a bombing somewhere. Or even smaller scale, a series of mass shootings. Something potentially repeatable and difficult to stop. Do you really think that Americans would gloss over this and respond with business as usual? This is fundamentally different that car accidents or other stupid fucking analogies; it's not just the number, it's the idea of repeatable, out-of-control incidents that are not already embedded in daily living.
  3. Trump is fucking moron but these reporters are even bigger morons. Stop trying to ask a series of questions, leading with a stupid one. Trunp will seize on this. We see this time and time again. Christ, learn from the last three years!
  4. You are vastly overstating impact of sports, which isn't surprising given the nature of this site (not meant as a dig at you, more that sports is what drew most of us here). Yes, sports is in the shitter, but you can get data directly from the Bureau of Economic Activity at Dept of Commerce that includes things like economic output by industry. The category of "Performing arts, spectator sports, museums, and related activities, which is ~$210B in output, accounts for less than 1% of private industry, let along if you include Govt. Banking, Insurance, Real Estate, Manufacturing, Professional Services, Retail, Wholesale, Information, and Healthcare are what move the needle, and all of those have numerous subcomponents that outweigh sports. There are still some big losers in there to be sure, but grocery is doing ok. Most professional services are still doing ok. If you bring public sector back in, that is increasing spending. When you take full view, a 40% decrease Q/Q is still really bad, but it's not like all economic activity is completely stopping.
  5. You have some non-orthodox opinions. When mentioning IaaS, it is ok to to only talk about Azure and AWS. Yes GCP exists but it is a distant 3rd. There are use cases where GCP is superior but there is a reason why they are pushing containers and talk about enabling multicloud where AWS and Azure don't. When talking about SNOW, I think you are talking about Snowflake? If so, totally agree that they are a company to watch and enable a lot of backend services through data warehousing, but would not call them a service platform. Saying Splunk is big data and not DevOps is a weird statement. It's not either/or. Splunk has security in it's DNA but is a major player in AIOps, with goal of zero-touch IT Management. And finally, dissing the author for calling Workday, Adobe, and SFDC for calling them application vendors just seems, well, odd. That is that they are. They sell applications. Every research house on the planet will call them application vendors. I am not saying you are wrong on any of these things as terms certainly get stretched by vendors, users, and research firms, but you are the one on edge of industry thinking in this case.
  6. Jesus, that must be some high quality audio, 40x the size of the HD video!
  7. Fuck man, you can't post that in here. I'd be fucking fired if a coworker walked by and ... wait. Carry on.
  8. Ray, you forgot "paying girlfriends hookers to have sex with 5 or 6 different women a week". I have nothing against your lifestyle, but it does make me laugh when you talk about your girlfriends. Anyone on this thread could do the exact same thing, especially if they left family / friends to move to another country solely to exploit currency exchange. Vic is more of a hero, at least he earns it by paying attention to those who are "glandularly challenged".
  9. Do you pronounce Scuba with the soft U of "Underwater?? What about NASA? Do you say "A" as in "Aeronautics?
  10. It's almost as if our economic system incentivizes privatizing profit while socializing risk. What wizard could have foreseen these consequences?
  11. It's not the scientists who are writing the stories. Good scientific writers are wonderful but rare.
  12. First, as @Viper states, these are allegations, not proof. But the allegation is that the ads were not on the tv channel Cartoon Network, but on the website. There may be more "adult" sections on that site, I haven't spent any time there, but I imagine the website attracts a younger audience (for streaming shows, playing games, etc.).
  13. Not epidemic related, but given that general vaping discussion was occurring in this thread, Juul may be properly fucked. From Ars Technica: "Juul bought ads on CartoonNetwork.com, NickJr.com, other kid sites, suit says". Specifically, the Massachusetts Attorney General alleges that Juul rejected advertising agency suggestions to focus on older models in favor of cool, young models. Even more damning are allegations that Juul bought adds on sites like Cartoon Network, Nick Jr., etc.
  14. How do you define Bernie Bro? Is that all Bernie supporters? Either way, how the hell do you figure that "most won't vote for a Democrat"? I would imagine certainly there are some who wouldn't, just as I imagine there are supporters of other candidates who also wouldn't vote for a Democrat, but I keep reading this without understanding the basis for the specific claim about Bernie supporters. Disclaimer: While Bernie is not my first choice candidate, he is my second. My first is Warren, but either way I'm going to vote for the Dem candidate.
  15. Where the hell did that come from? I have never heard that (in place of Katy bar the door) before, and only Google hit I find is from Michigan law blog. Is this some weird regional colloquialism?
  16. You may not make assumptions and criticize individual posters but you sure as hell do these things to broad groups of people. For example, what is the "much higher rate of criminal activity"? Higher than what? What is the socioeconomic status of this community? What is the degree of assimilation? How does this compare to immigrants from Vietnam, Guatemala, etc? What is the "percentage of radical Muslims that joined ISIS"? I am aware of the doctor that was practicing or abetting FGM, which is absolutely reprehensible, but I am not aware that "they" practice it. What does this mean, how common is it? So much of what you say is in such broad and negative generalities that it makes it even more difficult to take you seriously than when you talk about shooting immigrants.
  17. Nah, not TDS. Lobo has been Lobo much longer than Trump has been in office. He is closer to Randolph or Phlegm levels of "personality".
  18. Thread title is a little nondescript. Maybe "WTF is going on with Bernie Madoff" would help people understand if they should click or not.
  19. Wait. Are you saying it is surprising that someone would know you are a sooner fan? And that perhaps Oklahoma (as an educational institution and a state) appears to give not much of a shit about violence towards women? Shit, I hope nobody on here suspects you are well off!
  20. [Sooner Fan]Guys, can we just get over the rape already? Christ, it was just a woman.[/Sooner Fan]
  21. Also a lot of parents who can't take time off work to deal with sick child. Doesn't make it right, still a shitty situation.
  22. 100% agree that Prop 65 is dumb. By treating things as binary in terms of risk, it leads to silly things like labeling of coffee shops as hot-spots of carcinogens. The scare mongering of "CA strongly considering declaring XXX a carcinogen" is almost (but not quite) as dumb. Much dumber was the implication that labeling the glyosophates within Roundup as carcinogen resulted in the lawsuits awarded.
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