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Everything posted by Catdaddyhorn

  1. We went to Manhattan and took that shit like a middle school bully taking lunch money.
  2. Bishop and Allen have been cooking all game and now in our moment of need Carr's cold ass decides he needs to take over.
  3. Smart of Terry to call for full court pressure there knowing a few seconds ticked off during the initial tipped ball out of bounds.
  4. Bishop and Allen's energy this half has set the tone. This is the sort of competiveness we need to carry on throughout the rest of the season.
  5. Regardless of what happens we are competing today.
  6. We are D'ing the fuck up. Fuck what they say Rice was in defensive position.
  7. We are D'ing the fuck up. Fuck what they say Rice was in defensive position.
  8. Carr needed to get Bishop the fucking ball the last time down the court. Bishop had been cooking and had a midget on him. Instead he launched a no pass 3.
  9. Donewald has experience overseas which is what I remember Gerry specifically highlighting about him in terms of recruiting efforts. I'm not sure that he had more portal responsibility over any other assistant, but I could be wrong. Beard himself was the expert in that area from my reading of things.
  10. Yeah that's why I was confused. I remember him mentioning that one of his kids were switching from private to public. I guess I assumed it was the older kid.
  11. I thought Corby's kid went to Lake Highlands. But after his story about his kid's team getting their ass whipped by 50 points it's clear he doesn't go there.
  12. Yeah they're much more open with sex and typically much more restrictive when depicting violence. We could learn a lot from them.
  13. Pretty good news for TCU. Mike Miles' injury isn't season ending so I'm guessing there aren't any structural issues with his knee.
  14. This move will also help Kellen Moore. He needs some exposure to more than just the Garrett/Linehan offense that he's been shackled with over the past decade plus.
  15. I hope they pick up an offensive mind from the Chiefs, 49ers, or Rams staffs. Shit I'd settle for the Bengals or Dolphins staff as well. Someone who knows how to incorporate rub routes and knows how to scheme WRs open.
  16. He had an absolutely outstanding EYBL season last spring that really legitimized his rankings and that's the consensus opinion among all ratings agencies.
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